Configuration files for Solr wikipedia. Part of the tweet categorization project.
Download a copy of Solr. These config files tested only with Solr 4.3.0, but try newest version.
Add these config files to (solr-dir)/example/solr/collection1/conf.
- schema.xml specifies the layout of the Solr index. Shouldn't change much.
- wiki-import-config.xml specifies how Solr should read the Wikipedia XML file. Based on the Solr wiki Wikipedia example.
- solrconfig.xml is configuration and setup of the main query service I use, query_clustering. Probably the most likely thing that'll need changing.
Get enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml from the Wikipedia download page. Add it to (solr-dir)/example
Run java -jar start.jar in (solr-dir)/example, go to localhost:8983/solr, and start the import!
Note: this import requires a few hours and gigabytes of disk space and memory. If in doubt, test with a smaller piece of Wikipedia.