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Library to use as MVVM architecture and to be replacement of current redux logics.

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Are u tired to create a lot of files with constants, actions, dispatchers and reducers?

Exredux is the solution to ease your life by abstracting all react/redux logics with understable architecture.

Based on library redux-flow-mapper, this package use decorators to create Models, Actions, Dependencies and much more.



# install ExRedux
npm i exredux

Setup tsconfig and babelrc

Include support for decorators in the tsconfig.json file:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "experimentalDecorators": true,
    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true

ExRedux uses Babel 7.x as base for transpilation/building and should be included the plugins below in the .babelrc file. Consider these itens as firts in the plugins list and in the same order that appears below:

"presets": [
  ["@babel/env", { "modules": false }]
"plugins": [
  ["@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators", { "legacy": true }],
  ["@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties", { "loose": true }],


This package is based in the common MVVM principles to control the activities in the frontend.

Any action of the flow is build on ExRedux Models and were dispatched thru Connection and Inject to the Containers and Components.

Flow Chart Concept


The logic starts with the Model.

The Model it's a simple class with properties and methods. And values that was set in the properties, acts as initial store for the reducer.

The reducer name will be the same as the class name.

Basically, the Model is only a class:

export class CounterModel {
  counter = 0;


The Action it's a method decorator and acts as dispatcher for the decorated method.

Any method decored will be replaced by dispatcher function that emits an action with the name of method as type and the result of the original function, will be the payload to be stored in the reducer.

import { Action } from 'exredux';

export class CounterModel {
  counter = 0;

  @Action add() {
    this.counter += 1;


The instatiator class ModelStore was removed and is no longer needed to create instance of store. Instead, create a constant with all needed models and use it directly in the Provider component.

All models created should be listed in the models property:

import { ModelStore } from 'exredux';
import { CounterModel } from './counter/CounterModel';
import { ListDataModel } from './listdata/ListDataModel';

export const appModels = [CounterModel, ListDataModel];

Also, the variable that stores the ModelStore, must be used in the connection to provide the state and actions to the components.


The models will be available on component, thru the Connection decorator, that indicate the model injection properties:

import * as React from 'react';
import { Connection, Inject } from 'exredux';
import { appModels } from '../AppModels';
import { CounterModel } from './CounterModel';

class ModelProps {
  // Inject the model into property
  @Inject counterModel?: CounterModel;

// make connection between state and component
export class Counter extends React.Component<ModelProps> {
  render() {
    const { counterModel } = this.props;
    return (
        Counter = {counterModel.counter}
        <br />
        <button onClick={counterModel.add}>Add</button>


These Actions are designed to be a Http-Promise based template. Is used Axios as http requester.

import { Action, BaseHttpModel } from 'exredux';

// mocking http request
const httpDoneRequest = (label: string) =>
  new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      resolve({ data: label });
    }, 1500);

const httpErrorRequest = (errorMessage: string) =>
  new Promise((_, reject) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      reject({ message: errorMessage });
    }, 1500);

export class HttpHandlerModel extends BaseHttpModel<string> {
  @Action getHttpTest(label: string) {

  @Action getHttpTestError(label: string) {

  // it can be used the internal method resetState
  // to clear all state data for this model
  resetThisModel() {

To connection in the http based model, use the same decorators Connection and Inject to get the data and states based on promise:

import * as React from 'react';
import { Connection, Inject } from 'exredux';
import { appModels } from '../AppModels';
import { HttpHandlerModel } from './HttphandlerModel';

class ModelProps {
  @Inject httpHandlerModel?: HttpHandlerModel;

export class HttpHandler extends React.Component<ModelProps> {
  render() {
    const { httpHandlerModel } = this.props;
    return (
        <button onClick={this.handleClick}>Http Done</button>
        <button onClick={this.handleClickError}>Http Fail</button>
        <button onClick={this.handleReset}>ResetState</button>

        {httpHandlerModel.isCompleted ? <p>From http model => {}</p> : null}
        {httpHandlerModel.isFailed ? <p>Error From http model => {httpHandlerModel.error.message}</p> : null}
        {httpHandlerModel.isLoading ? <p>Loading...</p> : null}

  handleClick = () => {
    this.props.httpHandlerModel.getHttpTest('test inserted from HttpComponent');

  handleClickError = () => {
    this.props.httpHandlerModel.getHttpTestError('error test inserted from HttpComponent');

  handleReset = () => {

Also, the class BaseHttpModel inherits responseAsync and errorAsync from BasePromiseModel that works as Observables from completed and failed (respectively) methods.


You inject models in another models thru Inject decorator:

import { Action, Inject } from 'exredux';
import { CounterModel } from 'playground/counter/CounterModel';

export class ListModel {
  items: string[] = [];

  // inject CounterModel inside ListModel
  @Inject counterModel: CounterModel;

  @Action add() {
    this.items.push(`Item ${this.items.length} : Counter = ${this.counterModel.counter}`);

Triggers (local)

Triggers with only one parameter, is an event that interceps a listener to the action completion.

And is used to listen methods inside the class.

import { Action, Event } from 'exredux';

export class CounterModel {
  counter = 0;
  lastAction = '';

  @Action add() {
    this.counter += 1;

  @Action del() {
    this.counter -= 1;

  lastActionAdd() {
    this.lastAction = 'add';

  lastActionDel() {
    this.lastAction = 'del';

Triggers (global)

Trigger global are similar to Trigger local. The difference it is used to trigger events from another models. This triggers can't be used to listen itself.

import { Inject, Trigger } from 'exredux';
import { CounterModel } from '../counter/CounterModel';

export class EventsModel {
  message: string;

  @Inject counterModel: CounterModel;

  @Trigger('add', CounterModel) checkAddCounter() {
    this.message = `Counter updated to = ${this.counterModel.counter}`;

The connection is the same as usual model:

import * as React from 'react';
import { Connection, Inject } from 'exredux';
import { appModels } from '../AppModels';
import { EventsModel } from './EventsModel';

class ModelProps {
  @Inject eventsModel: EventsModel;
type Props = Partial<ModelProps>;

export class Events extends React.Component<Props> {
  render() {
    const { eventsModel } = this.props;
    return (
        Example of Trigger
        <br />
        <p>Message = {eventsModel.message}</p>
        <button onClick={eventsModel.checkAddCounter}>Manually get event</button>

Also, the triggers dispatch action to redux state and does not require Action decorator to do it.

@Action // <=== NOT REQUIRED, Trigger already is an Action
decorated() {

Availability of methods in component props

Functions and property without decorator can be used in the model, but wil be not available to the connection props. The reducer dispatcher breaks any method or property and the React component can not see those properties at the component side.

To reach the component side, use arrow function.

export class AvailabilityModel {
  // invisible for components
  makeSomething() {

  callMakeSomething() {

  // use arrow function to be visible at the component side
  makeSomethingFromComponent = () => {

State change guideline

Methods without decorate changes the state only in the class and will not be dispatched to the redux store. But can be used to calculate or change something until some point, and after that, call a decorated action to dispatch it to the store.

export class AvailabilityModel {
  // change state internally only
  changeSomething() {
    this.stateData = 'something';

  // change state internally
  // and dispatch it to the store and components
  changeAndDispatch() {
    this.stateData = 'something changed';


Instead using Provide from react-redux, use directly from exredux. It's already provide encapsulation for the React contexts.

import * as React from 'react';

import { appModels } from './AppModels';
import { Counter } from './counter/Counter';
import { Provider } from 'exredux';

export class Sample extends React.Component {
  public render() {
    return (
      <Provider models={appModels}>
          Test Application for ExRedux
          <hr />
          <Counter />


The sample project is available in the source Just install dependencies and run with npm start.





Library to use as MVVM architecture and to be replacement of current redux logics.







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Contributors 4
