Releases: davidjoffe/dave_gnukem
Version 1.0.3 First official stable SDL2-based version, plus new Debian package files
Version 1.0.3: First official stable SDL2-based version, with new formally maintained Debian package files (by Matteo Bini)
Both SDL2 support and Debian packages done by Matteo Bini - thank you for these great contributions!
- New improved Debian package files by Matteo Bini
- First official stable SDL2-based version with Matteo Bini's updates to SDL2
- New in-game fullscreen toggle
- New command-line option "-datadir" allows you to override the datapath on running: #176 (comment) ... this could help streamline development and testing and may also help downstream porters with customizing their installs.
See also corresponding releases for data and datasrc folders:
Release 1.0.2 last SDL1-based version
This is intended as a checkpoint release (consolidating various bugfixes etc. since the last release) but most importantly this is the 'last official SDL1-based version of the Dave Gnukem 1 source code' before we make a big jump to integrate Matteo Bini's valuable (independently developed) implementation of SDL2 support:
#135 (Thanks to Matteo Bini for this - who is also working on Debian support and Debian packaging and other contributions)
So for any downstream ports that might want or need to stick to SDL1 for some reason at this, you may want to use this release or git head for this release, though it's recommended for ports to please try update to SDL2 also, as SDL1 is very old at this point and SDL2 is better supported (and brings other potential advantages for gamedev).
Related issue to also formally discuss upcoming SDL2 support in next release:
Version 1.0.1
- [11 Jun 2019] New 'Retro Settings' menu option with 'extra retro' settings/effects for simulated EGA 16-color and CGA 4-color graphics options. You'll feel like you're back in the 90s or your money back. [NB: currently little-endian platforms only]
- Fix/workaround to get it working on ReactOS (actually same workaround for older versions of XP etc.)
- [6 Jun 2019] Incorporate OpenBSD build fixes by Dr. Brian Robert Callahan
- Bugfixes
Version 1.0
- [3 Apr 2018] Change it so that you must first turn cheat/debugging stuff (Ctrl+Shift+G) on before using F4 or F5 for sprite/level editor
- [1 Apr 2018] Add Shift+F10 to start/stop auto-save screenshot-per-frame sequence (warning, eats disk space very fast)
- 'Call it version 1'
Version 0.97
New main menu background and in-game background, new 'F10 save screenshot' and 'Shift-F10 start/stop screenshot auto-save-every-frame', and various other small fixes and improvements
Version 0.96
- [30 Mar 2018] Change volume control keys from PgUp/PgDn to 7/6 (as PgUp/PgDn conflict on some keyboards, e.g. Pandora, and also some laptops don't have 'actual' PgUp/PgDn etc.)
- [30 Mar 2018] Add 'About' page to main menu
- [30 Mar 2018] Add new F10 save screenshot function (saves on Windows under \Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\DaveGnukem\screenshots and on Linux under $HOME/.gnukem/screenshots)
- [26 Mar 2018] Bugfixes and level improvements (also fixed a level bug where one of the levels was impossible to complete)
- [22 Mar 2018] Boot sprite; Improve Dr Proetton (Dr Proton) sprite and behavior
- [20 Mar 2018] Fix overly-large window if Windows DPI scaling settings are enabled (unfortunately the fix breaks Windows XP support - but you can enable djWINXP_SUPPORT in config.h if you want to generate a build that supports Windows XP)
Version 0.91
[11 Mar 2018] Create a Windows installer
[22 Jan 2018] Add 'easter egg' [arin_j stream viewer suggestion]
[22 Jan 2018] Level editor highlights instances of selected sprite (yellow), and sprite selection mouse-over sprite (cyan) (F3 toggles this ON/OFF if/when it gets annoying)
[13 Jan 2018] New slightly experimental map auto-shadows and sprite auto-drop-shadows
[13 Jan 2018] New shortcut keys Shift+F8/F9: Toggle map and sprite auto-shadows on/off, respectively
Overhauled shooting/bullets code
Level Editor: New "Ctrl+F7" command shows overview of all levels, and some basic stats on 'important' gameplay items
Ctrl+Shift+W Large gameplay viewport mode (currently classified as a 'cheat')
All cheat keys (and debug/testing keys like H to inflict self-damage) must now first be enabled by pressing Ctrl+Shift+G to enable in-game debugging stuff
New cheat Backspace+PgUp increases firepower by one (added for testing)
Numerous bugfixes and gameplay tweaks
Version 0.81
Added big jumping monsters, rockets, basic Dr Proetton and basics of end-game sequence, water, a new Level Editor command to create new blank levels, and several bugfixes and sprite improvements
Version 0.72
New 'sort of looks like a cannon on wheels' monster type; New 'approximate equivalent of DN1 rabbits' monster type; New special objects 'antivirus floppy disk' and 'master computer' (see plot); New type of floor that auto-crumbles after hero walks or jumps twice on it; New high-voltage barrier; Fix the falling Acme blocks implementation; Level updates; Add draft storyline/plot; Bugfixes
Several playability improvements (fixed keypolling issue that should make left/right movement easier; increased width of play area), a new "Instructions" screen from in-game menu, some visual improvements to sprites and levels, new "-scale" command line option, some new sounds, and some bugfixes