This is based on Hugh's Akka Cluster demo app with the nice visualizer. We've only removed a few config options so they go back to defaults, and updated Akka Mangement to 1.0, and then specify the app with an AkkaCluster resource instead of Namespace + Role + Rolebinding against default account + Deployment.
The AkkaCluster resource can be installed in any namespace.
To install the operator, clone this repo and follow README. It is pre-built so you're just loading Kubernetes resources in this step and using the bintray image.
mvn clean package docker:build
If this doesn't work, you can git checkout bintray
and go straight to the deploy step, using a pre-built
image published to bintray.
git checkout bintray
kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes
make a Route to deployment/akka-cluster-demo port 8080 for the UI
Install the AkkaCluster Operator.
Build the app against minikube's docker environment.
Verify that the akka-cluster-demo:1.0.2
image is in minikube's registry:
docker images
Deploy the app:
kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes
Expose the built in UI:
kubectl expose deployment/akka-cluster-demo --type=NodePort --port 8080
Go to the UI:
minikube service akka-cluster-demo