This repository contains all my completed katas on Codewars.
- Fake Binary - Codewars
- Even or Odd - Codewars
- Reversed sequence - Codewars
- To square(root) or not to square(root) - Codewars
- Square(n) Sum - Codewars
- Convert a Boolean to a String - Codewars
- Simple multiplication - Codewars
- Convert number to reversed array of digits - Codewars
- Returning Strings - Codewars
- Stringy Strings - Codewars
- Find the first non-consecutive number - Codewars
- Beginner - Lost Without a Map - Codewars
- Gravity Flip - Codewars
- Difference of Volumes of Cuboids - Codewars
- Enumerable Magic #25 - Take the First N Elements - Codewars
- Sum of positive - Codewars
- Sum The Strings - Codewars
- Is n divisible by x and y? - Codewars
- Reversed Strings - Codewars
- Expressions Matter - Codewars
- Grasshopper - Check for factor - Codewars
- Quarter of the year - Codewars
- Grasshopper - Grade book - Codewars
- Is he gonna survive? - Codewars
- Calculate BMI - Codewars
- Convert boolean values to strings 'Yes' or 'No' - Codewars
- Switch it Up! - Codewars
- Transportation on vacation - Codewars
- Century From Year - Codewars
- Get Nth Even Number - Codewars
- Beginner Series #2 Clock - Codewars
- Grasshopper - Terminal game move function - Codewars
- Grasshopper - Summation - Codewars
- Kata Example Twist - Codewars
- Get the mean of an array - Codewars
- Multiplication table for number - Codewars
- Sum Mixed Array - Codewars
- A wolf in sheep's clothing - Codewars
- Dollars and Cents - Codewars
- Mumbling - Codewars
- Jaden Casing Strings - Codewars
- Strong Number (Special Numbers Series #2) - Codewars
- Moves in squared strings (I) - Codewars
- Easy wallpaper - Codewars
- Count the Digit - Codewars
- Waiting room - Codewars
- Triangular Treasure - Codewars
- Square Every Digit - Codewars
- Sum of two lowest positive integers - Codewars
- Extra Perfect Numbers (Special Numbers Series #7) - Codewars
- Don't give me five! - Codewars
- Drying Potatoes - Codewars
- Credit Card Mask - Codewars
- Find the nth Digit of a Number - Codewars
- Spacify - Codewars
- Simple Fun #2: Circle of Numbers - Codewars
- Descending Order - Codewars
- Going to the cinema - Codewars
- Numbers with this digit inside - Codewars
- Maximum Multiple - Codewars
- Shortest Word - Codewars
- Simple Fun #152: Invite More Women? - Codewars
- Disemvowel Trolls - Codewars
- Balanced Number (Special Numbers Series #1) - Codewars