- users:
- CRUD operations over the user via forms and server actions
- forms for forgotten password using crypt key and reset password
- projects:
- a list of tasks to be separated for individual purposes
- CRUD operations over the project via forms and server actions
- custom name and selectable color
- labels:
- a list of tasks, that can distinguish tasks with a specific keyword
- CRUD operations over the label via forms and server actions
- custom names that are unique
- tasks:
- CRUD operations over the task via forms and server actions
- sorting by name (A-Z/Z-A), oldest and newest tasks via url params
- search field that uses url params to find tasks with a specific name
- Drag & drop between active and completed lists
- move/copy task from one project to another
- selection to delete many tasks at once
- authentication, authorization, protected routes
- server actions
- email services
- compound components
- form validation
- sorting & filtering
Front-End technologies:
- Next.js
- React.js
- TypeScript
- TailwindCSS
- HeadlessUI
- sonner-toast
- lucide-react
Back-End technologies:
- Next.js server actions
- Prisma client
Authentication and validation:
- next-auth
- bcryptjs
- formik
- zod
- resend
npm install
# or
yarn install
# or
pnpm install
# or
bun install
npx prisma migrate dev
npx prisma db push
npm run dev
# or
yarn run dev
# or
pnpm run dev
# or
bun --watch run dev
npm run build
# or
yarn run build
# or
pnpm run build
# or
bun run build
npm run start
# or
yarn run start
# or
pnpm run start
# or
bun run start
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result