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Minor query performance improvements when calculating report/heat map…
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… units. Minor improvements to heat map rendering.
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dbeaudoinfortin committed Oct 22, 2024
1 parent 59aa397 commit 2aabf3a
Showing 3 changed files with 56 additions and 37 deletions.
81 changes: 48 additions & 33 deletions src/main/java/com/dbf/naps/data/analysis/heatmap/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -42,10 +42,8 @@
public abstract class HeatMapRunner extends DataQueryRunner<HeatMapOptions> {

//TODO: make these configurable
private static final int cellWidth = 50;
private static final int cellHeight = 50;
private static final int halfCellWidth = cellWidth / 2;
private static final int halfCellHeight = cellHeight / 2;
private static final int DEFAULT_CELL_WIDTH = 50;
private static final int DEFAULT_CELL_HEIGHT = DEFAULT_CELL_WIDTH;

private static final int labelPadding = 10;
private static final int chartTitlePadding = labelPadding*4;
@@ -55,8 +53,9 @@ public abstract class HeatMapRunner extends DataQueryRunner<HeatMapOptions> {
private static final int legendPadding = chartTitlePadding;
private static final String legendFormat = "0.####";

private static final Font basicFont = new Font("Calibri", Font.BOLD, 20);
private static final Font titleFont = new Font("Calibri", Font.BOLD, 36);
private static final Font basicFont = new Font("Calibri", Font.PLAIN, 20);
private static final Font smallTitleFont = new Font("Calibri", Font.BOLD, 20);
private static final Font bigTitleFont = new Font("Calibri", Font.BOLD, 36);

private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HeatMapRunner.class);

@@ -69,8 +68,8 @@ public void writeToFile(List<DataQueryRecord> records, String queryUnits, String"Analyzing heatmap data for " + dataFile + "...");
//Determine the bounds of the X & Y dimension
Axis<?> xDimension = determineAxisDimensions(records, 0);
Axis<?> yDimension = determineAxisDimensions(records, 1);
Axis<?> xDimension = determineAxis(records, 0);
Axis<?> yDimension = determineAxis(records, 1);

//Determine the bounds of the data values
BigDecimal minValue = records.get(0).getValue();
@@ -96,19 +95,28 @@ public void writeToFile(List<DataQueryRecord> records, String queryUnits, String

private static void renderHeatMap(File dataFile, List<DataQueryRecord> records, Axis<?> xAxis, Axis<?> yAxis, double minValue, double maxValue, boolean minClamped, boolean maxClamped, String title, int colourGradient) throws IOException{
//Render all of the X & Y labels first so we can determine the maximum size
final Entry<Integer, Integer> xAxisLabelMaxSize = getMaxStringSize(xAxis.getEntryLabels().values());
final int yAxisLabelMaxWidth = getMaxStringSize(yAxis.getEntryLabels().values()).getKey();
final Entry<Integer, Integer> xAxisLabelMaxSize = getMaxStringSize(xAxis.getEntryLabels().values(), basicFont);
final int yAxisLabelMaxWidth = getMaxStringSize(yAxis.getEntryLabels().values(), basicFont).getKey();
int xAxisLabelHeight = xAxisLabelMaxSize.getKey(); //Assume rotated by default

//Since the font height is the same for all basic text, we can use the axis labels
final int basicFontHeight = xAxisLabelMaxSize.getValue();

//The cells need to be at least as big as the font height
//This is true for the x-axis as well since at a minimum we can rotate the text
final int cellWidth = Math.max(DEFAULT_CELL_WIDTH, basicFontHeight + labelPadding);
final int cellHeight = Math.max(DEFAULT_CELL_HEIGHT, basicFontHeight + labelPadding);

//Save a little bit of math later
final int halfCellWidth = cellWidth / 2;
final int halfCellHeight = cellHeight / 2;

//Only rotate the x-axis labels when they are too big
final boolean rotateXLabels = (xAxisLabelHeight - labelPadding) > cellWidth;
if(!rotateXLabels) {
xAxisLabelHeight = xAxisLabelMaxSize.getValue();

//Since the font height is the same for all basic text, we can use the axis labels
final int basicFontHeight = xAxisLabelMaxSize.getValue();

//Calculate the legend values
final int legendBoxes = yAxis.getCount() > 5 ? yAxis.getCount() : 5; //Must be at least 5
final double valueRange = maxValue - minValue;
@@ -129,7 +137,7 @@ private static void renderHeatMap(File dataFile, List<DataQueryRecord> records,

//Calculate legend sizes
final int legendHeight = cellHeight * legendBoxes;
final int legendLabelMaxWidth = getMaxStringSize(legendLabels).getKey();
final int legendLabelMaxWidth = getMaxStringSize(legendLabels, smallTitleFont).getKey();
final int legendWidth = cellWidth + labelPadding + legendLabelMaxWidth;

//Calculate the X positional values, first
@@ -172,6 +180,7 @@ private static void renderHeatMap(File dataFile, List<DataQueryRecord> records,
BufferedImage heatmapImage = new BufferedImage(imageWidth, imageHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
Graphics2D g2d = heatmapImage.createGraphics();

//Start the actual drawing onto the canvas
try {
//Make the background all white
@@ -183,7 +192,7 @@ private static void renderHeatMap(File dataFile, List<DataQueryRecord> records,
//Render the chart title
if(!title.isEmpty()) {
//Set the title font
for (int i = 0; i < titleLines.size(); i++) {
Entry<String, Entry<Integer, Integer>> line = titleLines.get(i);
@@ -196,14 +205,11 @@ private static void renderHeatMap(File dataFile, List<DataQueryRecord> records,

//Reset to a decent basic font

//Will will need to determine the width of each label individually using fontMetrics
FontMetrics fontMetrics = g2d.getFontMetrics();

//Render the legend labels
//The number of legend boxes may be greater than the number of labels
g2d.drawString(legendLabels.get(legendLabels.size()-1), legendLabelStartPosX, legendLabelStartPosY); //First
g2d.drawString(legendLabels.get(legendLabels.size()-1), legendLabelStartPosX, legendLabelStartPosY); //First
g2d.drawString(legendLabels.get(0), legendLabelStartPosX, legendLabelStartPosY + (cellHeight * (legendBoxes-1))); //Last
if(valueRange > 0 ) {
//Only render the rest of the labels if there is a range to the colours
@@ -224,21 +230,30 @@ private static void renderHeatMap(File dataFile, List<DataQueryRecord> records,
g2d.fillRect(legendStartPosX, legendStartPosY + (i * cellHeight), cellWidth, cellHeight);

//Will will need to determine the width of each title individually using fontMetrics
g2d.setColor(Color.BLACK); //Reset back to black! The last colour was from the legend
FontMetrics titleFontMetrics = g2d.getFontMetrics();

//Render the X-axis title
//TODO: Wrap the title if it's too long
final int xAxisTitleWidth = fontMetrics.stringWidth(xAxis.getTitle());
final int xAxisTitleWidth = titleFontMetrics.stringWidth(xAxis.getTitle());
g2d.drawString(xAxis.getTitle(), matrixCentreX - (xAxisTitleWidth/2), xAxisTitleStartPosY);

//Render the Y-axis title
//TODO: Wrap the title if it's too long
final int yAxisTitleWidth = fontMetrics.stringWidth(yAxis.getTitle());
final int yAxisTitleWidth = titleFontMetrics.stringWidth(yAxis.getTitle());
AffineTransform transform = g2d.getTransform();
g2d.translate(yAxisTitleStartPosX, matrixCentreY + (yAxisTitleWidth/2));
g2d.rotate(-Math.PI / 2); // Rotate 90 degrees counter-clockwise
g2d.drawString(yAxis.getTitle(), 0, 0);

//Will will need to determine the width of each label individually using fontMetrics
FontMetrics labelFontMetrics = g2d.getFontMetrics(); //Font is different between titles and labels

//Add all of the x labels, drawn vertically or horizontally
for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : xAxis.getLabelIndices().entrySet()) {
if(rotateXLabels) {
@@ -253,14 +268,14 @@ private static void renderHeatMap(File dataFile, List<DataQueryRecord> records,
//Restore the old transform
} else {
final int labelWidth = fontMetrics.stringWidth(entry.getKey());
final int labelWidth = labelFontMetrics.stringWidth(entry.getKey());
g2d.drawString(entry.getKey(), xAxisLabelStartPosX - (labelWidth/2) + (entry.getValue() * cellWidth) + halfCellWidth, xAxisLabelStartPosY);

//Add all of the y labels, drawn horizontally
for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : yAxis.getLabelIndices().entrySet()) {
final int labelWidth = fontMetrics.stringWidth(entry.getKey());
final int labelWidth = labelFontMetrics.stringWidth(entry.getKey());
//Align right
g2d.drawString(entry.getKey(), yAxisLabelStartPosX + (yAxisLabelMaxWidth - labelWidth), yAxisLabelStartPosY + (basicFontHeight/3) + (entry.getValue() * cellHeight) + halfCellHeight);
@@ -282,14 +297,14 @@ private static void renderHeatMap(File dataFile, List<DataQueryRecord> records,

private static Entry<Integer, Integer> getMaxStringSize(Collection<String> strings) {
private static Entry<Integer, Integer> getMaxStringSize(Collection<String> strings, Font font) {
//Create a temporary image to get Graphics2D context for measuring
BufferedImage tinyImage = new BufferedImage(1, 1, BufferedImage.BITMASK);
Graphics2D g2d = tinyImage.createGraphics();
int maxLabelLength = 0;
int labelHeight = 0;
try {
g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON);
FontMetrics fontMetrics = g2d.getFontMetrics();

@@ -314,7 +329,7 @@ private static List<Entry<String, Entry<Integer, Integer>>> getTitleSized(String
Graphics2D g2d = tinyImage.createGraphics();
List<Entry<String, Entry<Integer, Integer>>> titleLines = new ArrayList<Entry<String, Entry<Integer, Integer>>>();
try {
g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON);
FontMetrics fontMetrics = g2d.getFontMetrics();

@@ -371,7 +386,7 @@ private static List<Entry<String, Entry<Integer, Integer>>> getTitleSized(String
return titleLines;

private <T> Axis<?> determineAxisDimensions(List<DataQueryRecord> records, int index) {
private <T> Axis<?> determineAxis(List<DataQueryRecord> records, int index) {
String prettyName = getConfig().getFields().get(index).getPrettyName();

switch (getConfig().getFields().get(index)) {
@@ -388,27 +403,27 @@ private <T> Axis<?> determineAxisDimensions(List<DataQueryRecord> records, int i
return new IntegerAxis(prettyName, 1, 53);

IntegerAxis dowAxis = new IntegerAxis(prettyName);
IntegerAxis dowAxis = new IntegerAxis(prettyName);
for(int day = 1; day < 8; day++) {
dowAxis.addEntry(day, DayOfWeekMapping.getDayOfWeek(day));
return dowAxis;

case MONTH:
IntegerAxis mAxis = new IntegerAxis(prettyName);
IntegerAxis mAxis = new IntegerAxis(prettyName);
for(int month = 1; month < 13; month++) {
mAxis.addEntry(month, MonthMapping.getMonth(month));
return mAxis;

StringAxis sAxis = new StringAxis(prettyName);
StringAxis sAxis = new StringAxis(prettyName);
.forEach(entry-> sAxis.addEntry(entry.toString(), UrbanizationMapping.getUrbanization(entry)));
return sAxis;

StringAxis stAxis = new StringAxis(prettyName);
StringAxis stAxis = new StringAxis(prettyName);
.forEach(entry-> stAxis.addEntry(entry.toString(), SiteTypeMapping.getSiteType(entry)));
return stAxis;
11 changes: 7 additions & 4 deletions src/main/java/com/dbf/naps/data/db/mappers/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -23,9 +23,10 @@ public interface DataMapper {
+ " <if test=\"dataset.equals(&quot;Integrated&quot;)\">from naps.integrated_data d</if>"
+ " <if test=\"groupByPollutant || (pollutants != null &amp;&amp; !pollutants.isEmpty())\">inner join naps.pollutants p on d.pollutant_id =</if>"
+ " <if test=\"groupBySite || (sites != null &amp;&amp; !sites.isEmpty()) || (provTerr != null &amp;&amp; !provTerr.isEmpty()) "
+ "|| (cityName != null &amp;&amp; !cityName.isEmpty()) || (siteName != null &amp;&amp; !siteName.isEmpty())\">inner join naps.sites s on d.site_id =</if>"
+ "|| (cityName != null &amp;&amp; !cityName.isEmpty()) || (siteName != null &amp;&amp; !siteName.isEmpty())"
+ "|| (siteType != null &amp;&amp; !siteType.isEmpty()) || (urbanization != null &amp;&amp; !urbanization.isEmpty())\">inner join naps.sites s on d.site_id =</if>"
+ " where"
+ " year &gt;= #{startYear} and year &lt;= #{endYear}"
+ " d.year &gt;= #{startYear} and d.year &lt;= #{endYear}"
+ "<if test=\"valueUpperBound != null\">and &lt;= #{valueUpperBound}</if>"
+ "<if test=\"valueLowerBound != null\">and &gt;= #{valueLowerBound}</if>"
+ "<if test=\"siteName != null &amp;&amp; !siteName.isEmpty()\">and s.station_name LIKE '%#{siteName}%'</if>"
@@ -62,8 +63,10 @@ public List<DataRecordGroup> getExportDataGroups(
+ "select distinct(m.units)"
+ "<if test=\"dataset.equals(&quot;Continuous&quot;)\">from naps.continuous_data d</if>"
+ "<if test=\"dataset.equals(&quot;Integrated&quot;)\">from naps.integrated_data d</if>"
+ " inner join naps.pollutants p on d.pollutant_id ="
+ " inner join naps.sites s on d.site_id ="
+ " <if test=\"(pollutants != null &amp;&amp; !pollutants.isEmpty())\">inner join naps.pollutants p on d.pollutant_id =</if>"
+ " <if test=\"(sites != null &amp;&amp; !sites.isEmpty()) || (provTerr != null &amp;&amp; !provTerr.isEmpty()) "
+ "|| (cityName != null &amp;&amp; !cityName.isEmpty()) || (siteName != null &amp;&amp; !siteName.isEmpty())"
+ "|| (siteType != null &amp;&amp; !siteType.isEmpty()) || (urbanization != null &amp;&amp; !urbanization.isEmpty())\">inner join naps.sites s on d.site_id =</if>"
+ " inner join naps.methods m on d.method_id ="
+ " where 1=1"
+ "<if test=\"valueUpperBound != null\">and &lt;= #{valueUpperBound}</if>"
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/main/resources/schema/schema.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS naps.methods
UNIQUE NULLS NOT DISTINCT (dataset, report_type, method, units)
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_methods_units ON naps.methods (units ASC);


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