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This repository is the UI component of the test framework which includes 100% of code used to run . You can easily setup your own version of the site for your local benchmarks.

Read about the project in general in its main repo -

Please find instructions here on populating your local database with test results.


  1. Add db.localhost to your hosts file unless you want to run it on a specific hostname.
  2. Clone the repository, make .env, update the submodule, run the containers and populate the database:
git clone db-benchmarks-site
cd db-benchmarks-site
cp .env_example .env
# update .env if you want to run it on specific hostname, otherwise it will run on localhost and db.localhost
git submodule update --init --remote site/db-benchmarks
docker-compose up -d

# wait until it fully starts, then in another terminal tab:
./site/db-benchmarks/test --save=./site/db-benchmarks/results --host=db.localhost --port=80 --username=bench --password=bench

# stop the docker-compose and start it with -d, so it runs in background
docker-compose up -d

This should run a full copy of on http://localhost (with the db running at http://bench:bench@db.localhost).

To modify the hostname, db username/password update .env and:

docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d

HTTPS support

By default it listens on port 80, but you can easily install Let's Encrypt certificates. Just run:

docker-compose exec nginx certbot --nginx

and answer certbot's questions (your email etc). After that run:

docker-compose exec nginx sed -i "s/listen 443 ssl;/listen 443 ssl http2;/" /etc/nginx/conf.d/site.conf
docker-compose restart nginx

to enable http/2 for the site.

It will put the certificates to ./nginx/ssl/ and will update your Nginx configs in ./nginx/conf/. After that to prevent the configs from further overriding from the templates in ./nginx/templates/ you need to update your .env file like this:

- NGINX_TEMPLATES_DIR=/etc/nginx/templates

To renew your certificates in few months just run:

docker-compose exec nginx certbot renew
docker-compose exec nginx sed -i "s/listen 443 ssl;/listen 443 ssl http2;/" /etc/nginx/conf.d/site.conf
docker-compose restart nginx


  • The original test results layout was heavily inspired by Clickhouse Benchmarks - . Thank you, Alexey Milovidov and Clickhouse team!
  • To enable Google analytics add VUE_APP_GA to .env and to site's config.toml

Development environment

For local development the suite provides docker-compose-dev.yml with enabled x-debug in the php for using breakpoints, and the default Nginx listen port changed to 8080.


index.php gets mounted as a volume into the docker container, so you don't need to rebuild that after each change in the backend. Just run it from localhost:8080/api


Add backend API URL VUE_APP_API_URL="http://localhost:8080" to /frontend/.env and run vue-cli-service serve. That's all you need for local frontend development.