Author: dayzerosec
Loader for Samsung H-Arx plug-in binaries.
Binary Ninja loader for Samsung H-Arx plug-in binaries. It will try to load plug-ins and setup the correct load address and segment/section semantics.
To install this plugin, go to Binary Ninja's plugin directory (can be found by going to Tools -> "Open Plugin Folder"), and run the following command:
git clone
Note you'll probably need to restart Binary Ninja for the plugin to load.
This loader is intended to be used with binaries extracted from firmware update tarbals, particularly the BL
Simply load a H-Arx plugin binary to use the loader. Your view name on the top left of the disassembly pane should have an "H-Arx Plugin" prefix. If you encounter a problem trying to load something, please file an issue.
- Support more filetypes
- Better rust decompilation support?
- Structures are reversed and may have inaccuracies. They may also change in future.
This plugin is relesaed under a MIT license.