¿Acabas de aterrizar en una empresa o proyecto en inglés y todos hablan con siglas que no entiendes? Hemos estado allí, y esta es tu guía de supervivencia.
- AFAIK: As Far As I Know
- AFK: Away From Keyboard
- ARR: Annual Recurring Revenue
- ASAP: As Soon As Possible
- BDD: Behavior-driven development
- BRB: Be right back
- BYOK: Bring Your Own Key
- CA: Certification Authority
- CA: Controlled Availability
- CASB: Cloud Access Security Broker
- CCA: Continuous Configuration Automation
- CD/CI: Continuous Delivery (Development) / Continuous Integration
- CEO: Chief Executive Officer
- CISO: Chief Information Security Officer (as a service)
- CFP: Call For Papers
- CI/CD: Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery (Development)
- CIEM: Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management
- CNAPP: Cloud-Native Application Protection Platform
- CNSP: Cloud-Native Security Platform
- CSP: Cloud Service Provider
- CSPM: Cloud Security Posture Management
- CVSS: Common Vulnerability Scoring System
- CWPP: Cloud Workload Protection Platform
- DA: Data Analyst
- DAST: Dynamic Application Security Testing
- DKDC: Don't Know, Don't Care
- DLP: Data Loss Prevention
- DOD: Definition Of Done (Agilismo)
- DOR: Definition Of Ready (Agilismo)
- ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5
- EMEA: Europe, the Middle East and Africa
- ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival
- FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
- FAT: Factory Acceptance Test
- FFU: For Future Use
- FML: Fuck My Life
- FTR: For The Record
- FWIW: For What It's Worth
- FYI: For Your Information
- G2M: Go To Market
- GA: General Availability
- GTM: Go To Meeting or Go To Market
- HIDS: Host-based Intrusion Detection System
- IaC: Infrastructure as Code
- IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service
- IAM: Identity and Access Management
- ICYMI: In Case You Missed It
- IDC: I Don't Care
- IDK: I Don't Know
- IHAC: I Have A Customer/Client
- IIRC: If I Recall/Remember Correctly
- IMHO: In My Humble Opinion
- IMO: In My Opinion
- IT: Information Technologies
- K8s: Kubernetes
- KSPM: Kubernetes Security Posture Management
- KT: Knowledge Transfer (TOI synonymous)
- LGTM: Looks Good To Me
- LMAO: Laughing my ass off
- LMK: Let Me Know
- MBR: Master Boot Record
- MBR: Monthly Business Review
- MTTR: Mean Time To Repair (también Mean Time To Recovery)
- MS: Milestone
- MVP: Minimum Viable Product
- NP: No Problem
- NSFW: Not Safe For Work
- NVM: Never Mind
- OOO: Out Of Office
- OSS: Open Source Software
- OTOH: On the other hand
- OTR: Off The Record
- PA: Product Analyst
- PAYG: Pay As You Go
- PaaS: Platform as a Service
- PEBKAC: Problem Exist Between Keyboard And Chair
- PFA: Please find attached
- PM: Product Manager / Project Manager
- PoC: Proof of Concept
- PoV: Proof of Value
- PR: Pull Request
- PRD: Product Requirements Document
- PTAL: Please Take Another Look
- PTI: Profitability Indicator Ratios
- PTO: Paid Time Off
- QA: Quality Assurance
- QBR: quarterly business review
- Q&A: Questions & Answers
- RC: Release Candidate
- RCA: Root Cause Analysis
- REQ: Requisition to Recruit
- ROP: Recruiting Only Position
- RTFM: Read The F* Manual
- SaaS: Software as a Service
- SAST: Static Application Security Testing
- SAT: Site Acceptance Test
- SE: Software Engineer
- SIEM: Security Information and Event Management
- SIT: System Integration Testing
- SKO: Sales Kickoff
- SKU: Stock Keeping Unit (It can be considered a product catalog)
- SLA: Service Level Agreement
- SLI: Service Level Indicators
- SLO: Service Level Objectives
- SMB: Small and Midsize Business (business categorization, besides enterprise)
- SME: Subject-Matter Expert
- SRE: Site Reliability Engineer
- SRM: Security and Risk Management
- SSOT: Single Source Of Truth
- SSPM: SaaS Security Posture Management
- TBD: To Be Determined
- TBH: To Be Honest
- TDD: Test-Driven Development
- TIA: Thanks In Advance
- TIL: Today I Learned
- TL;DR: Too Long; Didn't Read
- TOI: Topic Of Interest/ Transfer Of Information
- TTR: Time To Resolve
- UAT: User Acceptance Test
- UEBA: User and Entity Behaviour Analytics
- VM: Virtual Machine
- VM: Vulnerability Management
- VP: Vice-President
- WAAP: Web Application and API Protection
- WAF: Web Application Firewall
- WDYT: What do you think?
- WIP: Work In Progress
- WL: Workload
- WRT: With Respect To
- WTF: What The Fuck
- YAML: YAML Ain’t Markup Language
- YMMV: Your Mileage May Vary (to mean that you understand people may have a different opinion or experience to yours)
- YoY: Year Over Year
- YRW: You are welcome
- nit: De nitpick Usado en PR, para sugerenciales pequeñas, sin importancia
- re: Regarding, para cuando quieres poner en contexto un tema del que hablar
- My 2 cents: Se usa antes de dar una opinión que debe tomarse solo como aportación o sugerencia. Similar a IMHO.
- Low hanging fruit: Mejoras o acciones que se pueden realizar con poco esfuerzo en relación al beneficio.
- FY: Fiscal Year
- CY: Calendar Year
- H1 - H2: Half -> Semestres
- Q1 - Q4: Quarters -> Trimestres
- 101: A topic for beginners in any area. It has all the basic principles and concepts that are expected in a particular field