This is a sample ASP.NET application that demonstrates Always Encrypted features based on the Visual Studio 2013 Default ASP.NET MVC project. It is ONLY meant to demonstrate Always Encrypted. It is NOT meant to be a general purposes best practice web application.
This application should compile in Visual Studio 2015+ out of the box. To compile it with Visual Studio 2013. the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6 Targeting Pack is required. ADO.NET support for Always Encrypted is only present in .NET 4.6
If you edit the one connection string in the web.config to point to a SQL Server 2016+ instance that your windows user has sa access to, and press F5 to run the project it will create the database with three schemas and several tables. Once the database is created then you should be able to run the app as a user with db_datareader and db_datawriter permissions. However, this is a sample app not intended for production usage.
ALternatively, if you run the following T-SQL as SA to create the empty database, login, and user, The app will work out of the box.
CREATE DATABASE AlwaysEncryptedSample;
CREATE LOGIN AlwaysEncryptedOwner WITH PASSWORD = '7aO!z@xUu!4r6EvD#D&l$sz6&h^rhxL6fzAHMpnOga@LO*WdsEdpfh4^Egtl';
USE AlwaysEncryptedSample;
CREATE USER AlwaysEncryptedOwner;
ALTER ROLE db_owner
ADD MEMBER AlwaysEncryptedOwner;
Initially the columns are not encrypted. To encrypt them run the included powershell scripts.
These script supports the -Debug
and -Verbose
This will create a self signed certificate in your user script repository and encrypt all the appropriate columns.
$ConnectionString = 'Data Source=localhost,1433;Initial Catalog=AlwaysEncryptedSample;UID=AlwaysEncryptedOwner;PWD=7aO!z@xUu!4r6EvD#D&l$sz6&h^rhxL6fzAHMpnOga@LO*WdsEdpfh4^Egtl;Application Name=AppVeyor CI Process;Column Encryption Setting=Enabled'
.\New-EncryptionKeys.ps1 $ConnectionString -ExportCertificate
.\Invoke-EncryptColumns.ps1 -ConnectionString $ConnectionString
There are three schemas in the sample database.
This contains one table called log written to by
log4net using the AdoNetAppender
. The
user name and client ip columns are encrypted using deterministic encryption.
Note that this hurts performance a lot The point of including this is to show
that as long as you are using parameterized queries, Always Encrypted can be
added without code changes.
This contains an implementation of the EF Code first IdentityContext. This is the current recommended authentication framework for web apps for ASP.NET applications. Since this already stores and transmits passwords in an encrypted fashion, the PasswordHash is not encrypted via Always Encrypted. However, a SSN (Social Security Number) field has been added to the User table which is encrypted.
This contains two tables for storing Credit Card information. The credit card number is stored using random encryption and CCV code is stored using deterministic encryption.
The app has two users Administrator
with the password of Alm0nds!
and CCAdmin
with the password of Appl3s
. The user administrator has access to an
"Internals" page that lists the columns in the database, as well as the
encryption information for them. The CCadmin user has a page that will let
them import 1000 randomly generated fake credit cards, and then display them
in a table. The app also suppors self registration.