This is a sample solution having multiple layers and modified after forked from fabric-samples/fabcar
Here assumption is that you have installed all prerequisites that a standard Hyperledger Fabric requires.
We have three folders for three different layers
this folder contains all Fabric related cryptographic material, channel, genesis block and chaincode.
this is web server based on nodejs and expressjs. facilitates following things.
- Acts as client for Fabric network by using Fabric-Client sdk
- Acts like a web server that wraps all the fabric interaction logic as REST API (GET, POST endpoints).
- Bridge between a user interface layer and fabric network layer.
This is end user interface developed using Angular 7. This consumes REST api to contact with fabcar web server.
Run following commands in fabcar folder to start network, install dependencies, enroll admin and register user.
cd fabcar
npm install
node enrollAdmin.js
node registerUser.js
Run following commands in fabcar folder to start the web server
node app.js
Open another terminal and run following commands in FabCarClient folder to start the user interface application.
cd FabCarClient
npm install -g @angular/cli
npm install
ng serve
After completion of above commands. open any web browser and follow this link http://localhost:4200
To stop network after testing, run the given commands in HLF folder
cd HLF
To kill the complete network, use the ./ in HLF folder
cd HLF
Thank you.