A simple controller that configures Istio Proxy for matching payloads to delay the application start until the Proxy is ready and ensures the completion of Job-like resources by shutting down the Proxy upon the main container exit.
Check out this blog post to learn more about the history of the problem, prior art of solving it, and the motivation for the Istio Aux Controller: Kubeflow Training Operators and Istio: solving the proxy sidecar lifecycle problem for AI/ML workloads
You should have a Kubernetes cluster available, kind will suffice but ensure the Docker daemon has sufficient resources to accommodate for cert-manager, Istio, Kubeflow training operator, and run a two-pod TFJob (8CPU, 8GB RAM should be sufficient). The following software is required:
The cluster setup is pretty straightforward and includes installation of all the required dependencies. Will use the Composite Operator that supports all types of training jobs (former TensorFlow Operator) and this step is not required if you plan to use vanilla Kubernetes Jobs
kind create cluster
# wait for node(s) to become ready
kubectl wait --for condition=Ready node --all
# install cert-manager
kubectl create -f https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.5.3/cert-manager.yaml
# wait for pods to become ready
kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready pods --all --namespace cert-manager
# install istio
istioctl install --set profile=demo -y
# install the training operator
kubectl apply -k "github.com/kubeflow/tf-operator.git/manifests/overlays/standalone?ref=master"
# wait for pods to become ready
kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready pods --all --namespace kubeflow
# install the Istio AUX controller
kubectl apply -k "github.com/datastrophic/istio-aux.git/config/default?ref=master"
First, let's create a TFJob that will be used for testing, enable Istio injection for the default namespace, and submit the job:
kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled
cat <<EOF >./tfjob.yaml
apiVersion: kubeflow.org/v1
kind: TFJob
name: mnist
replicas: 2
restartPolicy: OnFailure
- name: tensorflow
image: datastrophic/tensorflow:2.6.0-mnist
command: ['python', '-u', 'mnist.py']
kubectl create -f tfjob.yaml
kubectl get pods -w
We'll see that the pods will eventually get stuck in NotReady
state with one container still running.
Now let's enable the Istio AUX Controller for the default namespace and redeploy the TFJob
one more time.
kubectl delete -f tfjob.yaml
kubectl label namespace default io.datastrophic/istio-aux=enabled
kubectl create -f tfjob.yaml
kubectl get pods -w
This time, all the pods reached the Completed
In the meantime, the Istio AUX Controller logs contain an output like this:
INFO webhook.webhook processing pod mnist-worker-0
INFO webhook.webhook pod mnist-worker-0 processed
INFO webhook.webhook processing pod mnist-worker-1
INFO webhook.webhook pod mnist-worker-1 processed
INFO istio-aux found a pod with istio proxy, checking container statuses {"pod": "mnist-worker-0"}
INFO istio-aux some containers are still running, skipping istio proxy shutdown {"pod": "mnist-worker-0", "containers": ["tensorflow"]}
INFO istio-aux found a pod with istio proxy, checking container statuses {"pod": "mnist-worker-1"}
INFO istio-aux some containers are still running, skipping istio proxy shutdown {"pod": "mnist-worker-1", "containers": ["tensorflow"]}
INFO istio-aux found a pod with istio proxy, checking container statuses {"pod": "mnist-worker-0"}
INFO istio-aux the payload containers are terminated, proceeding with the proxy shutdown {"pod": "mnist-worker-0"}
INFO istio-aux found a pod with istio proxy, checking container statuses {"pod": "mnist-worker-1"}
INFO istio-aux the payload containers are terminated, proceeding with the proxy shutdown {"pod": "mnist-worker-1"}
INFO istio-aux found a pod with istio proxy, checking container statuses {"pod": "mnist-worker-0"}
INFO istio-aux istio-proxy is already in a terminated state {"pod": "mnist-worker-0"}
INFO istio-aux found a pod with istio proxy, checking container statuses {"pod": "mnist-worker-1"}
INFO istio-aux istio-proxy is already in a terminated state {"pod": "mnist-worker-1"}
Istio AUX contains a MutatingAdmissionWebhook that mutates the pods submitted to namespaces with specific labels and adds an Istio-specific annotation to Pods:
proxy.istio.io/config: "holdApplicationUntilProxyStarts: true"
That way, Istio Operator will take care of rearranging the sidecars and delaying the first non-Istio container start until the proxy is ready. This can also be solved, by setting the same Istio Proxy property globally, however, it is false
by default and it's not clear whether this setting can impact other existing deployments outside Kubeflow.
Another part of Istio AUX is a Pod Controller that is also scoped to namespaces with specific labels and subscribed to Pod Update events. All the container status changes trigger the reconciliation, and the controller keeps checking what containers are still running in the Pod. Once there's only one left and it is Istio Proxy, the controller execs into a pod and runs curl -sf -XPOST
in it. Istio Proxy container image has curl
pre-installed so there's no need for an additional binary or a sidecar to terminate the proxy.
The termination heuristic is pretty naive but it is easy to extend it to a more sophisticated version e.g. checking against a list of container names that have to exit prior to terminating the Proxy.
The project is created with Kubebuilder 1.3.1, consult the Kubebuilder docs for the details.