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License: GPL v3


OpenTracer is a CLI tool for wrapping shell scripts and shell commands inside an OpenTelemetry Trace and Span.
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Table of Contents

About The Project

Built With

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.


opentracer is built and distributed as a single-file binary so there are no prerequisites.


  • TBD


Invoke a shell command inside an OpenTelemetry Span

opentracer -e dev --span-name RunBackup --trace-http-endpoint $OTELCOL_OTLP_HTTP_ENDPOINT /opt/ -- $(date +%F)


  • opentracer performs token replacement on the command text before executing it so the supported tokens can be used to make use of the trace context;
  • opentracer adds the same tokens as env variables so any script run inside the command should also be able to reference the trace context;
  • opentracer can create nested spans; if you use opentracer to run a command or script which includes another call to opentracer the inner span will detect the outer trace context and nest inside the parent span;
  • you can override the deployment.environment value (e.g. --deployment-environment dev or -e dev)
  • you can add arbitrary tags of the format --tag key:value and they will be added to the wrapping span as string values;
  • you can add typed spans by optionally specifying one of the supported types --tag key:value:type (e.g. --tag is_registered:true:bool)
  • you can send traces to any OpenTelemetry collector configured with an OTLP HTTP endpoint using --trace-http-endpoint or to an OpenTelemetry log file using --trace-log-file

Supported Replacement Tokens

Token Description Example
TRACE_ID An OpenTelemetry-formatted 128-bit hexidecimal value for the TraceID created to wrap any Spans downstream of this command. 4bf92f3577b34da6a3ce929d0e0e4736
SPAN_ID An OpenTelemetry-formatted 64-bit hexidecimal value for the SpanID representing the run command. 00f067aa0ba902b7
W3CTRACEPARENT The trace context for this span formatted according to the W3C trace-context 00-4bf92f3577b34da6a3ce929d0e0e4736-00f067aa0ba902b7-01
DD_TRACE_ID TRACE_ID formatted as a 64-bit unsigned integer
to conform to Datadog's X-DATADOG-TRACE-ID HTTP header
DD_SPAN_ID SPAN_ID formatted as a 64-bit unsigned integer
to conform to Datadog's X-DATADOG-PARENT-ID HTTP header

Propagate traces to an OpenTelemetry-instrumented service:

To send the trace context downstream to an OpenTelemetry-instrumented service set the traceparent HTTP header which encodes the trace ID and parent span ID:

./opentracer --tag c:false -e dev --trace-http-endpoint localhost:9003 run '/usr/bin/curl -kv -H traceparent:$W3CTRACEPARENT'

If you want more fine-grained control over the traceparent header (which conforms to the W3C trace-context spec) the individual pieces are also available:

./opentracer --tag c:false -e dev --trace-http-endpoint localhost:9003 run '/usr/bin/curl -kv -H traceparent:00-$TRACE_ID-$SPAN_ID-00'

Propagate traces to a Datadog-instrumented service:

Datadog uses a proprietary format for trace and parent IDs; if you want to propagate trace context to a datadog-instrumented service appropriately formatted DD_TRACE_ID and DD_SPAN_ID tokens also available:

./opentracer --tag c:134:int -e dev --trace-http-endpoint localhost:9003 run '/usr/bin/curl -kv -H X-DATADOG-TRACE-ID:$DD_TRACE_ID -H X-DATADOG-PARENT-ID:$DD_SPAN_ID'

Utility Commands

The opentracer binary also ships with a number of utility commands which you can explore using the --help flag:

$> bin/opentracer
opentracer executes a shell command in an open trace

  opentracer [command]

Available Commands:
  help        Help about any command
  run         runs a command inside an open trace and span
  version     Show version information

  -h, --help   help for opentracer

Use "opentracer [command] --help" for more information about a command.


See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).

Local Development


  • golang
    • with a working go installation:
      go install
      go1.17 download
  • make (often comes pre-installed or installed with other dev tooling)


  1. Clone the repo

    git clone
  2. Run the setup script

  3. Run tests

    make test
  4. Build the tool for your OS/ARCH

    make build
  5. Run the tool locally


Make targets

This repo includes a Makefile for help running common tasks.

Run make with no args to list the available targets:

 ❯ make

  0.0.1 - available targets:

build                          build
changelog                      Generate/update
gen                            invoke go generate
rebuild                        rebuild
run                            run direct from source
test-verbose                   run all tests (with verbose flag)
test                           run all tests
tidy                           runs 'go mod tidy' with the current versioned go command
----------                     ------------------
release-major                  release major version
release-minor                  release minor version
release-patch                  release patch version


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the GPU v3 License. See LICENSE for more information.


David Alpert - @davidalpert

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No description, website, or topics provided.







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