Modified version of the *nix version created by
- disable UAC (otherwise the script will alert you every time it runs)
- go to control panel > system and security > Change User Account Control settings
- move slider to the bottom (do not notify)
- open cmd as admin (symlinks cannot be created unless in admin cmd)
- hit the windows key or click the start bubble
- type "cmd" and hit ctrl+shift+enter (at the same time)
- set up environment
- mkdir c:\bin
- copy vhost and runvhost.bat to c:\bin
- edit the vhost file where it says "[YOUR_WINDOWS_USER_NAME_HERE]" to ... your windows user name
- mkdir c:\sites
- cd c:\sites
- mklink /D sitename c:\work\site\sitepublicfolder
- repeat for all additional sites
- if you have custom environment settings:
- open a new notepad instance
- in an empty text file, type or paste custom environment lines
- save to c:\sites.sitename (no extension!)
- repeat for all additional sites with custom environment settings
Windows makes it absurdly complicated to get a scheduled task that runs without popping up a window in front of you every 5 minutes, so scheduled tasks are out.
Your best bet is
- create a shortcut on the desktop
- Target: C:\bin\runvhost.bat
- Run: Minimized
- Advanced: Run as administrator
Now when you add a new symlink, click the shortcut AND PRESTO!
For updating everything even if nothing has "changed", such as config files getting corrupted, there is -force
php c:\bin\vhost -force