This repo is using the go programming lanuage and the Adventure Works sample database to create a RESTful API.
This project assumes one is using Windows OS and has the following already installed:
- Microsoft SQL Server
- SSMS for restoring Adventure Works database
- Adventure Works 2022 OLTP sample database
- Download 'AdventureWorks2022.bak'
- Restore database using SSMS
- Go programming language
- Installing pure Go database driver for Go's 'database/sql' package
- repo above is forked from denisenkom
clone this repo using:
git clone
now run app using:
go run main.go
or build the app and run it:
go build -o api.exe main.go
You can now open a browser and navigate to 'localhost:3000'. Endpints are at 'localhost:3000/{endpoint}'
After cloning this repo and running the app, you can access endpints at 'localhost:3000/{endpoint}'
- /people
- /country/{COUNTRY CODE}
- /ccount
This endpoint will return information about people's names, country, etc.
The '/people' endpoint, found at 'localhost:3000/people' will return the following SQL Query:
SELECT Person.Person.BusinessEntityID
FROM Person.Person
JOIN Person.BusinessEntityAddress ON Person.Person.BusinessEntityID = Person.BusinessEntityAddress.BusinessEntityID
JOIN Person.Address ON Person.BusinessEntityAddress.AddressID = Person.Address.AddressID
JOIN Person.StateProvince ON Person.Address.StateProvinceID = Person.StateProvince.StateProvinceID
JOIN Person.CountryRegion ON Person.StateProvince.CountryRegionCode = Person.CountryRegion.CountryRegionCode;
This endpoint will return information about how many businesses are in each country.
The '/ccount' endpoint, found at 'localhost:3000/ccount' will return the following SQL Query:
SELECT [Person].[CountryRegion].[Name] AS "Country"
,COUNT([Person].[Person].[BusinessEntityID]) AS "Business Sum"
FROM [Person].[Person]
JOIN [Person].[BusinessEntityAddress] ON [Person].[BusinessEntityAddress].[BusinessEntityID] = [Person].[Person].[BusinessEntityID]
JOIN [Person].[Address] ON [Person].[Address].[AddressID] = [Person].[BusinessEntityAddress].[AddressID]
JOIN [Person].[StateProvince] ON [Person].[StateProvince].[StateProvinceID] = [Person].[Address].[StateProvinceID]
JOIN [Person].[CountryRegion] ON [Person].[CountryRegion].[CountryRegionCode] = [Person].[StateProvince].[CountryRegionCode]
GROUP BY [Person].[CountryRegion].[Name]
ORDER BY COUNT([Person].[Person].[BusinessEntityID]) DESC
This endpoint will return similar information as the /people endpoint but it will filter based on country code.
The '/country' endpoint, found at 'localhost:3000/country/{COUNTRY CODE}' will return the following SQL Query:
SELECT Person.Person.BusinessEntityID
FROM Person.Person
JOIN Person.BusinessEntityAddress ON Person.Person.BusinessEntityID = Person.BusinessEntityAddress.BusinessEntityID
JOIN Person.Address ON Person.BusinessEntityAddress.AddressID = Person.Address.AddressID
JOIN Person.StateProvince ON Person.Address.StateProvinceID = Person.StateProvince.StateProvinceID
JOIN Person.CountryRegion ON Person.StateProvince.CountryRegionCode = Person.CountryRegion.CountryRegionCode
WHERE Person.CountryRegion.CountryRegionCode = '{COUNTRY CODE}';
Note: {COUNTRY CODE} in the above SQL query is a two letter country code
Navigating to 'localhost:3000/country/CA' will only return people from Canada.