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Spring Cursor Pagination

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The spring-cursor-pagination Java library allows to easily implement cursor pagination for Spring Boot projects.

This is a community-based project, not maintained by the Spring Framework Contributors (Pivotal)

Getting Started

Spring-cursor-pagination is currently available only for mongodb. NEVER sort by fields that may contain null values to prevent unexpected results.

  • First add the library to the list of your project dependencies.
  • Optionally define a POJO class to map request filter
public class PostSearchFilter {
   private String author;
   // getter/setter
  • Define a service class that extends CursorPaginationService in order to indicate entity class, a list of sortable field and customize query against database (filter and authz checks)
public class PostPaginationService extends CursorPaginationService<Post, PostSearchFilter> {

	public PostPaginationService(MongoOperations mongoOperations) {
		super(mongoOperations, List.of("createdAt", "author"), Post.class);

	public void configSearchQuery(Query query, @Nullable PostSearchFilter filter, @Nullable Principal principal) {
		Optional.ofNullable(filter).map(PostSearchFilter::getAuthor).ifPresent(a -> {

  • Update or create controller method and that's it
public class PostController {
    private PostPaginationService postPaginationService;

	public CursorPaginationSlice<Post> getAll(PostSearchFilter postSearchFilter, CursorPageable pageRequest) {
		return postPaginationService.executeQuery(pageRequest, postSearchFilter, null);


To change query string parameter names just define a CursorPageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolverCustomizer bean:

	public CursorPageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolverCustomizer customizer() {
		return c -> {

Demo Project

Check out a simple demo project here

Maven Central

The spring-cursor-pagination libraries are hosted on maven central repository. The artifacts can be accessed at the following locations:




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