Output your Asana changes for a given time to an external file.
usage: asana_changes_logger [options]
-d, --days Number of days to get including today (default: 5)
-s, --start Number of days in the past to start from (default: 0 for today)
-p, --project Project ID
-o, --output The output file. Allowed formats: html, md, txt
-a, --api Store the given API key and start using it from now
-lr, --log-remaining Log remainins tasks too
-ha, --hide-author Hide task assignee from changelog
--sections Show sections in changelog
-v, --version Print the current version
-h, --help Print help
• Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/davidderus/asana_changes_logger.git
• Go in the asana_changes_logger directory and build the gem with :
cd asana_changes_logger && gem build asana_changes_logger.gemspec
• Install the gem
gem install asana_changes_logger-1.0.1.gem
• Register your Asana's API Key (needed once) :
asana_changes_logger -a TheKey
• Now you can use asana_changes_logger :
asana_changes_logger -p XXXXXXXXXXXXXX