JS and CSS for a chat-focused theme for Cytube channels.
- Mobile-friendly responsive design
- Better emotes display
- Switch from fixed, to draggable emotes panel with
Switch EP
button on navbar - Emotes autocomplete when using emotes with
format - Reply button to reply to individual messages
- AFK on window unfocus
Copy and paste the links below to the external javascript and CSS fields in your channel options.
To customize the preset theme, paste the following into the CSS editor in the Channel Settings (not External CSS). Customize these as you wish.
:root {
--leftcontentvw: 78.4vw; /* Width of video player section, chat will fill the rest */
--bannerimg: url("INSERT YOUR IMAGE HERE"); /* Sliding banner image in MOTD */
--dialogbgimageurl: url("INSERT YOUR IMAGE HERE"); /* Modal background image */
--bgimageurl: url("INSERT YOUR IMAGE HERE"); /* Background channel image */
--primarycolor: #000000;
--secondarycolor: #2e2e2e;
--tertiarycolor: #627b83;
To customize the theme from the default Cytube, paste the following into the JS editor in the Channel Settings (not External Javascript)
var channelName = "<custom title here>";
var faviconUrl = "<custom favicon URL here>";
var scrollingBannerEnabled = false; //true or false
Server design inspired by BillTube theme.
Basic emotes panel design from Cytube Plus.
Site source code from Cytube sync repository.