ZenPack to monitor memory, swap, and processor utilization using HOST-RESOURCES-MIB, including CPU core components modeled by zenoss.snmp.CpuMap.
UCD-SNMP-MIB is likely a better source for memory and CPU utilization, but Windows and many Linux-based appliances lack support for it, so information in HOST-RESOURCES-MIB is a viable way to monitor basic health on those systems.
to be installed on the Zenoss collector and in the zenoss user's $PATH
- Device-level datasources probably won't work on Zenoss 5+
- SNMPv3 isn't currently supported for the device-level datasources
- SNMPv1 or v2c usage for said datasources is currently determined by
on the collector - These limitations will probably be resolved when the collection shell scripts are rewritten as PythonCollector datasources.
I'm not going to make any assumptions about your device class organization, so it's up to you to apply the zenoss.snmp.CpuMap
modeler and bind the Host Resources CPU
& Host Resources Memory
templates to the appropriate class or device.