Base repository to manage layer in Laravel 5.5 to 5.7
php vendor/freddiegar/base/src/Commands/create.php [NameModel] [options] [columns,names?]
By Example
php vendor/freddiegar/base/src/Commands/create.php User _ id,name,surname,email
This create in your project next files:
./app/Contracts/Repositories/UserRepository.php ./app/Entities/UserEntity.php ./app/Managers/UserManager.php ./app/Models/User.php ./app/Repositories/Eloquent/EloquentUserRepository.php
Also it will create folders if this not exists [Contracts,Entities,Managers,Models,Repositories]
If you wanna to create only one file in specific, you can use next options (alias):
I [interface]
E [entity]
G [manager]
M [model]
R [repository]
D [datatable]
Q [request]
C [controller]
i [_info]
c [_create]
e [_edit]
f [_form]
x [_index]
w [_show]
a [_actions]
l [_lang]%
All types that you can use are here, additional, this are shorcuts:
_ <= underscore [IEGMR]
* <= asterisk [IEGMRDQCicefxwal];