A simple CHIP-8 Emulator for macOS written in Swift.
This macOS CHIP-8 emulator runs ROMs for the original CHIP-8 platform. It implements keyboard input, with the 16 CHIP-8 keys mapped 1, 2, 3, 4, q, w, e, r, a, s, d, f, z, x, c, v. It implements the CHIP-8's basic black and white graphics with some simple Core Graphics rectangle filles. And it implements the CHIP-8's ability to make a simple beep with the system beep. ROM files can be loaded using the File->Open menu item.
I used two main resources in developing this emulator:
- An excellent tutorial by Laurence Muller
- The CHIP-8 Wikipedia page, which describes all of the opcodes
It runs PONG, MAZE, and most of the ROMs I've tried correctly. I have noticed a few minor issues in some ROMs but haven't had the time/interest to fix them. I wrote the main code in a few hours over a couple nights and it is not particularly elegant. It could use some sprucing up, but the main implementation of the virtual machine, Chip8.swift
, is well commented.
Released under the MIT License (see LICENSE