subscription-manager register --username XXXXXXXXXX --password XXXXXXXX
subscription-manager attach --auto
yum update
IBM provided the installer. Note that it unpacks in the current directory, so create a folder.
mkdir xlfortran
cd xlfortran
tar zxvf IBM_XL_FORTRAN_V15.1.4.0_LINUX_EVAL.tar.gz
IBM provided the installer. Note that it unpacks in the current directory, so create a folder.
mkdir xlc
cd xlc
tar zxvf IBM_XL_C_CPP_V13.1.4.0_LINUX_EVAL.tar.gz
Download CUDA 7.5. Recommend the rpm (local) package. CUDA has dependencies that must be fulfilled manually from EPEL.
rpm -Uvh cuda-repo-rhel7-7-5-local-7.5-23.ppc64le.rpm
curl > dkms-
curl > libvdpau-0.9-1.el7.ppc64le.rpm
yum install kernel-devel
rpm -Uvh dkms- libvdpau-0.9-1.el7.ppc64le.rpm
yum install cuda
The RPMs came from IBM. Note that if you want to install essl.3264.rtecuda-5.4.0-0.ppc64le.rpm, then you need to install CUDA first.
mkdir essl
cd essl
rpm -Uvh essl.3264.rte-5.4.0-0.ppc64le.rpm essl.6464.rte-5.4.0-0.ppc64le.rpm essl.license-5.4.0-0.ppc64le.rpm essl.msg-5.4.0-0.ppc64le.rpm essl.rte.common-5.4.0-0.ppc64le.rpm essl.3264.rtecuda-5.4.0-0.ppc64le.rpm essl.common-5.4.0-0.ppc64le.rpm essl.rte-5.4.0-0.ppc64le.rpm
Puppet does not have an rpm for the Puppet Agent on ppc64le. However, you can install the current version of the agent using Ruby. The only difference seems to be that it installs the Puppet Agent to /usr/local/bin instead of /opt/puppetlabs/bin. Of course you will need to edit DNS or any other local Puppet configuration pre- and post-install.
yum install ruby
gem install puppet
which puppet
puppet --version
cp usr/lib/systemd/system/puppet.service /usr/lib/systemd/system/
cp etc/sysconfig/puppet /etc/sysconfig/
puppet resource service puppet ensure=running enable=true
puppet agent --test
yum install gcc gcc-c++ gcc-gfortran wget yum-utils pciutils