FreeEnd is a backend project that serves as the foundation for a social media website. It is built using HTML, CSS, AJAX (jQuery), and PHP. The project aims to provide users with the ability to create accounts, connect with friends, share posts, and engage in interactions within a secure environment.
Users can register by providing their name, surname, email, and profile picture. The system ensures data validity and performs email verification during registration. Users can subsequently log in using their email and password.
Users can create posts composed of text and/or images. These posts are visible to their friends. The timeline displays posts, showing up to 10 at a time. Users can retrieve the next set of posts using the "Next" button. AJAX is used to automatically load more posts as the user scrolls down.
Friends can comment on posts and indicate their liking or disliking of posts. AJAX is utilized for smooth interaction with comments, likes, and unlikes.
A searching mechanism is implemented to find friends by name, surname, and email. Adding a friend sends an invitation notification. If the invitation is accepted, a friendship is established. Users can view their friends in a list and have the ability to remove friends. When a friend is deleted, a notification is sent to the affected friend.
The application is fortified against common security threats such as SQL injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. Passwords are securely hashed to enhance user account protection.