This is an extensible SAML Auth Endpoint to get JWT tokens.
- It will generate a JWT Token after user login.
- To manage it from client side, you have to capture PostMessage. Sample code at the end or in html frontend.
- if you deploy with serverless framework complete working sample is available (with custom auth, private endpoint), without setup, consuming You only have to upload SP metadata and change <md:AssertionConsumerService Location="..."> with your api gateway endpoint.
$ cd backend
$ npm install
- Local/Container/PaaS
- AWS Lambda environment
Serverless framework:
Setup AWS credentials:
Install "serverless-s3-sync" plugin
$ npm install --save serverless-s3-sync
Update "serviceName" with your own in setup.demo.json
Basic env variables (default values point to
SAML_CERT: you idp saml certificate as string
IDP_HOST: your idp
JWT_SECRET: to sign JWT from SAML and validate from custom authorizer
Metadata for is generated with
In "Attribute Consume Service Endpoint (HTTP-POST)" you have to put your api endpoint:
https://${api gateway id}.execute-api.${region}${stage}/login/callback
and upload to
Deploy demo
$ sls deploy $ sls info | grep ANY -m 1 | awk -F[/:] '{printf "var endpoint='\''https://"$4"'\'';"}' > html/endpoint.js $ sls s3sync
Custom authorizer and protected service
- custom auth uses the token generated from SAML-JWT
- decodes and validate it, and with the user id, search with S3 Select over permissions.csv for specific user permissions (only for demo purposes)
- it allows request or not the /private endpoint
IDP_HOST = your idp host
STAGE = demo, pre, pro (when exposing through AWS - API GW is mandatory to ensure redirects)
SAML_CERT = IDP public signing certificate
SAML_PRIVATE_CERT = private cert
SAML_ISSUER = your sp id
SAML_ENTRY_POINT: instead of IDP_HOST, you can specify your IDP entry point detailed.
JWT_SECRET = signing secret
JWT_SAML_PROFILE = keys from the SAML Profile to add and sign in JWT Token (e.g. for auth purposes later)
JWT_SAML_TTL = ttl in seconds
ALLOWED_DOMAINS = domains, separated by comma, to allow postmessage
ALLOWED_HOSTS_PATTERNS = host patterns (e.g. ""), separated by comma, to allow postmessage. Useful to trust your own domain and don't need to declare ALLOWED_DOMAINS individually
The API exposes two main methods:
- getJWT: does the auth flow with IdP and returns a postMessage with the token
- setCookieJWT: if all (frontend and backend) is under same domain, it sets a secure cookie "Authorization" that goes with every request. It will return to the url that inits the flow. It's almost done in serverless-cloudfront.yml, but needs some custom-authorizer setup to allow cookies.
<span id="user" style="display:none"></span>
<a id="login" href="#">Log in with SAML</a>
var jwtUrl = "";
var jwtPath = "/yourpath";
function decoder(base64url) {
try {
var base64 = base64url.replace('-', '+').replace('_', '/')
var utf8 = atob(base64)
var json = JSON.parse(utf8)
var json_string = JSON.stringify(json, null, 4)
} catch (err) {
json_string = "Bad Section.\nError: " + err.message
return json_string
var loginWindow;
$("#login").on("click", function(){
loginWindow =;
window.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
if(e.origin !== jwtUrl){
var message = JSON.parse(decoder(".")[1]));
$("#user").html("Hi, " + message["user"]);
$("#user").css("display", "block");
$("#login").css("display", "none");