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Installation and Setup

Abanoub edited this page Feb 6, 2018 · 13 revisions

Before you begin

Listed below, you will find all of the necessary programs you are going to need to run Orthodox Presenter locally on your machine as well as the software needed to run git commands.

  • Git is the version control system that GitHub utilizes. By installing this for your appropriate system, you will be able to run git commands in Command Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (macOS & Linux, set up your staging area, as well as initiate Pull Requests to the Orthodox Presenter repo.

  • Node.js and the local-web-server package is how you can test your local copy of Orthodox Presenter. Installing it will allow you to run node.js commands in Command Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (macOS & Linux).

  • VSCode is a code text editor.

Setting up Orthodox Presenter and Github

After you have installed all of the above items, you are going to need to fork the original repo. This can be done simply by clicking the fork button located on the top of the screen.

Now that you have forked the repo, you will need to clone the repo to your machine. The commands for git will be different. Below, you will find the appropriate commands used for Windows

First, open Command Prompt and go to a specific directory on your computer. This can be achieved by typing cd and then the name of the directory. For example, if you would like to have your forked version of Orthodox Presenter on your desktop, type cd desktop

Next, go to your forked version of Orthodox Presenter. You will see a green button that says Clone or download. Clicking that button will bring up a dialogue which will says Clone with HTTPS. Click the clipboard icon to copy the url to your clipboard.

Ensuring that you are in the appropriate directory that you want to clone the project to, simply type in git clone and then past your clipboard. It should like this git clone

Syncing the fork to the original project

Detailed instructions for this part can be found here however the abriged version can be found below.

  • cd into the cloned directory
  • type git remote -v
  • type git remote add upstream (upstream is the original repo from where your cloned version is from)
  • To verify that the upstream repo was added, type git remote -v. Your fork should appear as origin and the URL for the original repo should appear as upstream

Github Git Cheatsheet for most used git commands

Adding Orthodox Presenter as a project directory in VS Code

Once you have verified that you synced the fork successfully begin writing content for Orthodox Presenter. An easy way to do this is to add the Orthodox Presenter directory as a project directory in VS Code.

Install the packages

npm install

npm install -g local-web-server

Starting the build process

npm start

Starting the local-web-server


Testing Orthodox Presenter

  1. Open Command Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (macOS & Linux) and cd into the Orthodox Presenter directory.
  2. Run npm start.
  3. Open another instance of Command Prompt/Terminal and run ws


Error: Watchify is not recognized as an internal or external command

Solution: Ensure the watchify package is installed npm install -g watchify

Error: Cannot locate 'rc-slider' from 'C:\Users\Home\Desktop\orthodox-presenter\js\components

Solution: Ensure the react-slider package is installed npm install --save rc-slider