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String data analysis and modelling for tealc, a Tension Estimate cALCulator for stringed instruments.


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String data analysis and modelling for tealc

This repository contains a basic analysis of data from string tension guides published by two major US string manufacturers. This analysis informs the development of the tealc Python package.

What follows is a slightly condensed display version of the code contained in and analysis.ipynb. is the principal analysis script, written in a format compatible with Jupyter notebook-friendly editors likw VSCode or PyCharm Professional Edition (i.e. with pseudo-cells prepended by # %%). analysis.ipynb is a traditional Jupyter notebook produced from

The version below contain static image scatterplots under the Visualization heading. These plots are available as interactive plotly plots in and analysis.ipynb.


from pathlib import Path
import json

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import as px
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf

ROOT = Path.cwd()
d = pd.read_csv(ROOT/'data.csv')

Mean unit weights

For gauge/material items with unit weight data from both GHS and D'Addario, take the simple mean unit weight of both brands. Also include gauge/material items produced by only one brand. Format these data as JSON, keyed by material, to use as a unit weight lookup table when possible.

uw_means = d.groupby(['gauge', 'material'], as_index=False).mean()
means_only = uw_means.loc[uw_means['brand2'] == 0.5,
                          ['material', 'gauge', 'unit_weight']]
means_only = means_only.rename(columns={'unit_weight': 'uw_mean'})
diffmeans = d.merge(means_only)
diffmeans['abs_diff'] = (diffmeans['unit_weight']
                         - diffmeans['uw_mean'])
diffmeans['prop_diff'] = (np.log(diffmeans['unit_weight'])
                          - np.log(diffmeans['uw_mean']))
pp5 = len(diffmeans.loc[np.abs(diffmeans['prop_diff']) > 0.05]) // 2
pp10 = len(diffmeans.loc[np.abs(diffmeans['prop_diff']) > 0.1]) // 2
n_gauges = len(d['gauge'].unique())
print("Gauges with > 5 percent difference from GHS/D'Addario mean: {}/{}"
      .format(pp5, n_gauges))
print("Gauges with > 10 percent difference from GHS/D'Addario mean: {}/{}"
      .format(pp10, n_gauges))
Gauges with > 5 percent difference from GHS/D'Addario mean: 21/88
Gauges with > 10 percent difference from GHS/D'Addario mean: 4/88
output = uw_means.loc[:, ['material', 'gauge', 'unit_weight']]
materials = list(output['material'].unique())
if Path(ROOT/'unit_weights.json').exists():
with open(ROOT/'unit_weights.json', 'a') as f:
    for m in materials:
        key = (output.loc[output['material'] == m, ['gauge', 'unit_weight']]
               .rename(columns={'unit_weight': m})
        if m != materials[-1]:
            f.write(key[1:-2] + ',\n')


mat_map = {
    'ps': 'Plain Steel',
    'nps': 'Nickel-Plated Steel Roundwound',
    'ss': 'Stainless Steel Roundwound',
    'pn': 'Pure Nickel Roundwound',
    'fw': 'Stainless Steel Flatwound',
    'pb': 'Phosphor Bronze Roundwound',
    '8020': '80/20 Bronze Roundwound',
    '8515': '85/15 Bronze Roundwound',
    'bnps': 'Nickel-Plated Steel Roundwound',
    'bss': 'Stainless Steel Roundwound',
    'bfw': 'Stainless Steel Flatwound'

d['gauge_sq'] = np.power(d['gauge'], 2)
d['brand'] = d['brand2'].map({0: 'G', 1: 'D'})
d['mat_long'] = d['material'].map(mat_map)
p_ps = px.scatter(d[d['material'] == 'ps'], x='gauge_sq', y='unit_weight',
                  trendline='ols', title='Plain Steel Strings',
                  hover_data={'gauge': True, 'gauge_sq': False, 'brand': True},
                  width=600, height=400)

plain steel strings scatterplot

elec_mat = ['nps', 'ss', 'pn', 'fw', ]
elec_filter = [mat in elec_mat for mat in d['material']]
p_elec = px.scatter(d.loc[elec_filter], x='gauge_sq', y='unit_weight',
                    trendline='ols', title='Electric Wound Strings',
                    hover_data={'gauge': True, 'gauge_sq': False, 'brand': True},
                    width=600, height=400,
                    color='material', color_discrete_map={'nps': '#008080',
                                                          'ss': '#800080',
                                                          'pn': '#40E0D0',
                                                          'fw': '#EE82EE'})

electric strings scatterplot

acou_mat = ['pb', '8020', '8515', ]
acou_filter = [mat in acou_mat for mat in d['material']]
p_acou = px.scatter(d.loc[acou_filter], x='gauge_sq', y='unit_weight',
                    trendline='ols', title='Acoustic Wound Strings',
                    hover_data={'gauge': True, 'gauge_sq': False, 'brand': True},
                    width=600, height=400,
                    color='material', color_discrete_map={'pb': '#8B4513',
                                                          '8020': '#FFD700',
                                                          '8515': '#D2691E'})

acoustic strings scatterplot

bass_mat = ['bnps', 'bss', 'bfw', ]
bass_filter = [mat in bass_mat for mat in d['material']]
p_bass = px.scatter(d.loc[bass_filter], x='gauge_sq', y='unit_weight',
                    trendline='ols', title='Bass Strings',
                    hover_data={'gauge': True, 'gauge_sq': False, 'brand': True},
                    width=600, height=400,
                    color='material', color_discrete_map={'bnps': '#008080',
                                                          'bss': '#800080',
                                                          'bfw': '#EE82EE'})

bass strings scatterplot

OLS modelling

Build unit weight models of the form:  

Build OLS models for each string material separately for ease of use and interpretation. Write constants and coefficients for each material to JSON for use when unit weights are not available from the lookup table created in the Mean unit weights section.

def short_table(fitted_model, title=None):
    """Abbreviated single-variable OLS results table"""

    coef = round(fitted_model.params['gauge_sq'], ndigits=4)
    se = round(fitted_model.bse['gauge_sq'], ndigits=4)
    t = round(fitted_model.tvalues['gauge_sq'], ndigits=2)
    p = round(fitted_model.pvalues['gauge_sq'], ndigits=4)
    r2 = round(fitted_model.rsquared, ndigits=4)

    cw = 10
    if title is not None:
        title = f' {title} '.center(5 * cw, '=')
        title = '=' * (5 * cw)
    chead = ''.join([ch.rjust(cw) for ch in ['Coef.', 'SE', 't', 'Pr>|t|', 'R^2']])
    cval = ''.join([str(v).rjust(cw) for v in [coef, se, t, p, r2]])
    table = '{}\n{}\n{}'.format(title, chead, cval)

    return table
mat_list = d['material'].unique()
tension_models = dict()
for mat in mat_list:
    mod = smf.ols('unit_weight ~ gauge_sq', data=d[d['material'] == mat]).fit()
    print(short_table(mod, title=mat_map[mat]), '\n')
    tension_models[mat] = {'const': mod.params.loc['Intercept'],
                           'coef': mod.params.loc['gauge_sq']}
================== Plain Steel ===================
     Coef.        SE         t    Pr>|t|       R^2
    0.2269    0.0027     84.05       0.0    0.9939 

========= Nickel-Plated Steel Roundwound =========
     Coef.        SE         t    Pr>|t|       R^2
    0.1926    0.0034     55.93       0.0      0.98 

=========== Phosphor Bronze Roundwound ===========
     Coef.        SE         t    Pr>|t|       R^2
    0.1987    0.0013    158.85       0.0    0.9981 

============ 80/20 Bronze Roundwound =============
     Coef.        SE         t    Pr>|t|       R^2
     0.193    0.0011    170.88       0.0    0.9986 

============ 85/15 Bronze Roundwound =============
     Coef.        SE         t    Pr>|t|       R^2
    0.1985    0.0016    126.26       0.0    0.9979 

=========== Stainless Steel Roundwound ===========
     Coef.        SE         t    Pr>|t|       R^2
    0.1876    0.0033     57.16       0.0      0.99 

============= Pure Nickel Roundwound =============
     Coef.        SE         t    Pr>|t|       R^2
    0.2155    0.0032      67.8       0.0    0.9961 

=========== Stainless Steel Flatwound ============
     Coef.        SE         t    Pr>|t|       R^2
    0.1831    0.0034     53.21       0.0    0.9895 

========= Nickel-Plated Steel Roundwound =========
     Coef.        SE         t    Pr>|t|       R^2
    0.1805    0.0019     94.15       0.0    0.9943 

=========== Stainless Steel Roundwound ===========
     Coef.        SE         t    Pr>|t|       R^2
    0.1691    0.0033      51.6       0.0    0.9867 

=========== Stainless Steel Flatwound ============
     Coef.        SE         t    Pr>|t|       R^2
    0.1845    0.0019     98.31       0.0    0.9972 
with open(ROOT/'tension_models.json', 'w') as f:
    json.dump(tension_models, f, indent=2)


String data analysis and modelling for tealc, a Tension Estimate cALCulator for stringed instruments.






