A Searchable Select Field for Laravel Nova. This field joins the functionalities of the BelongsTo
and Select
Basically a regular Select field where you specify the resource you want to search for and no "relationships" are needed. This means, you can use it also in additional JSON fields in your database.
composer require sloveniangooner/searchable-select
Just like the regular select field, but instead of the options
method you provide the resource
with your resource name.
use Sloveniangooner\SearchableSelect\SearchableSelect;
SearchableSelect::make('Content', 'content_id')->resource("contents")
... or
SearchableSelect::make("Content", "content_id")->resource(\App\Nova\Content::class)
You can pass all the regular options like:
SearchableSelect::make('Content', 'content_id')
->help("Help text")
But also two additional options:
SearchableSelect::make('Content', 'content_id')
->label("custom_label_field") // Defaults to 'title'
->value("custom_value_field") // Defaults to 'id'