This role installs the FastapiOpenRestyConfigurator and optionally OpenResty with all needed plugins and SSL certs.
Needed requirements:
- Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic
- Access to instance via standard ports (80, 443)
- DNS Name for autogenerating ssl certs via certbot.
- OpenID Connect client.
Variable | Description | Default | Mandatory |
FORC_SECRET_KEY | Encryption key for flask service | Yes | |
FORC_API_KEY | X-Auth Key for accessing REST API | Yes | |
FORC_BACKEND_PATH | Filesystem path in where FORC generates NGINX config snippets to | /var/forc/backend_path/ | Yes |
FORC_TEMPLATE_PATH | Filesystem path which locates template files for FORC | /var/forc/template_path/ | Yes |
FORC_SERVICE_PORT | The Port on which OpenResty will bind forc to. | 5000 | Yes |
FORC_OIDC_DISCOVERY_URL | OIDC Credentials | | Yes |
FORC_OIDC_CLIENT_ID | OIDC Credentials | Yes | |
FORC_OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET | OIDC Credentials | Yes | |
DOMAIN | The domain name of the webserver serving forc and OpenResty | Yes | |
CERTBOT_USED | Set this to no if you don't use certbot for autogenerating ssl certs. | yes | No |
INSTALL_OPENRESTY | Set this to no if you only want to install forc as uWSGI app. | yes | No |
FORC_BACKUP_ENABLED | If Backups from backends and templates folder will be created | yes | NO |
FORC_BACKUP_HOST_PATH | Where the Backups will be stored on the host | /persistent/backup/forc | No |
FORC_BACKUP_ROTATION_ENABLED | If the Backups will be rotated | true | No |
FORC_BACKUP_ROTATION_MAX_SIZE | When this size of the backups folder is reached the backups are rotated | 5 | No |
FORC_BACKUP_ROTATION_CUT_SIZE | Deletes oldest Backups till this size is reached | 4 | No |
FORC_BACKUP_ROTATION_SIZE_TYP | Size Type For Rotation | GiB | No |
Variable | Description | Default | Mandatory |
OPENRESTY_WORKER_PROCESSES | Number of worker processes for the OpenResty webserver. | 10 | Yes |
OPENRESTY_DNS_SERVERS | Resolver needed by OpenResty | | Yes |
FORC_INSTALLATION_PATH | Path on where forc will be installed to | /opt/ | Yes |
If auto generating certs is wanted:
- geerlingguy.certbot
A requirements.yml is placed in the ansible folder. If you have question on how a requirements.yml is used, please visit here.
To install OpenResty+certbot(+renewal)+FORC:
- hosts: all
become: yes
- role: geerlingguy.certbot
certbot_create_if_missing: true
certbot_create_standalone_stop_services: []
certbot_auto_renew_user: root
certbot_auto_renew_options: "--pre-hook "systemctl stop openresty" --post-hook "systemctl start openresty" --quiet --no-self-upgrade"
- domains:
- "{{ domain }}"
- role: forc_api
FORC_SECRET_KEY: fdhtzzu45z34t32g24f43
FORC_API_KEY: vcnufez3jf39wvfngv0
FORC_OIDC_CLIENT_ID: fsduiofgjwepogjerohigjeroigjer
FORC_OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET: fmsdgndsogijwsgjtdfogjreowigj
DOMAIN: "{{ domain }}"
Apache 2.0
Alex Walender
de.NBI Cloud Bielefeld