An application that displays the covid-19 numbers for every country. As the covid situation nears a year, people are itching to travel again. This app displays each country's number of covid cases, number of dead by covid, adivisory status and discussion posts from users.
- Overview
- Description
- Installation
- Usage
- Safe Travels! Screenshots
- Built With
- Heroku
- License
- Contributors
- GitHub
We created an app that displays the covid-19 numbers for every country. As the covid situation nears a year, people are itching to travel again. This app displays each country’s number of cases, number of dead, advisory status, and discussion posts from users. This app isn’t designed to encourage international travel. We discourage travel with warnings
`npm install`
To run app locally:
`npm start`
Once 'App listening on PORT: 3000' displays in your terminal, open your browser and search:
- Materialize - Open Source CSS framework
- Global Travel Advisories - Daily updated travel advisories - Worldwide
- - Tracking Corona Virus Cases
To view the Safe Travels! application, click here:
- Dan Chiev - React.js, MongoDB/Mongoose, Bcryptjs, JavaScript
- Brandon Ryu - React.js, Materialize, Express, Node.js, components, JavaScript
- Jarrett Williams - React.js, Axios, Materialize, components, JavaScript