A quasi-3d starship piloting game for js13k 2018
Original made for js13k competition 2018 over the course of several days
- JS13k Rules: Make a game with a package size less than 13k (13,312 bytes)
- See all the entries for the competition at http://2018.js13kgames.com/
- Source: 31.7 KB (32,519 bytes)
- scripts 25.7 KB
- styles 3.18 KB
- index.html 2.79 KB
- didn't minify
- Zipped: 10.3 KB (10,648 bytes)
- Developed by Luke Nickerson
- Incorporates some great algorithms by others:
- Sebastian Macke's brilliant Voxel Space algorithms (ES6 version)
- Hunter Loftis's terrain-generation algorithm
- Inspired by Orion (LD31) by feiss