Bootstrap 4 Accordion Integrator is a PHP library to add accordions in your application.
The accordions are based on the Bootstrap 4 collapse component.
The library replace all the occurances of this snippet
{accordion=Title First Slide}This is the first slide. {/accordion}
With the HTML code of a bootstrap 4 accordion.
<div class="accordion">
<div class="accordion-header collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse_1" aria-expanded="false">
<div class="icon caret-svg"></div>
Title First Slide
<div class="accordion-body collapse" id="collapse_1" style="">
<div class="accordion-body-content">This is the first slide. </div>
To use the package you should import it trough composer.
composer require davide-casiraghi/bootstrap-accordion-integrator
Add this line to your resources/sass/app.scss file:
@import 'vendor/bootstrap-accordion-integrator/accordion';
and then run in console:
npm run dev
To replace all the occurrance of the accordion snippets:
$accordion = new BootstrapAccordion('caret-svg');
or using the facade
$text = BootstrapAccordion::getAccordions($text, 'plus-minus-circle');
At the moment are available these icon styles that can be specified when the class get instantiated
- caret-svg (default - use svg with mask-image)
- angle-svg (use svg with mask-image)
- plus-minus-circle (use default font)
- angle-fontawesome-pro (use Font Awesome Pro 5 font-family)
- angle-fontawesome-free (use Font Awesome Free 4.7.0 font-family)
- caret-fontawesome-pro (use Font Awesome Pro 5 font-family)
- caret-fontawesome-free (use Font Awesome Free 4.7.0 font-family)
To use FontAwesome styles you need FontAwesome already loaded in your application.
You can import the JS and the CSS files in the vendor/bootstrap-accordion/ folder.
It's possible to customize the scss and the js publishing them in your Laravel application.
php artisan vendor:publish
This command will publish in your application this folders:
- /resources/scss/vendor/bootstrap-accordion/
- /resources/js/vendor/bootstrap-accordion/
- /public/vendor/bootstrap-accordion-integrator/images/
In your app.js file you can require the accordion.js file before the Vue object get instanciated:
window.Vue = require('vue');
window.myApp = new Vue({
el: '#app'
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.