I was using the Expose loader for webpack, because I simply needed to expose some of the variables of legacy code (now served with Webpack and adapted to an ES6 approach) to the window
Rapidly I realized that needed to use the Exports loader together with the Expose loader for webpack, until I reached the point where by exporting several members of a module, I needed to declared all of them individually to the global scope.
import 'expose-members?mySpace.functionA,mySpace.functionB,objectA!exports?functionA,functionB,objectA!imports?Something=>window.something!legacy/javascript/app';
Of course I could have done twice or more the same import using only one default exports
together with an expose
, like:
import 'expose-members?mySpace.functionA!exports?functionA!legacy/javascript/app';
import 'expose-members?mySpace.functionB!exports?functionB!legacy/javascript/app';
import 'expose-members?objectA!exports?objectA!legacy/javascript/app';
But that's not exactly the proper way to solve it. So decided to extend the original Expose loader for webpack.
Feel free to give feedback.
// Exposes the export members for file.js to the global context on properties "memberA" and "memberB".
// In web browsers, window.memberA and window.memberB is then available.
This line works to expose React.PropTypes to the web browser:
Thus, window.PropTypes
is then available to any extension that wants to use it.
Alternately, you can set this in your config file:
module: {
loaders: [
{ test: require.resolve("react"), loader: "expose-members?PropTypes" }
Also for multiple expose you can use !
in loader string:
module: {
loaders: [
{ test: require.resolve("myModule"), loader: "expose-members?memberA2,memberB2!expose-members?memberA1,memberB1" },
You could also namespace the exposers you want like follows:
module: {
loaders: [
{ test: require.resolve("react"), loader: "expose-members?myNamespace.memberA,myNamespace.memberB" }
The require.resolve
is a node.js call (unrelated to require.resolve
in webpack
processing -- check the node.js docs instead). require.resolve
gives you the
absolute path to the module ("/.../app/node_modules/react/react.js"). So the
expose only applies to the react module. And it's only exposed when used in the