A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries and software.
- vinta/awesome-python - A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources
- jakubroztocil/httpie - Modern command line HTTP client – user-friendly curl alternative with intuitive UI, JSON support, syntax highlighting, wget-like downloads, extensions, etc. https://httpie.org
- nvbn/thefuck - Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command.
- pallets/flask - The Python micro framework for building web applications.
- django/django - The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
- requests/requests - Python HTTP Requests for Humans™ ✨🍰✨
- ansible/ansible - Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy. Avoid writing scripts or custom code to deploy and update your applications— automate in a language that approaches plain English, using SSH, with no agents to install on remote systems.
- keras-team/keras - Deep Learning for humans
- scikit-learn/scikit-learn - scikit-learn: machine learning in Python
- scrapy/scrapy - Scrapy, a fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework for Python.
- donnemartin/system-design-primer - Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
- certbot/certbot - Certbot is EFF's tool to obtain certs from Let's Encrypt and (optionally) auto-enable HTTPS on your server. It can also act as a client for any other CA that uses the ACME protocol.
- python/cpython - The Python programming language
- tornadoweb/tornado - Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library, originally developed at FriendFeed.
- faif/python-patterns - A collection of design patterns/idioms in Python
- reddit-archive/reddit - historical code from reddit.com
- wangshub/wechat_jump_game - python 微信《跳一跳》辅助
- pandas-dev/pandas - Flexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more
- apache/incubator-mxnet - Lightweight, Portable, Flexible Distributed/Mobile Deep Learning with Dynamic, Mutation-aware Dataflow Dep Scheduler; for Python, R, Julia, Scala, Go, Javascript and more
- home-assistant/home-assistant - 🏡 Open-source home automation platform running on Python 3
- pytorch/pytorch - Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration
- ipython/ipython - Official repository for IPython itself. Other repos in the IPython organization contain things like the website, documentation builds, etc.
- donnemartin/interactive-coding-challenges - Interactive Python coding interview challenges (algorithms and data structures). Includes Anki flashcards.
- docker/compose - Define and run multi-container applications with Docker
- donnemartin/data-science-ipython-notebooks - Data science Python notebooks: Deep learning (TensorFlow, Theano, Caffe, Keras), scikit-learn, Kaggle, big data (Spark, Hadoop MapReduce, HDFS), matplotlib, pandas, NumPy, SciPy, Python essentials, AWS, and various command lines.
- ageitgey/face_recognition - The world's simplest facial recognition api for Python and the command line
- binux/pyspider - A Powerful Spider(Web Crawler) System in Python.
- sqlmapproject/sqlmap - Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool
- keon/algorithms - Minimal examples of data structures and algorithms in Python
- mitmproxy/mitmproxy - An interactive TLS-capable intercepting HTTP proxy for penetration testers and software developers.
- fabric/fabric - Simple, Pythonic remote execution and deployment.
- pypa/pipenv - Python Development Workflow for Humans.
- nicolargo/glances - Glances an Eye on your system. A top/htop alternative.
- odoo/odoo - Odoo. Open Source Apps To Grow Your Business.
- celery/celery - Distributed Task Queue (development branch)
- google/python-fire - Python Fire is a library for automatically generating command line interfaces (CLIs) from absolutely any Python object.
- spotify/luigi - Luigi is a Python module that helps you build complex pipelines of batch jobs. It handles dependency resolution, workflow management, visualization etc. It also comes with Hadoop support built in.
- channelcat/sanic - Async Python 3.5+ web server that's written to go fast
- powerline/powerline - Powerline is a statusline plugin for vim, and provides statuslines and prompts for several other applications, including zsh, bash, tmux, IPython, Awesome and Qtile.
- getredash/redash - Make Your Company Data Driven. Connect to any data source, easily visualize and share your data.
- saltstack/salt - Software to automate the management and configuration of any infrastructure or application at scale. Get access to the Salt software package repository here:
- explosion/spaCy - 💫 Industrial-strength Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Python and Cython
- StevenBlack/hosts - Extending and consolidating hosts files from several well-curated sources like adaway.org, mvps.org, malwaredomainlist.com, someonewhocares.org, and potentially others. You can optionally invoke extensions to block additional sites by category.
- Theano/Theano - Theano is a Python library that allows you to define, optimize, and evaluate mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional arrays efficiently. It can use GPUs and perform efficient symbolic differentiation.
- eriklindernoren/ML-From-Scratch - Machine Learning From Scratch. Bare bones Python implementations of Machine Learning models and algorithms with a focus on transparency and accessibility. Aims to cover everything from Data Mining to Deep Learning.
- getpelican/pelican - Static site generator that supports Markdown and reST syntax. Powered by Python.
- bokeh/bokeh - Interactive Web Plotting for Python
- beetbox/beets - music library manager and MusicBrainz tagger
- kivy/kivy - Open source UI framework written in Python, running on Windows, Linux, macOS, Android and iOS
- locustio/locust - Scalable user load testing tool written in Python
- matplotlib/matplotlib - matplotlib: plotting with Python
- google/yapf - A formatter for Python files
- eliangcs/http-prompt - HTTPie + prompt_toolkit = an interactive command-line HTTP client featuring autocomplete and syntax highlighting
- audreyr/cookiecutter - A command-line utility that creates projects from cookiecutters (project templates). E.g. Python package projects, jQuery plugin projects.
- quantopian/zipline - Zipline, a Pythonic Algorithmic Trading Library
- dbcli/pgcli - Postgres CLI with autocompletion and syntax highlighting
- Miserlou/Zappa - Serverless Python
- RaRe-Technologies/gensim - Topic Modelling for Humans
- wting/autojump - A cd command that learns - easily navigate directories from the command line
- sivel/speedtest-cli - Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using speedtest.net
- satwikkansal/wtfpython - A collection of surprising Python snippets and lesser-known features.
- wifiphisher/wifiphisher - The Rogue Access Point Framework
- clips/pattern - Web mining module for Python, with tools for scraping, natural language processing, machine learning, network analysis and visualization.
- nltk/nltk - NLTK Source
- coursera-dl/coursera-dl - Script for downloading Coursera.org videos and naming them.
- zulip/zulip - Zulip server - powerful open source team chat
- boto/boto - For the latest version of boto, see https://github.com/boto/boto3 -- Python interface to Amazon Web Services
- codelucas/newspaper - News, full-text, and article metadata extraction in Python 3. Advanced docs:
- andymccurdy/redis-py - Redis Python Client
- docopt/docopt - Pythonic command line arguments parser, that will make you smile
- joke2k/faker - Faker is a Python package that generates fake data for you.
- samshadwell/TrumpScript - Make Python great again
- kennethreitz/httpbin - HTTP Request & Response Service, written in Python + Flask.
- chriskiehl/Gooey - Turn (almost) any Python command line program into a full GUI application with one line
- divio/django-cms - The easy-to-use and developer-friendly CMS
- donnemartin/gitsome - A supercharged Git/GitHub command line interface (CLI). An official integration for GitHub and GitHub Enterprise: https://github.com/works-with/category/desktop-tools
- gunthercox/ChatterBot - ChatterBot is a machine learning, conversational dialog engine for creating chat bots
- darknessomi/musicbox - 网易云音乐命令行版本
- pallets/click - Python composable command line utility
- dbcli/mycli - A Terminal Client for MySQL with AutoCompletion and Syntax Highlighting.
- tqdm/tqdm - A fast, extensible progress bar for Python and CLI
- bottlepy/bottle - bottle.py is a fast and simple micro-framework for python web-applications.
- wagtail/wagtail - A Django content management system focused on flexibility and user experience
- reverse-shell/routersploit - The Router Exploitation Framework
- waditu/tushare - TuShare is a utility for crawling historical data of China stocks
- ajenti/ajenti - Ajenti Core and stock plugins
- geekcomputers/Python - My Python Examples
- facebook/prophet - Tool for producing high quality forecasts for time series data that has multiple seasonality with linear or non-linear growth.
- tgalal/yowsup - The python WhatsApp library
- pallets/jinja - The Jinja2 template engine
- coleifer/peewee - a small, expressive orm -- supports postgresql, mysql and sqlite
- falconry/falcon - Falcon is a bare-metal Python web API framework for building high-performance microservices, app backends, and higher-level frameworks.
- mopidy/mopidy - Mopidy is an extensible music server that plays music from local disk, Spotify, SoundCloud, Google Play Music, and more. You edit the playlist from any phone, tablet, or computer using a range of MPD and web clients.
- tweepy/tweepy - Twitter for Python!
- sloria/TextBlob - Simple, Pythonic, text processing--Sentiment analysis, part-of-speech tagging, noun phrase extraction, translation, and more.
- crsmithdev/arrow - Better dates & times for Python
- aio-libs/aiohttp - HTTP client/server framework for asyncio
- 0x5e/wechat-deleted-friends - 查看被删的微信好友
- pyeve/eve - REST API framework designed for human beings
- Zulko/moviepy - Video editing with Python
- webpy/webpy - web.py is a web framework for python that is as simple as it is powerful.
- a1studmuffin/SpaceshipGenerator - A Blender script to procedurally generate 3D spaceships
- harelba/q - q - Run SQL directly on CSV or TSV files
- sympy/sympy - A computer algebra system written in pure Python
- karpathy/neuraltalk - NeuralTalk is a Python+numpy project for learning Multimodal Recurrent Neural Networks that describe images with sentences.
- python-pillow/Pillow - The friendly PIL fork (Python Imaging Library)
- benoitc/gunicorn - gunicorn 'Green Unicorn' is a WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX, fast clients and sleepy applications.
- rq/rq - Simple job queues for Python
- MagicStack/uvloop - Ultra fast asyncio event loop.
- kivy/python-for-android - Turn your Python application into an Android APK
- python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot - We have made you a wrapper you can't refuse
- dropbox/pyston - An open-source Python implementation using JIT techniques.
- cyrus-and/gdb-dashboard - Modular visual interface for GDB in Python
- plotly/dash - Interactive, Reactive Web Apps for Python. Dash Is Productive™
- amoffat/sh - Python process launching
- snare/voltron - A hacky debugger UI for hackers
- jonathanslenders/python-prompt-toolkit - Library for building powerful interactive command lines in Python
- dbader/schedule - Python job scheduling for humans.
- pypa/pip - The PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages
- rtfd/readthedocs.org - The source code that powers readthedocs.org
- kennethreitz/records - SQL for Humans™
- paramiko/paramiko - The leading native Python SSHv2 protocol library.
- TheAlgorithms/Python - All Algorithms implemented in Python
- kovidgoyal/calibre - The official source code repository for the calibre ebook manager
- python-mode/python-mode - Vim python-mode. PyLint, Rope, Pydoc, breakpoints from box.
- 521xueweihan/HelloGitHub -
分享 GitHub 上好玩、容易上手的项目,帮你找到编程的乐趣。欢迎推荐、自荐项目,让更多人知道你的项目⭐️
- aws/chalice - Python Serverless Microframework for AWS
- seatgeek/fuzzywuzzy - Fuzzy String Matching in Python
- gevent/gevent - Coroutine-based concurrency library for Python
- miguelgrinberg/flasky - Companion code to my O'Reilly book "Flask Web Development", second edition.
- networkx/networkx - Official NetworkX source code repository.
- timgrossmann/InstaPy - 📷 Instagram Bot - Like/Comment/Follow Automation Script
- rbgirshick/py-faster-rcnn - Faster R-CNN (Python implementation) -- see https://github.com/ShaoqingRen/faster_rcnn for the official MATLAB version
- pallets/werkzeug - The comprehensive WSGI web application library.
- gelstudios/gitfiti - abusing github commit history for the lulz
- yidao620c/python3-cookbook - 《Python Cookbook》 3rd Edition Translation
- pyinstaller/pyinstaller - Freeze (package) Python programs into stand-alone executables
- PyMySQL/PyMySQL - Pure Python MySQL Client
- EpistasisLab/tpot - A Python Automated Machine Learning tool that optimizes machine learning pipelines using genetic programming.
- lbryio/lbry - A fully decentralized network for distributing data
- astorfi/TensorFlow-World - 🌎 Simple and ready-to-use tutorials for TensorFlow
- b-ryan/powerline-shell - A beautiful and useful prompt for your shell
- amueller/word_cloud - A little word cloud generator in Python
- worldveil/dejavu - Audio fingerprinting and recognition in Python
- Gallopsled/pwntools - CTF framework and exploit development library
- liuwons/wxBot - Python网页微信API
- sylnsfar/qrcode - artistic QR Code in Python (Animated GIF qr code)- Python 艺术二维码生成器 (GIF动态二维码、图片二维码)
- PokemonGoF/PokemonGo-Bot - The Pokemon Go Bot, baking with community.
- kamyu104/LeetCode - 📝 Python / C++ 11 Solutions of All LeetCode Questions
- fogleman/Minecraft - Simple Minecraft-inspired program using Python and Pyglet
- houtianze/bypy - Python client for Baidu Yun (Personal Cloud Storage) 百度云/百度网盘Python客户端
- encode/apistar - A smart Web API framework, designed for Python 3. 🌟
- chainer/chainer - A flexible framework of neural networks for deep learning
- python/mypy - Optional static typing for Python 2 and 3 (PEP484)
- crazyguitar/pysheeet - Python Cheat Sheet
- donnemartin/saws - A supercharged AWS command line interface (CLI).
- ansible/awx - AWX Project
- tschellenbach/Stream-Framework - Stream Framework is a Python library, which allows you to build news feed, activity streams and notification systems using Cassandra and/or Redis. The authors of Stream-Framework also provide a cloud service for feed technology:
- xiyouMc/WebHubBot - Python + Scrapy + MongoDB . 5 million data per day !!!💥 The world's largest website.
- giampaolo/psutil - Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python
- donnemartin/dev-setup - Mac OS X development environment setup: Easy-to-understand instructions with automated setup scripts for developer tools like Vim, Sublime Text, Bash, iTerm, Python data analysis, Spark, Hadoop MapReduce, AWS, Heroku, JavaScript web development, Android development, common data stores, and dev-based OS X defaults.
- n1nj4sec/pupy - Pupy is an opensource, cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OSX, Android) remote administration and post-exploitation tool mainly written in python
- Lasagne/Lasagne - Lightweight library to build and train neural networks in Theano
- tensorlayer/tensorlayer - TensorLayer: A Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning Library for Researchers and Engineers.
- buildbot/buildbot - Python-based continuous integration testing framework; your pull requests are more than welcome!
- gregmalcolm/python_koans - Python Koans - Learn Python through TDD
- OmkarPathak/pygorithm - A Python module for learning all major algorithms
- yhat/ggpy - ggplot port for python
- PyCQA/pycodestyle - Simple Python style checker in one Python file
- eudicots/Cactus - Static site generator for designers. Uses Python and Django templates.
- davidhalter/jedi - Awesome autocompletion and static analysis library for python.
- qutebrowser/qutebrowser - A keyboard-driven, vim-like browser based on PyQt5.
- plotly/plotly.py - An interactive, browser-based graphing library for Python ✨
- emre/storm - Manage your SSH like a boss.
- nvdv/vprof - Visual profiler for Python
- mahmoud/boltons - 🔩 Like builtins, but boltons. Constructs/recipes/snippets that would be handy in the standard library. Nothing like Michael Bolton.
- ShangtongZhang/reinforcement-learning-an-introduction - Python implementation of Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction
- boto/boto3 - AWS SDK for Python
- gaubert/gmvault - gmail backup software
- burnash/gspread - Google Spreadsheets Python API
- pymc-devs/pymc3 - Probabilistic Programming in Python: Bayesian Modeling and Probabilistic Machine Learning with Theano
- pudo/dataset - Easy-to-use data handling for SQL data stores with support for implicit table creation, bulk loading, and transactions.
- graphql-python/graphene - GraphQL framework for Python
- reorx/httpstat - curl statistics made simple
- ujjwalkarn/DataSciencePython - common data analysis and machine learning tasks using python
- MorvanZhou/tutorials - 机器学习相关教程
- fail2ban/fail2ban - Daemon to ban hosts that cause multiple authentication errors
- numba/numba - NumPy aware dynamic Python compiler using LLVM
- maebert/jrnl - A simple command line journal application that stores your journal in a plain text file.
- cython/cython - The most widely used Python to C compiler
- frappe/erpnext - Open Source ERP built for the web
- isnowfy/snownlp - Python library for processing Chinese text
- jupyterhub/jupyterhub - Multi-user server for Jupyter notebooks
- spyder-ide/spyder - Official repository for Spyder - The Scientific PYthon Development EnviRonment
- gorakhargosh/watchdog - Python library and shell utilities to monitor filesystem events.
- python-visualization/folium - Python Data. Leaflet.js Maps.
- kennethreitz/tablib - Python Module for Tabular Datasets in XLS, CSV, JSON, YAML, &c.
- martinblech/xmltodict - Python module that makes working with XML feel like you are working with JSON
- aziz/PlainTasks - An opinionated todo-list plugin for Sublime Text editor (version 2 and 3)
- NullArray/AutoSploit - Automated Mass Exploiter
- docker/docker-py - A Python library for the Docker Engine API
- mher/flower - Real-time monitor and web admin for Celery distributed task queue
- ajalt/fuckitpy - The Python error steamroller.
- nryoung/algorithms - An educational library of algorithms in Python
- Uberi/speech_recognition - Speech recognition module for Python, supporting several engines and APIs, online and offline.
- omab/python-social-auth - Social auth made simple
- michael-lazar/rtv - Browse Reddit from your terminal
- joestump/python-oauth2 - A fully tested, abstract interface to creating OAuth clients and servers.
- Shougo/deoplete.nvim - 🌠 Dark powered asynchronous completion framework for neovim/Vim8
- euske/pdfminer - Python PDF Parser
- ray-project/ray - A high-performance distributed execution engine
- jeanphix/Ghost.py - Webkit based scriptable web browser for python.
- statsmodels/statsmodels - Statsmodels: statistical modeling and econometrics in Python
- Pylons/pyramid - Pyramid - A Python web framework
- Russell91/pythonpy - the swiss army knife of the command line
- what-studio/profiling - An interactive continuous Python profiler.
- jhao104/proxy_pool - Python爬虫代理IP池(proxy pool)
- jazzband/pip-tools - A set of tools to keep your pinned Python dependencies fresh.
- orakaro/rainbowstream - A smart and nice Twitter client on terminal written in Python.
- neozhaoliang/pywonderland - Render beautiful images and animate interesting algorithms in mathematics with Python. Fractals, Penrose tilings, reaction-diffusion, Wilson's uniform spanning tree algorithm, domino shuffling algorithm, coupling from the past, 4D polytopes, Mobius transformations, hyperbolic tilings. www.pywonderland.com.
- cloudtools/troposphere - troposphere - Python library to create AWS CloudFormation descriptions
- MechanicalSoup/MechanicalSoup - A Python library for automating interaction with websites.
- kachayev/fn.py - Functional programming in Python: implementation of missing features to enjoy FP
- StackStorm/st2 - StackStorm (aka "IFTTT for Ops") is event-driven automation commonly used for auto-remediation, security responses, facilitated troubleshooting, complex deployments, and more. Includes rules engine, workflow, 1800+ integrations (see https://exchange.stackstorm.org), native ChatOps and so forth. Installer available at http://docs.stackstorm.com/install/index.html. Ping us on slack - https://stackstorm-community.slack.com/.
- thearn/webcam-pulse-detector - A python application that detects and highlights the heart-rate of an individual (using only their own webcam) in real-time.
- Qix-/better-exceptions - Pretty and useful exceptions in Python, automatically.
- twisted/twisted - Event-driven networking engine written in Python.
- donnemartin/haxor-news - Browse Hacker News like a haxor: A Hacker News command line interface (CLI).
- MobSF/Mobile-Security-Framework-MobSF - Mobile Security Framework is an intelligent, all-in-one open source mobile application (Android/iOS/Windows) automated pen-testing framework capable of performing static, dynamic analysis and web API testing.
- pypa/virtualenv - Virtual Python Environment builder
- jonathanslenders/ptpython - A better Python REPL
- HypothesisWorks/hypothesis-python - Hypothesis is a powerful, flexible, and easy to use library for property-based testing.
- eastlakeside/interpy-zh - 📘《Python进阶》(Intermediate Python 中文版)
- wal-e/wal-e - Continuous Archiving for Postgres
- Manisso/fsociety - fsociety Hacking Tools Pack – A Penetration Testing Framework
- Netflix/security_monkey - Security Monkey
- pyecharts/pyecharts - ✨ Python Echarts Plotting Library
- Tribler/tribler - Privacy enhanced BitTorrent client with P2P content discovery
- kennethreitz/setup.py - 📦 A Human's Ultimate Guide to setup.py.
- MagicStack/asyncpg - A fast PostgreSQL Database Client Library for Python/asyncio.
- sdispater/pendulum - Python datetimes made easy
- stamparm/maltrail - Malicious traffic detection system
- ricequant/rqalpha - A extendable, replaceable Python algorithmic backtest && trading framework supporting multiple securities
- lihaoyi/macropy - Macros in Python: quasiquotes, case classes, LINQ and more!
- kennethreitz/clint - Python Command-line Application Tools
- longld/peda - PEDA - Python Exploit Development Assistance for GDB
- gaojiuli/toapi - Every web site provides APIs.
- byt3bl33d3r/MITMf - Framework for Man-In-The-Middle attacks
- micahflee/onionshare - Securely and anonymously share a file of any size
- freedomofpress/securedrop - GitHub repository for the SecureDrop whistleblower platform. Do not submit tips here!
- marshmallow-code/marshmallow - A lightweight library for converting complex objects to and from simple Python datatypes.
- hylang/hy - A dialect of Lisp that's embedded in Python
- instabot-py/instabot.py - Instagram bot. It works without instagram api, need only login and password. Write on python.
- whtsky/WeRoBot - WeRoBot 是一个微信公众号开发框架
- bigchaindb/bigchaindb - Meet BigchainDB. The blockchain database.
- golemfactory/golem - Golem is creating a global market for computing power.
- platformio/platformio-core - An open source ecosystem for IoT development 👽 Cross-platform IDE and unified debugger. Remote unit testing and firmware updates.
- openpaperwork/paperwork - Personal document manager (Linux/Windows)
- xonsh/xonsh - Python-powered, cross-platform, Unix-gazing shell
- douban/dpark - Python clone of Spark, a MapReduce alike framework in Python
- mongodb/mongo-python-driver - PyMongo - the Python driver for MongoDB
- drathier/stack-overflow-import - Import arbitrary code from Stack Overflow as Python modules.
- mobolic/facebook-sdk - Python SDK for Facebook's Graph API
- LuminosoInsight/python-ftfy - Given Unicode text, make its representation consistent and possibly less broken.
- simon-weber/gmusicapi - An unofficial client library for Google Music.
- secdev/scapy - Scapy: the python-based interactive packet manipulation program & library. Supports Python 2 & Python 3.
- miguelgrinberg/Flask-SocketIO - Socket.IO integration for Flask applications.
- kennethreitz/envoy - Python Subprocesses for Humans™.
- MongoEngine/mongoengine - A Python Object-Document-Mapper for working with MongoDB
- kennethreitz/maya - Datetimes for Humans™
- 0rpc/zerorpc-python - zerorpc for python
- MycroftAI/mycroft-core - Mycroft Core, the Mycroft Artificial Intelligence platform.
- scikit-image/scikit-image - Image Processing SciKit (Toolbox for SciPy)
- coala/coala - coala provides a unified command-line interface for linting and fixing all your code, regardless of the programming languages you use.
- sixohsix/twitter - Python Twitter API
- bear/python-twitter - A Python wrapper around the Twitter API.
- pandolia/qqbot - QQBot: A conversation robot base on Tencent's SmartQQ
- Tautulli/Tautulli - A Python based monitoring and tracking tool for Plex Media Server.
- ReactiveX/RxPY - Reactive Extensions for Python
- msiemens/tinydb - TinyDB is a lightweight document oriented database optimized for your happiness :)
- hhatto/autopep8 - A tool that automatically formats Python code to conform to the PEP 8 style guide.
- jonathanslenders/pyvim - Pure Python Vim clone.
- sloria/doitlive - Because sometimes you need to do it live
- xianhu/LearnPython - 以撸代码的形式学习Python
- sightmachine/SimpleCV - The Open Source Framework for Machine Vision
- wrobstory/vincent - A Python to Vega translator
- facebookarchive/python-instagram - Python Client for Instagram API
- prakhar1989/Algorithms - 💻 Data Structures and Algorithms in Python
- dpkp/kafka-python - Python client for Apache Kafka
- andersbll/neural_artistic_style - Neural Artistic Style in Python
- wuub/SublimeREPL - SublimeREPL - run an interpreter inside ST2 (Clojure, CoffeeScript, F#, Groovy, Haskell, Lua, MozRepl, NodeJS, Python, R, Ruby, Scala, shell or configure one yourself)
- pyca/cryptography - cryptography is a package designed to expose cryptographic primitives and recipes to Python developers.
- Sentdex/pygta5 - Explorations of Using Python to play Grand Theft Auto 5.
- shadowsocksr-backup/shadowsocksr - Python port of ShadowsocksR
- Rapptz/discord.py - An API wrapper for Discord written in Python.
- streamlink/streamlink - CLI for extracting streams from various websites to a video player of your choosing
- swisskyrepo/PayloadsAllTheThings - A list of useful payloads and bypass for Web Application Security and Pentest/CTF
- rkern/line_profiler - Line-by-line profiling for Python
- schematics/schematics - Python Data Structures for Humans™.
- dcos/dcos - DC/OS - The Datacenter Operating System
- hyperopt/hyperopt - Distributed Asynchronous Hyperparameter Optimization in Python
- lk-geimfari/mimesis - Mimesis is a fast and easy to use library for Python, which helps generate synthetic data for a variety of purposes in a variety of languages.
- scikit-learn-contrib/imbalanced-learn - Python module to perform under sampling and over sampling with various techniques.
- tmux-python/tmuxp - 💻 tmux session manager. built on libtmux
- luispedro/BuildingMachineLearningSystemsWithPython - Source Code for the book Building Machine Learning Systems with Python
- michaelliao/learn-python3 - Learn Python 3 Sample Code
- jaredks/rumps - Ridiculously Uncomplicated macOS Python Statusbar apps
- ckan/ckan - CKAN is an open-source DMS (data management system) for powering data hubs and data portals. CKAN makes it easy to publish, share and use data. It powers datahub.io, catalog.data.gov and europeandataportal.eu/data/en/dataset among many other sites.
- sherjilozair/char-rnn-tensorflow - Multi-layer Recurrent Neural Networks (LSTM, RNN) for character-level language models in Python using Tensorflow
- ChrisKnott/Eel - A little Python library for making simple Electron-like HTML/JS GUI apps
- secretsquirrel/the-backdoor-factory - Patch PE, ELF, Mach-O binaries with shellcode (NOT Supported)
- egrcc/zhihu-python - 获取知乎内容信息,包括问题,答案,用户,收藏夹信息
- nameko/nameko - Python framework for building microservices
- altair-viz/altair - Declarative statistical visualization library for Python
- lining0806/PythonSpiderNotes - Python入门网络爬虫之精华版
- pre-commit/pre-commit - A framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks.
- oliver006/elasticsearch-gmail - Index your Gmail Inbox with Elasticsearch
- pyinvoke/invoke - Pythonic task management & command execution.
- P0cL4bs/WiFi-Pumpkin - Framework for Rogue Wi-Fi Access Point Attack
- mhagger/git-imerge - Incremental merge for git
- Kozea/pygal - PYthon svg GrAph plotting Library
- ianmiell/shutit - Automation framework for programmers
- emirozer/fake2db - create custom test databases that are populated with fake data
- nickoala/telepot - Python framework for Telegram Bot API
- jpadilla/pyjwt - JSON Web Token implementation in Python
- gbeced/pyalgotrade - Python Algorithmic Trading Library
- zeromq/pyzmq - PyZMQ: Python bindings for zeromq
- MrS0m30n3/youtube-dl-gui - A cross platform front-end GUI of the popular youtube-dl written in wxPython.
- geopy/geopy - Geocoding library for Python.
- getsentry/responses - A utility for mocking out the Python Requests library.
- DEAP/deap - Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms in Python
- persepolisdm/persepolis - Persepolis Download Manager is a GUI for aria2.
- byt3bl33d3r/CrackMapExec - A swiss army knife for pentesting networks
- daviddrysdale/python-phonenumbers - Python port of Google's libphonenumber
- brennerm/PyTricks - Collection of less popular features and tricks for the Python programming language
- mstamy2/PyPDF2 - A utility to read and write PDFs with Python
- librosa/librosa - Python library for audio and music analysis
- Chyroc/WechatSogou - 基于搜狗微信搜索的微信公众号爬虫接口
- DamnWidget/anaconda - Anaconda turns your Sublime Text 3 in a full featured Python development IDE including autocompletion, code linting, IDE features, autopep8 formating, McCabe complexity checker Vagrant and Docker support for Sublime Text 3 using Jedi, PyFlakes, pep8, MyPy, PyLint, pep257 and McCabe that will never freeze your Sublime Text 3
- GetBlimp/django-rest-framework-jwt - JSON Web Token Authentication support for Django REST Framework
- sloria/cookiecutter-flask - A flask template with Bootstrap 3, asset bundling+minification with webpack, starter templates, and registration/authentication. For use with cookiecutter.
- CoreSecurity/impacket - Impacket is a collection of Python classes for working with network protocols.
- lmacken/pyrasite - Inject code into running Python processes
- pytoolz/toolz - A functional standard library for Python.
- cuemacro/finmarketpy - Python library for backtesting trading strategies & analyzing financial markets (formerly pythalesians)
- PyGithub/PyGithub - Typed interactions with the GitHub API v3
- elastic/elasticsearch-dsl-py - High level Python client for Elasticsearch
- scipy-lectures/scipy-lecture-notes - Tutorial material on the scientific Python ecosystem
- Fantomas42/django-blog-zinnia - Simple yet powerful and really extendable application for managing a blog within your Django Web site.
- sphinx-doc/sphinx - Main repository for the Sphinx documentation builder
- Suor/funcy - A fancy and practical functional tools
- gitpython-developers/GitPython - GitPython is a python library used to interact with Git repositories.
- crossbario/autobahn-python - WebSocket and WAMP in Python for Twisted and asyncio
- mirumee/saleor - An e-commerce storefront for Python and Django
- Kozea/WeasyPrint - WeasyPrint converts web documents (HTML with CSS, SVG, …) to PDF.
- cobrateam/splinter - splinter - python test framework for web applications
- qiwsir/StarterLearningPython - Learning Python: from Beginner to Master. http://www.itdiffer.com
- errbotio/errbot - Errbot is a chatbot, a daemon that connects to your favorite chat service and bring your tools and some fun into the conversation.
- coleifer/huey - a little task queue for python
- ofek/hatch - A modern project, package, and virtual env manager for Python
- pytransitions/transitions - A lightweight, object-oriented finite state machine implementation in Python
- dlitz/pycrypto - The Python Cryptography Toolkit
- cdhigh/KindleEar - A website application running in Google app engine, deliver rss news to your kindle. generate mobi using python, multilanguages supported.
- brython-dev/brython - Brython (Browser Python) is an implementation of Python 3 running in the browser
- ManrajGrover/halo - 💫 Beautiful terminal spinners in Python
- elastic/elasticsearch-py - Official Python low-level client for Elasticsearch.
- asweigart/pyautogui - A cross-platform GUI automation Python module for human beings. Used to programmatically control the mouse & keyboard.
- novnc/websockify - Websockify is a WebSocket to TCP proxy/bridge. This allows a browser to connect to any application/server/service. Implementations in Python, C, Node.js and Ruby.
- lyst/lightfm - A Python implementation of LightFM, a hybrid recommendation algorithm.
- dahlia/awesome-sqlalchemy - A curated list of awesome tools for SQLAlchemy
- GoogleCloudPlatform/python-docs-samples - Code samples used on cloud.google.com
- google/tangent - Source-to-Source Debuggable Derivatives in Pure Python
- quantmind/pulsar - Event driven concurrent framework for Python
- spulec/moto - Moto is a library that allows your python tests to easily mock out the boto library
- dedupeio/dedupe - 🆔 A python library for accurate and scaleable fuzzy matching, record deduplication and entity-resolution.
- astropy/astropy - Repository for the Astropy core package
- web2py/web2py - Free and open source full-stack enterprise framework for agile development of secure database-driven web-based applications, written and programmable in Python.
- dabeaz/python-cookbook - Code samples from the "Python Cookbook, 3rd Edition", published by O'Reilly & Associates, May, 2013.
- oauthlib/oauthlib - A generic, spec-compliant, thorough implementation of the OAuth request-signing logic
- mrjbq7/ta-lib - Python wrapper for TA-Lib (http://ta-lib.org/).
- kennethreitz/samplemod - Sample module for Python-Guide.org.
- ascribe/image-match - 🎇 Quickly search over billions of images
- lorien/grab - Web Scraping Framework
- flexxui/flexx - Write desktop and web apps in pure Python
- pika/pika - Pure Python RabbitMQ/AMQP 0-9-1 client library
- Julian/jsonschema - An(other) implementation of JSON Schema for Python
- antiboredom/videogrep - automatic video supercuts with python
- shazow/urllib3 - Python HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post support, sanity friendly, and more.
- fluentpython/example-code - Example code for the book Fluent Python
- SublimeLinter/SublimeLinter - The code linting framework for Sublime Text 3
- QISKit/qiskit-sdk-py - Quantum Software Development Kit for writing quantum computing experiments, programs, and applications.
- goldsmith/Wikipedia - A Pythonic wrapper for the Wikipedia API
- cysmith/neural-style-tf - TensorFlow (Python API) implementation of Neural Style
- tdryer/hangups - the first third-party instant messaging client for Google Hangouts
- blockstack/blockstack-core - The reference implementation of Blockstack
- litl/rauth - A Python library for OAuth 1.0/a, 2.0, and Ofly.
- evhub/coconut - Simple, elegant, Pythonic functional programming.
- pypa/warehouse - Next Generation Python Package Repository
- nabla-c0d3/sslyze - Fast and powerful SSL/TLS server scanning library.
- gabrielfalcao/HTTPretty - HTTP client mocking tool for Python, it's like ruby's FakeWeb for python
- praw-dev/praw - PRAW, an acronym for "Python Reddit API Wrapper", is a python package that allows for simple access to Reddit's API.
- trentm/python-markdown2 - markdown2: A fast and complete implementation of Markdown in Python
- commixproject/commix - Automated All-in-One OS command injection and exploitation tool.
- cobbler/cobbler - Cobbler is a versatile Linux deployment server
- charlierguo/gmail - A Pythonic interface for Google Mail
- ryanmcgrath/twython - Actively maintained, pure Python wrapper for the Twitter API. Supports both normal and streaming Twitter APIs.
- x0rz/tweets_analyzer - Tweets metadata scraper & activity analyzer
- imwilsonxu/fbone - Fbone (Flask bone) is a Flask (Python microframework) starter/template/bootstrap/boilerplate application.
- NicolasHug/Surprise - A Python scikit for building and analyzing recommender systems
- pybee/toga - A Python native, OS native GUI toolkit.
- mewwts/addict - The Python Dict that's better than heroin.
- hyde/hyde - A Python Static Website Generator
- Instagram/MonkeyType - A system for Python that generates static type annotations by collecting runtime types
- googlemaps/google-maps-services-python - Python client library for Google Maps API Web Services
- hunkim/PyTorchZeroToAll - Simple PyTorch Tutorials Zero to ALL!
- google/pyringe - Debugger capable of attaching to and injecting code into python processes.
- dpgaspar/Flask-AppBuilder - Simple and rapid application development framework, built on top of Flask. includes detailed security, auto CRUD generation for your models, google charts and much more. Demo (login with guest/welcome) - http://flaskappbuilder.pythonanywhere.com/
- gawel/pyquery - A jquery-like library for python
- python-attrs/attrs - Python Classes Without Boilerplate
- bbfamily/abu - 阿布量化交易系统(股票,期权,期货,比特币,机器学习) 基于python的开源量化交易,量化投资架构
- johnwheeler/flask-ask - Alexa Skills Kit for Python
- nyaadevs/nyaa - Bittorrent software for cats
- getnikola/nikola - A static website and blog generator
- overshard/timestrap - Time tracking you can host anywhere. Full export support in multiple formats and easily extensible.
- Just-Some-Bots/MusicBot - 🎵 The original MusicBot for Discord (formerly SexualRhinoceros/MusicBot)
- kennethreitz/inbox.py - Python SMTP Server for Humans
- jmcnamara/XlsxWriter - A Python module for creating Excel XLSX files.
- 1adrianb/face-alignment - 🔥 2D and 3D Face alignment library build using pytorch
- getsentry/raven-python - Raven is a Python client for Sentry (getsentry.com)
- gaojiuli/gain - Web crawling framework based on asyncio.
- eternnoir/pyTelegramBotAPI - Python Telegram bot api.
- spulec/freezegun - Let your Python tests travel through time
- yandex/yandex-tank - Load and performance benchmark tool
- thampiman/reverse-geocoder - A fast, offline reverse geocoder in Python
- pallets/itsdangerous - Various helpers to pass trusted data to untrusted environments
- vitorfs/bootcamp - An enterprise social network
- rasbt/mlxtend - A library of extension and helper modules for Python's data analysis and machine learning libraries.
- amoffat/snake - Full Python Scripting in Vim
- nerevu/riko - A Python stream processing engine modeled after Yahoo! Pipes
- metabrainz/picard - MusicBrainz Picard
- hugsy/gef - GEF - GDB Enhanced Features for exploit devs & reversers
- doraemonext/wechat-python-sdk - 微信公众平台 Python 开发包 [DEPRECATED]
- tyiannak/pyAudioAnalysis - Python Audio Analysis Library: Feature Extraction, Classification, Segmentation and Applications
- tryolabs/luminoth - Deep Learning toolkit for Computer Vision
- elceef/dnstwist - Domain name permutation engine for detecting typo squatting, phishing and corporate espionage
- madisonmay/Tomorrow - Magic decorator syntax for asynchronous code in Python
- audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage - Cookiecutter template for a Python package.
- myusuf3/delorean - Delorean: Time Travel Made Easy
- keleshev/schema - Schema validation just got Pythonic
- mshang/python-elevator-challenge - So You Think You Can Program An Elevator
- lazyprogrammer/machine_learning_examples - A collection of machine learning examples and tutorials.
- rpicard/explore-flask - Source of Explore Flask book
- cupy/cupy - NumPy-like API accelerated with CUDA
- brack3t/django-braces - Reusable, generic mixins for Django
- pythonprofilers/memory_profiler - Monitor Memory usage of Python code
- miso-belica/sumy - Module for automatic summarization of text documents and HTML pages.
- tschellenbach/Django-facebook - Facebook open graph api implementation using the Django web framework in python
- tobegit3hub/tensorflow_template_application - TensorFlow template application for deep learning
- GoogleCloudPlatform/google-cloud-python - Google Cloud Client Library for Python
- slackapi/python-slackclient - Slack Developer Kit for Python
- lincolnloop/python-qrcode - Python QR Code image generator
- aaugustin/websockets - WebSocket implementation in Python 3
- xxg1413/python - Python学习
- Python-Markdown/markdown - A Python implementation of John Gruber’s Markdown with Extension support.
- justinmeister/Mario-Level-1 - The first level of Super Mario Bros made with Python and Pygame.
- jesolem/PCV - Open source Python module for computer vision
- Yorko/mlcourse_open - OpenDataScience Machine Learning course. Both in English and Russian
- hamuchiwa/AutoRCCar - OpenCV Python Neural Network Autonomous RC Car
- eldraco/domain_analyzer - Analyze the security of any domain by finding all the information possible. Made in python.
- apache/libcloud - Apache Libcloud is a Python library which hides differences between different cloud provider APIs and allows you to manage different cloud resources through a unified and easy to use API
- ckreibich/scholar.py - A parser for Google Scholar, written in Python
- qtile/qtile - 🍪 A small, flexible, scriptable tiling window manager written in Python
- madmaze/pytesseract - A Python wrapper for Google Tesseract
- os/slacker - Full-featured Python interface for the Slack API
- EntilZha/PyFunctional - Python library for creating data pipelines with chain functional programming
- mikedewar/d3py - a plottling library for python, based on D3
- Parsely/streamparse - Run Python in Apache Storm topologies. Pythonic API, CLI tooling, and a topology DSL.
- mdipierro/nlib - The book "Annotated Algorithms in Python" and the nlib.py library
- jamesmawm/High-Frequency-Trading-Model-with-IB - A high-frequency trading model using Interactive Brokers API with pairs and mean-reversion in Python
- backtrader/backtrader - Python Backtesting library for trading strategies
- rafalp/Misago - Misago is fully featured forum application written in Python and ES6, powered by Django and React.js
- fmfn/BayesianOptimization - A Python implementation of global optimization with gaussian processes.
- Kozea/Radicale - A simple CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server.
- eliben/pycparser - 🐍 Complete C99 parser in pure Python
- timothycrosley/isort - A Python utility / library to sort imports.
- lunixbochs/ActualVim - Sublime Text 3 input mode using Neovim
- mongodb-labs/mongo-connector - Data replication from MongoDB to MongoDB, Elasticsearch, Solr, and more!
- pinry/pinry - The open-source core of Pinry, a tiling image board system for people who want to save, tag, and share images, videos and webpages in an easy to skim through format.
- gruns/furl - 🌐 URL parsing and manipulation made easy.
- evonove/django-oauth-toolkit - OAuth2 goodies for the Djangonauts!
- biolab/orange3 - 🍊 📊 💡 Orange: Interactive data analysis https://orange.biolab.si
- andersbll/deeppy - Deep learning in Python
- smicallef/spiderfoot - SpiderFoot, the open source footprinting and intelligence-gathering tool.
- kragniz/json-sempai - Use JSON files as if they are python modules
- markfinger/python-react - Server-side rendering of React components
- jxtech/wechatpy - WeChat SDK for Python
- astorfi/TensorFlow-World-Resources - 📡 Organized & Useful Resources about Deep Learning with TensorFlow
- websocket-client/websocket-client - websocket client for python
- urwid/urwid - Console user interface library for Python (official repo)
- Veil-Framework/Veil-Evasion - Veil Evasion is no longer supported, use Veil 3.0!
- sh4nks/flaskbb - A classic Forum Software in Python using Flask.
- QingdaoU/OnlineJudge - open source online judge based on Vue, Django and Docker. | 开源 Online Judge | QQ群 496710125
- lepture/flask-oauthlib - OAuthlib implementation for Flask.
- python-diamond/Diamond - Diamond is a python daemon that collects system metrics and publishes them to Graphite (and others). It is capable of collecting cpu, memory, network, i/o, load and disk metrics. Additionally, it features an API for implementing custom collectors for gathering metrics from almost any source.
- miguelgrinberg/microblog - A microblogging web application written in Python and Flask that I developed as part of my Flask Mega-Tutorial series.
- pyeve/cerberus - Lightweight, extensible data validation library for Python
- kevinburke/hamms - Malformed servers to test your HTTP client
- graphite-project/carbon - Carbon is one of the components of Graphite, and is responsible for receiving metrics over the network and writing them down to disk using a storage backend.
- celery/kombu - Messaging library for Python.
- nose-devs/nose - nose is nicer testing for python
- maurosoria/dirsearch - Web path scanner
- behave/behave - BDD, Python style.
- andialbrecht/sqlparse - A non-validating SQL parser module for Python
- cea-sec/miasm - Reverse engineering framework in Python
- xdavidhu/mitmAP - 📡 A python program to create a fake AP and sniff data.
- lxml/lxml - The lxml XML toolkit for Python
- hannes-brt/hebel - GPU-Accelerated Deep Learning Library in Python
- snipsco/snips-nlu - Snips Python library to extract meaning from text
- PokeAPI/pokeapi - The Pokémon API.
- awolfly9/IPProxyTool - python ip proxy tool scrapy crawl. 抓取大量免费代理 ip,提取有效 ip 使用
- OfflineIMAP/offlineimap - Read/sync your IMAP mailboxes
- pexpect/pexpect - A Python module for controlling interactive programs in a pseudo-terminal
- facebookresearch/fairseq-py - Facebook AI Research Sequence-to-Sequence Toolkit written in Python.
- lepture/mistune - The fastest markdown parser in pure Python with renderer feature.
- JelteF/PyLaTeX - A Python library for creating LaTeX files
- mailgun/flanker - Python email address and Mime parsing library
- zalando/connexion - Swagger/OpenAPI First framework for Python on top of Flask with automatic endpoint validation & OAuth2 support
- spotify/dh-virtualenv - Python virtualenvs in Debian packages
- getlogbook/logbook - A cool logging replacement for Python.
- jakubroztocil/cointrol - ฿ Bitcoin trading bot with a real-time dashboard for Bitstamp.
- pwndbg/pwndbg - Exploit Development and Reverse Engineering with GDB Made Easy
- dulwich/dulwich - Pure-Python Git implementation
- pyload/pyload - Free and Open Source download manager written in Pure Python and designed to be extremely lightweight, fully customizable and remotely manageable
- jonathanslenders/pymux - A terminal multiplexer (like tmux) in Python
- dddomodossola/remi - Python REMote Interface library. Platform independent. In about 100 Kbytes, perfect for your diet.
- fabtools/fabtools - Tools for writing awesome Fabric files
- djacobs/PyAPNs - Python library for interacting with the Apple Push Notification service (APNs)
- jazzband/django-push-notifications - Send push notifications to mobile devices through GCM or APNS in Django.
- pandas-profiling/pandas-profiling - Create HTML profiling reports from pandas DataFrame objects
- celery/django-celery - Old Celery integration project for Django
- python-openxml/python-docx - Create and modify Word documents with Python
- kliment/Printrun - Pronterface, Pronsole, and Printcore - Pure Python 3d printing host software
- joblib/joblib - Python function as pipeline jobs.
- readbeyond/aeneas - aeneas is a Python/C library and a set of tools to automagically synchronize audio and text (aka forced alignment)
- gabrielfalcao/lettuce - Cucumber-ish BDD for python
- joedicastro/vps-comparison - A comparison between some VPS providers. It uses Ansible to perform a series of automated benchmark tests over the VPS servers that you specify. It allows the reproducibility of those tests by anyone that wanted to compare these results to their own. All the tests results are available in order to provide independence and transparency.
- RJT1990/pyflux - Open source time series library for Python
- sabnzbd/sabnzbd - SABnzbd - The automated Usenet download tool
- Microsoft/Quantum - Microsoft Quantum Development Kit Samples and Libraries
- Maratyszcza/PeachPy - x86-64 assembler embedded in Python
- jlsutherland/doc2text - Detect text blocks and OCR poorly scanned PDFs in bulk. Python module available via pip.
- hmmlearn/hmmlearn - Hidden Markov Models in Python, with scikit-learn like API
- cosven/FeelUOwn - trying to be a hackable music player
- cea-sec/ivre - Network recon framework.
- fonttools/fonttools - A library to manipulate font files from Python.
- nickstenning/honcho - Honcho: a python clone of Foreman. For managing Procfile-based applications.
- balloob/pychromecast - Library for Python 3 to communicate with the Google Chromecast.
- PyCQA/pylint - A Python source code analyzer which looks for programming errors, helps enforcing a coding standard and sniffs for some code smells
- traverseda/pycraft - A fork of "Minecraft in 500 lines of python" intended to someday be used as a real engine, instead of as a learning example.
- thomasahle/sunfish - Sunfish: a Python Chess Engine in 111 lines of code
- kevin1024/vcrpy - Automatically mock your HTTP interactions to simplify and speed up testing
- jay0lee/GAM - command line management for Google G Suite
- tartley/colorama - Simple cross-platform colored terminal text in Python
- truebit/xUnique - merge Xcode project file is so easy
- DataBrewery/cubes - Light-weight Python OLAP framework for multi-dimensional data analysis
- nficano/pytube - A lightweight, dependency-free Python library (and command-line utility) for downloading YouTube Videos.
- git-cola/git-cola - git-cola: The highly caffeinated Git GUI
- mothran/mongol - A simple python tool to pinpoint the IP addresses of machines working for the Great Firewall of China.
- deanishe/alfred-workflow - Full-featured library for writing Alfred workflows
- plamere/spotipy - A light weight Python library for the Spotify Web API
- ahupp/python-magic - A python wrapper for libmagic
- rholder/retrying - Retrying is an Apache 2.0 licensed general-purpose retrying library, written in Python, to simplify the task of adding retry behavior to just about anything.
- alecthomas/voluptuous - Voluptuous, despite the name, is a Python data validation library.
- fritzy/SleekXMPP - Python 2.6+/3.1+ XMPP Library
- defunkt/pystache - Mustache in Python
- cvxgrp/cvxpy - A Python-embedded modeling language for convex optimization problems.
- tryolabs/requestium - Integration layer between Requests and Selenium for automation of web actions.
- hypothesis/h - Annotate with anyone, anywhere.
- metacloud/molecule - Molecule aids in the development and testing of Ansible roles.
- pyserial/pyserial - Python serial port access library
- reviewboard/reviewboard - An extensible and friendly code review tool for projects and companies of all sizes.
- JinnLynn/genpac - PAC/Dnsmasq/Wingy file Generator, working with gfwlist, support custom rules.
- viewflow/viewflow - Reusable workflow library for Django
- michaelliao/sinaweibopy - 新浪微博Python SDK
- joealcorn/laboratory - A Python library for sure-footed refactoring
- twilio/twilio-python - A Python module for communicating with the Twilio API and generating TwiML.
- graphql-python/graphene-django - Graphene Django integration
- openstack/bandit - Python AST-based static analyzer from OpenStack Security Group
- flyingrub/scdl - Soundcloud Music Downloader
- ethan-funny/explore-python - 📗 The Beauty of Python Programming.
- realpython/python-scripts - because i'm tired of gists
- k4m4/kickthemout - 💤 Kick devices off your network by performing an ARP Spoof attack.
- vmware/pyvmomi - VMware vSphere API Python Bindings
- LonamiWebs/Telethon - Pure Python 3 Telegram client library
- libgit2/pygit2 - Python bindings for libgit2
- shea256/angular-flask - An AngularJS (frontend) + Flask / Python (backend) Boilerplate Application
- jrosebr1/imutils - A series of convenience functions to make basic image processing operations such as translation, rotation, resizing, skeletonization, and displaying Matplotlib images easier with OpenCV and Python.
- fengsp/plan - Crontab jobs management in Python
- stanfordjournalism/search-script-scrape - 101 real world web scraping exercises in Python 3 for data journalists
- kmmbvnr/django-fsm - Django friendly finite state machine support
- gak/pycallgraph - pycallgraph is a Python module that creates call graphs for Python programs.
- noplay/python-mysql-replication - Pure Python Implementation of MySQL replication protocol build on top of PyMYSQL
- klbostee/dumbo - Python module that allows one to easily write and run Hadoop programs.
- reiinakano/xcessiv - A web-based application for quick, scalable, and automated hyperparameter tuning and stacked ensembling in Python.
- geopandas/geopandas - Python tools for geographic data
- WZBSocialScienceCenter/pdftabextract - A set of tools for extracting tables from PDF files helping to do data mining on (OCR-processed) scanned documents.
- has2k1/plotnine - A grammar of graphics for Python
- Exa-Networks/exabgp - The BGP swiss army knife of networking
- DataDog/dd-agent - Datadog Agent
- paicha/gxgk-wechat-server - 校园微信公众号,使用 Python、Flask、Redis、MySQL、Celery
- nathanlopez/Stitch - Python Remote Administration Tool (RAT)
- kootenpv/yagmail - yagmail makes sending emails very easy by doing all the magic for you
- wooey/Wooey - A Django app that creates automatic web UIs for Python scripts.
- ocelma/python-recsys - A python library for implementing a recommender system
- ab77/netflix-proxy - Smart DNS proxy to watch Netflix
- JBakamovic/yavide - Modern C/C++ integrated development environment
- grantjenks/sorted_containers - Python Sorted Container Types: SortedList, SortedDict, and SortedSet
- PyMySQL/mysqlclient-python - MySQL database connector for Python (with Python 3 support)
- mikemaccana/python-docx - Reads, queries and modifies Microsoft Word 2007/2008 docx files.
- pybuilder/pybuilder - Continuous build tool for Python.
- agronholm/apscheduler - Task scheduling library for Python
- dabeaz/ply - Python Lex-Yacc
- WeblateOrg/weblate - Web based translation tool with tight version control integration.
- OsciiArt/DeepAA - make ASCII Art by Deep Learning
- ZoomerAnalytics/xlwings - xlwings is a BSD-licensed Python library that makes it easy to call Python from Excel and vice versa. It works with Microsoft Excel on Windows and Mac. Sign up for the newsletter or follow us on twitter via
- trailofbits/manticore - Symbolic execution tool
- LevPasha/Instagram-API-python - Unofficial instagram API, give you access to ALL instagram features (like, follow, upload photo and video and etc)! Write on python.
- programa-stic/barf-project - BARF : A multiplatform open source Binary Analysis and Reverse engineering Framework
- modoboa/modoboa - Mail hosting made simple
- jaybaird/python-bloomfilter - Scalable Bloom Filter implemented in Python
- pantsbuild/pex - A library and tool for generating .pex (Python EXecutable) files
- yorkoliu/pyauto - 《python自动化运维:技术与最佳实践》书中示例及案例源码
- bpython/bpython - bpython - A fancy curses interface to the Python interactive interpreter
- gutomaia/pyNES - Python programming for Nintendo 8 bits
- translate/pootle - Online translation tool
- inducer/pudb - Full-screen console debugger for Python
- philpep/testinfra - Testinfra test your infrastructures
- xiaocong/uiautomator - Python wrapper of Android uiautomator test tool.
- Komodo/KomodoEdit - Komodo Edit is a fast and free multi-language code editor. Written in JS, Python, C++ and based on the Mozilla platform.
- rthalley/dnspython - a powerful DNS toolkit for python
- pimutils/khal - 📆 CLI calendar application
- eleme/thriftpy - Pure python implementation of Apache Thrift.
- ross/requests-futures - Asynchronous Python HTTP Requests for Humans using Futures
- cdgriffith/Box - Python dictionaries with advanced dot notation access
- daleroberts/itermplot - An awesome iTerm2 backend for Matplotlib, so you can plot directly in your terminal.
- ibis-project/ibis - A pandas-like deferred expression system, with first-class SQL support (Impala, PostgreSQL, SQLite, ...)
- divio/django-filer - File and Image Management Application for django
- NetEaseGame/git-webhook -
使用 Python Flask + SQLAchemy + Celery + Redis + React 开发的用于迅速搭建并使用 WebHook 进行自动化部署和运维,支持 Github / GitLab / Gogs / GitOsc。
- manahl/arctic - High performance datastore for time series and tick data
- kartograph/kartograph.py - Renders beautiful SVG maps in Python.
- vesche/basicRAT - python remote access trojan
- sunscrapers/djoser - REST implementation of Django authentication system.
- dylanaraps/pywal - 🎨 Generate and change colorschemes on the fly. A 'wal' rewrite in Python 3.
- roxma/nvim-completion-manager - ⚡ Fast, Extensible, Async Completion Framework for Neovim
- rarcega/instagram-scraper - Scrapes an instagram user's photos and videos
- mongodb/motor - Motor - the async Python driver for MongoDB and Tornado or asyncio
- simplejson/simplejson - simplejson is a simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python
- scikit-learn-contrib/lightning - Large-scale linear classification, regression and ranking in Python
- boppreh/keyboard - Hook and simulate global keyboard events on Windows and Linux.
- evansd/whitenoise - Radically simplified static file serving for Python web apps
- joke2k/django-environ - Django-environ allows you to utilize 12factor inspired environment variables to configure your Django application.
- python/peps - Python Enhancement Proposals
- pantsbuild/pants - The Pants Build System
- Lawouach/WebSocket-for-Python - WebSocket client and server library for Python 2 and 3 as well as PyPy (ws4py 0.5.1)
- Cue/scales - scales - Metrics for Python
- landscapeio/prospector - Inspects Python source files and provides information about type and location of classes, methods etc
- zhedongzheng/finch - Deep NLP in TensorFlow r1.6
- muricoca/crab - Crab is a flexible, fast recommender engine for Python that integrates classic information filtering recommendation algorithms in the world of scientific Python packages (numpy, scipy, matplotlib).
- machinalis/quepy - A python framework to transform natural language questions to queries in a database query language.
- gboeing/osmnx - OSMnx: Python for street networks. Retrieve, construct, analyze, and visualize street networks from OpenStreetMap.
- django-wiki/django-wiki - A wiki system with complex functionality for simple integration and a superb interface. Store your knowledge with style: Use django models.
- binarydud/pyres - a resque clone in python
- mypaint/mypaint - MyPaint is a simple drawing and painting program that works well with Wacom-style graphics tablets.
- cosme12/SimpleCoin - Just a really simple, insecure and incomplete implementation of a blockchain for a cryptocurrency made in Python as educational material. In other words, a simple Bitcoin clone.
- jrfonseca/gprof2dot - Converts profiling output to a dot graph.
- pogodevorg/pgoapi - Unofficial PokemonGO API in Python
- dmkoch/django-jsonfield - A reusable JSONField model for Django to store ad-hoc data
- tobgu/pyrsistent - Persistent/Immutable/Functional data structures for Python
- berdario/pew - A tool to manage multiple virtual environments written in pure python
- TailorDev/Watson - ⌚ A wonderful CLI to track your time!
- chardet/chardet - Python 2/3 compatible character encoding detector.
- graphite-project/whisper - Whisper is a file-based time-series database format for Graphite.
- vim-vdebug/vdebug - Multi-language DBGP debugger client for Vim (PHP, Python, Perl, Ruby, etc.)
- theskumar/python-dotenv - Get and set values in your .env file in local and production servers. 🎉
- erikrose/parsimonious - The fastest pure-Python PEG parser I can muster
- OpenRCE/sulley - A pure-python fully automated and unattended fuzzing framework.
- mozillazg/python-pinyin - 汉字转拼音(pypinyin)
- miguelgrinberg/Flask-Migrate - SQLAlchemy database migrations for Flask applications using Alembic
- IDSIA/sacred - Sacred is a tool to help you configure, organize, log and reproduce experiments developed at IDSIA.
- maciejkula/spotlight - Deep recommender models using PyTorch.
- csvoss/onelinerizer - Convert any Python file into a single line of code.
- xianhu/PSpider - 简单易用的Python爬虫框架,QQ交流群:597510560
- dmulholland/ivy - A static website generator built in Python.
- NetEaseGame/ATX - Smart phone automation tool. Support iOS, Android, WebApp and game.
- jaungiers/LSTM-Neural-Network-for-Time-Series-Prediction - LSTM built using Keras Python package to predict time series steps and sequences. Includes sin wave and stock market data
- Yinzo/SmartQQBot - 基于SmartQQ的自动机器人框架
- MagerValp/AutoDMG - Create deployable system images from OS X installer
- Neo23x0/Loki - Loki - Simple IOC and Incident Response Scanner
- jazzband/django-widget-tweaks - Tweak the form field rendering in templates, not in python-level form definitions. CSS classes and HTML attributes can be altered.
- mining/mining - Business Intelligence (BI) in Python, OLAP
- bdarnell/plop - Python Low-Overhead Profiler
- olipo186/Git-Auto-Deploy - Deploy your GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket projects automatically on Git push events or webhooks using this small HTTP server written in Python. Continuous deployment in it's most simple form.
- hunkim/word-rnn-tensorflow - Multi-layer Recurrent Neural Networks (LSTM, RNN) for word-level language models in Python using TensorFlow.
- SoCo/SoCo - SoCo (Sonos Controller) is a Python project that allows you to programmatically control Sonos speakers.
- csujedihy/lc-all-solutions - My own leetcode all solutions by python
- ResidentMario/missingno - Missing data visualization module for Python.
- Jack-Cherish/python-spider - 🌈Python3网络爬虫实战:VIP视频破解助手;GEETEST验证码破解;小说、动漫下载;手机APP爬取;财务报表入库;火车票抢票;抖音APP视频下载;百万英雄辅助;网易云音乐批量下载
- mvantellingen/python-zeep - A modern/fast python SOAP client based on lxml / requests
- wireservice/agate - A Python data analysis library that is optimized for humans instead of machines.
- frappe/frappe - Full Stack Web Framework in Python & JS. Used to build ERPNext
- Shougo/denite.nvim - 🐉 Dark powered asynchronous unite all interfaces for Neovim/Vim8
- authomatic/authomatic - Simple yet powerful authorization / authentication client library for Python web applications.
- PythonCharmers/python-future - Easy, clean, reliable Python 2/3 compatibility
- ipython/ipyparallel - Interactive Parallel Computing in Python
- iogf/vy - A vim-like in python made from scratch.
- jdf/processing.py - Write Processing sketches in Python
- jieter/django-tables2 - django-tables2 - An app for creating HTML tables
- scrapinghub/dateparser - python parser for human readable dates
- mistio/mist.io - mist.io is an open platform for managing heterogeneous infrastructures
- eBay/bayesian-belief-networks - Pythonic Bayesian Belief Network Package, supporting creation of and exact inference on Bayesian Belief Networks specified as pure python functions.
- ekalinin/nodeenv - Virtual environment for Node.js & integrator with virtualenv
- pyusb/pyusb - USB access for Python
- waveform80/picamera - A pure Python interface to the Raspberry Pi camera module
- Suor/django-cacheops - A slick ORM cache with automatic granular event-driven invalidation.
- datastax/python-driver - DataStax Python Driver for Apache Cassandra
- rhiever/TwitterFollowBot - A Python bot that automates several actions on Twitter, such as following users and favoriting tweets.
- ambv/black - The uncompromising Python code formatter
- requests/requests-oauthlib - OAuthlib support for Python-Requests!
- Miserlou/SoundScrape - SoundCloud (and Bandcamp and Mixcloud) downloader in Python.
- joowani/binarytree - Python Library for Learning Binary Trees
- msgpack/msgpack-python - MessagePack serializer implementation for Python msgpack.org[Python]
- jd/tenacity - Retrying library for Python
- andreafrancia/trash-cli - Command line interface to the freedesktop.org trashcan.
- mkleehammer/pyodbc - Python ODBC bridge
- miracle2k/webassets - Asset management for Python web development.
- mfitzp/15-minute-apps - 15 minute (small) desktop apps built with PyQt
- python-zk/kazoo - Kazoo is a high-level Python library that makes it easier to use Apache Zookeeper.
- watson-developer-cloud/python-sdk - 🐍 Client library to use the IBM Watson services in Python and available in pip as watson-developer-cloud
- PythonJS/PythonJS - PythonJS development has moved to Rusthon
- TokenMarketNet/ico - Ethereum ICO smart contracts and tools for managing crowdsales
- tankywoo/simiki - Simiki is a simple wiki framework, written in Python.
- openpaperwork/pyocr - A Python wrapper for Tesseract and Cuneiform
- Flexget/Flexget - The official FlexGet repository
- noirbizarre/flask-restplus - Fully featured framework for fast, easy and documented API development with Flask
- Anorov/cloudflare-scrape - A Python module to bypass Cloudflare's anti-bot page.
- jamesturk/jellyfish - 🎐 a python library for doing approximate and phonetic matching of strings.
- GrahamDumpleton/wrapt - A Python module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching.
- DenisCarriere/geocoder - 🌏 Python Geocoder
- serverdensity/python-daemon - Python daemonizer for Unix, Linux and OS X
- joerick/pyinstrument - 🚴 Call stack profiler for Python. Shows you why your code is slow!
- XiphosResearch/exploits - Miscellaneous exploit code
- ergonomica/ergonomica - 🖥️ A cross-platform modern shell.
- srusskih/SublimeJEDI - awesome Python autocompletion with SublimeText
- mrjoes/sockjs-tornado - WebSocket emulation - Python server
- thiderman/doge - wow very terminal doge
- aaronduino/asciidots - AsciiDots - The result of combining ascii art, electrical engineering, and programming.
- nccgroup/Winpayloads - Undetectable Windows Payload Generation
- lensacom/sparkit-learn - PySpark + Scikit-learn = Sparkit-learn
- Lukasa/hyper - HTTP/2 for Python.
- h5py/h5py - HDF5 for Python -- The h5py package is a Pythonic interface to the HDF5 binary data format.
- ulope/pyformat.info - Single page cheat-sheet about Python string formatting
- rubik/radon - Various code metrics for Python code
- msanders/cider - Hassle-free bootstrapping with Homebrew.
- benhamner/Metrics - Machine learning evaluation metrics, implemented in Python, R, Haskell, and MATLAB / Octave
- dfm/emcee - The Python ensemble sampling toolkit for affine-invariant MCMC
- r0x0r/pywebview - A lightweight cross-platform native wrapper around a webview component that allows to display HTML content in its own dedicated window
- letiantian/TextRank4ZH - 🌳从中文文本中自动提取关键词和摘要
- ninja-ide/ninja-ide - {Ninja-IDE Is Not Just Another IDE}
- brainsik/virtualenv-burrito - One command to have a working virtualenv + virtualenvwrapper environment.
- adamn/python-webkit2png - Python script that takes screenshots (browsershots) using webkit
- serge-sans-paille/pythran - a claimless python to c++ converter
- python-security/pyt - A Static Analysis Tool for Detecting Security Vulnerabilities in Python Web Applications
- nitely/Spirit - Spirit is a modern Python based forum built on top of Django framework
- bhrigu123/classifier - Organize files in your directory instantly, by classifying them into different folders
- muammar/mkchromecast - Cast macOS and Linux Audio/Video to your Google Cast and Sonos Devices
- wtforms/wtforms - A flexible forms validation and rendering library for Python.
- john-kurkowski/tldextract - Accurately separate the TLD from the registered domain and subdomains of a URL, using the Public Suffix List.
- naiquevin/pipdeptree - A command line utility to display dependency tree of the installed Python packages
- django-helpdesk/django-helpdesk - A Django application to manage tickets for an internal helpdesk. Formerly known as Jutda Helpdesk.
- sammchardy/python-binance - Binance Exchange API python implementation for automated trading
- petertodd/python-bitcoinlib - Python2/3 library providing an easy interface to the Bitcoin data structures and protocol.
- jmoiron/humanize - python humanize functions
- citronneur/rdpy - Remote Desktop Protocol in Twisted Python
- wit-ai/pywit - Python library for Wit.ai
- pydata/xarray - N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python
- iamaziz/PyDataset - Instant access to many datasets.
- jyapayne/Web2Executable - Uses NW.js to generate "native" apps for already existing web apps.
- QuantFans/quantdigger - 基于python的量化交易平台
- wger-project/wger - Self hosted FLOSS fitness/workout and weight tracker written with Django
- Netflix/hubcommander - A Slack bot for GitHub organization management -- and other things too
- bytefish/facerec - Implements face recognition algorithms for MATLAB/GNU Octave and Python.
- sigmavirus24/github3.py - Hi, I'm a library for interacting with GItHub's REST API in a convenient and ergonomic way. I work on both Python 2.7 and Python 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6
- danpaquin/gdax-python - The unofficial Python client for the GDAX API
- kivy/pyjnius - Access Java classes from Python
- pirate/security-growler - 📡 A Mac menubar app that notifies you whenever SSH, VNC, sudo, or other auth events occur.
- blampe/IbPy - Python API for the Interactive Brokers on-line trading system.
- matthewearl/faceswap - Python script to put facial features from one face onto another
- rq/django-rq - A simple app that provides django integration for RQ (Redis Queue)
- pywinauto/pywinauto - Windows GUI Automation with Python
- owtf/owtf - Offensive Web Testing Framework (OWTF), is a framework which tries to unite great tools and make pen testing more efficient @owtfp http://owtf.org
- python/pythondotorg - Source code for python.org
- guyzmo/git-repo - Git-Repo: CLI utility to manage git services from your workspace
- Ultimaker/Cura - 3D printer / slicing GUI built on top of the Uranium framework
- scikit-optimize/scikit-optimize - Sequential model-based optimization with a
interface - dahlia/wand - The ctypes-based simple ImageMagick binding for Python
- whitesmith/hawkpost - Generate links that users can use to submit messages encrypted with your public key.
- richardkiss/pycoin - Python-based Bitcoin and alt-coin utility library.
- erikrose/blessings - A thin, practical wrapper around terminal capabilities in Python
- vandersonmota/model_mommy - Object factory for django
- taizilongxu/douban.fm - 📻 douban.fm based on Python
- martinrusev/imbox - Python IMAP for Human beings
- benfred/implicit - Fast Python Collaborative Filtering for Implicit Datasets
- RDFLib/rdflib - RDFLib is a Python library for working with RDF, a simple yet powerful language for representing information.
- datamade/usaddress - 🇺🇸 a python library for parsing unstructured address strings into address components
- robdmc/pandashells - 🐼 Bringing the python data stack to the shell prompt
- pydata/numexpr - Fast numerical array expression evaluator for Python, NumPy, PyTables, pandas, bcolz and more
- influxdata/influxdb-python - Python client for InfluxDB
- mapbox/rasterio - Rasterio reads and writes geospatial raster datasets
- svanoort/pyresttest - Python Rest Testing
- EasyIME/PIME - Develop input methods for Windows easily with Python and node.js
- swapagarwal/JARVIS-on-Messenger - 💬 A community-driven python bot that aims to be as simple as possible to serve humans with their everyday tasks
- OpenGeoscience/geonotebook - A Jupyter notebook extension for geospatial visualization and analysis
- instagrambot/instabot - Cool Instagram scripts, bots and API wrapper. Forever free. Written in Python.
- python-trio/trio - Trio – Pythonic async I/O for humans and snake people 🐍
- jgorset/facepy - Facepy makes it really easy to use Facebook's Graph API
- shadowsocks/ChinaDNS-Python - Protect yourself against DNS poisoning in China.
- ioam/holoviews - Stop plotting your data - annotate your data and let it visualize itself.
- scottlawsonbc/audio-reactive-led-strip - 🎵 🌈 Real-time LED strip music visualization using Python and the ESP8266 or Raspberry Pi
- CamDavidsonPilon/lifelines - Survival analysis in Python
- dongweiming/web_develop - 《Python Web开发实战》书中源码
- StijnMiroslav/top-starred-devs-and-repos-to-follow - The Top-Starred Python GitHub Devs, Orgs, and Repos to Follow (All-Time and Trending)
- henices/Tcp-DNS-proxy - A TCP dns proxy which can get the RIGHT ip address
- davidaurelio/hashids-python - Implementation of hashids (http://hashids.org) in Python. Compatible with Python 2 and Python 3
- mirumee/satchless - E-commerce for Python
- bfontaine/term2048 - 🎉 2048 in your terminal
- 255BITS/HyperGAN - A composable Generative Adversarial Network(GAN) with API and command line tool.
- gotcha/ipdb - Integration of IPython pdb
- maralla/completor.vim - Async completion framework made ease.
- jeffknupp/sandman2 - Automatically generate a RESTful API service for your legacy database. No code required!
- anantdgoel/HackPrincetonF16 - Chrome extension to flag fake news on Facebook
- theupdateframework/tuf - A framework for securing software update systems
- mps-youtube/pafy - Python library to download YouTube content and retrieve metadata
- google/budou - Budou is an automatic organizer tool for beautiful line breaking in CJK (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean).
- YuwenXiong/py-R-FCN - R-FCN with joint training and python support
- YongHaoWu/NeteaseCloudMusicFlac - 根据网易云音乐的歌单, 下载flac无损音乐到本地. Download the FLAC music from Internet according to your NeteaseCloudMusic playlist.
- brandon-rhodes/fopnp - Foundations of Python Network Programming (Apress) — scripts and examples
- jameslyons/python_speech_features - This library provides common speech features for ASR including MFCCs and filterbank energies.
- miguelgrinberg/python-socketio - Python Socket.IO server
- kennethreitz/twitter-scraper - Scrape the Twitter Frontend API without authentication.
- SheffieldML/GPy - Gaussian processes framework in python
- holgerd77/django-dynamic-scraper - Creating Scrapy scrapers via the Django admin interface
- egirault/googleplay-api - Google Play Unofficial Python API - This project was a PoC and is not maintained anymore. Please feel free to fork it and improve it in any way.
- mediadrop/mediadrop - A video, audio and podcast publication platform written in Python.
- FriendCode/gittle - Pythonic Git for Humans
- python-babel/babel - The official repository for Babel, the Python Internationalization Library
- PyTables/PyTables - A Python package to manage extremely large amounts of data
- sagemath/sage - Mirror of the Sage source tree -- NO PRs! -- everything must be submitted via https://trac.sagemath.org/
- mwrlabs/needle - The iOS Security Testing Framework
- chuyangliu/Snake - Artificial intelligence of the Snake game.
- chartbeat-labs/textacy - higher-level NLP built on spaCy
- pyfa-org/Pyfa - Python fitting assistant, cross-platform fitting tool for EVE Online
- kriadmin/30-seconds-of-python-code - Python implementation of 30-seconds-of-code
- RaRe-Technologies/smart_open - Utils for streaming large files (S3, HDFS, gzip, bz2...)
- Parsely/pykafka - Apache Kafka client for Python; high-level & low-level consumer/producer, with great performance.
- carpedm20/LINE - May the LINE be with you...
- pgmpy/pgmpy - Python Library for Probabilistic Graphical Models
- Azure/azure-cli - Command-line tools for Azure.
- Leo-G/Flask-Scaffold - Prototype Database driven CRUD Admin dashboards and RESTFUL API's with Python, Flask, SQLALchemy, Javascript/Angularjs and Bootstrap 3
- TwoWater/Python - Python 入门教程:【草根学 Python (基于Python3.6)】
- SavinaRoja/PyUserInput - A module for cross-platform control of the mouse and keyboard in python that is simple to install and use.
- selwin/python-user-agents - A Python library that provides an easy way to identify devices like mobile phones, tablets and their capabilities by parsing (browser) user agent strings.
- rhiever/datacleaner - A Python tool that automatically cleans data sets and readies them for analysis.
- jbarlow83/OCRmyPDF - OCRmyPDF adds an OCR text layer to scanned PDF files, allowing them to be searched
- achillesrasquinha/bulbea - 🐗 🐻 Deep Learning based Python Library for Stock Market Prediction and Modelling
- mbi/django-simple-captcha - Django Simple Captcha is an extremely simple, yet highly customizable Django application to add captcha images to any Django form.
- jek/blinker - A fast Python in-process signal/event dispatching system.
- unknown-horizons/unknown-horizons - Unknown Horizons official code repository
- thisbejim/Pyrebase - A simple python wrapper for the Firebase API.
- intoli/exodus - Painless relocation of Linux binaries–and all of their dependencies–without containers.
- liiight/notifiers - The easy way to send notifications
- douban/douban-client - Python client library for Douban APIs (OAuth 2.0)
- TarrySingh/Artificial-Intelligence-Deep-Learning-Machine-Learning-Tutorials - A comprehensive list of Deep Learning / Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning tutorials - rapidly expanding into areas of AI/Deep Learning / Machine Vision / NLP and industry specific areas such as Automotives, Retail, Pharma, Medicine, Healthcare by Tarry Singh until at-least 2020 until he finishes his Ph.D. (which might end up being inter-stellar cosmic networks! Who knows! 😀)
- subuser-security/subuser - Run programs on linux with selectively restricted permissions.
- datafolklabs/cement - Application Framework for Python
- tbenthompson/cppimport - Import C++ files directly from Python!
- isnowfy/pydown - An HTML5 presentation builder written by python
- picklepete/pyicloud - A Python + iCloud wrapper to access iPhone and Calendar data.
- ClimbsRocks/auto_ml - Automated machine learning for analytics & production
- careercup/CtCI-6th-Edition-Python - Cracking the Coding Interview 6th Ed. Python Solutions
- pybluez/pybluez - Bluetooth Python extension module
- an0/Letterpress - A minimal, Markdown based blogging system written in Python.
- pricingassistant/mrq - Mr. Queue - A distributed worker task queue in Python using Redis & gevent
- maciejkula/glove-python - Toy Python implementation of http://www-nlp.stanford.edu/projects/glove/
- html5lib/html5lib-python - Standards-compliant library for parsing and serializing HTML documents and fragments in Python
- giampaolo/pyftpdlib - Extremely fast and scalable Python FTP server library
- enigmampc/catalyst - An Algorithmic Trading Library for Crypto-Assets in Python
- mkdocs/mkdocs - Project documentation with Markdown.
- tony/tmuxp - 💻 tmux session manager. built on libtmux
- joonty/vdebug - Multi-language DBGP debugger client for Vim (PHP, Python, Perl, Ruby, etc.)
- SlapBot/stephanie-va - Stephanie is an open-source platform built specifically for voice-controlled applications as well as to automate daily tasks imitating much of an virtual assistant's work.
- csurfer/pyheatmagic - IPython magic command to profile and view your python code as a heat map.
- saghul/pythonz - Python installation manager supporting CPython, Stackless, PyPy and Jython
- F-Secure/see - Sandboxed Execution Environment
- toastdriven/restless - A lightweight REST miniframework for Python.
- google/pinject - A pythonic dependency injection library.
- secretsquirrel/BDFProxy - Patch Binaries via MITM: BackdoorFactory + mitmProxy. (NOT SUPPORTED)
- karulis/pybluez - Bluetooth Python extension module
- MattVitelli/GRUV - GRUV is a Python project for algorithmic music generation.
- kvh/ramp - Rapid Machine Learning Prototyping in Python
- Knio/dominate - Dominate is a Python library for creating and manipulating HTML documents using an elegant DOM API. It allows you to write HTML pages in pure Python very concisely, which eliminate the need to learn another template language, and to take advantage of the more powerful features of Python.
- namlook/mongokit - MongoKit framework try to keep its simplicity when you manage mongodb in python. MongoKit was developed to be fast and light with KISS and DRY in mind. MongoKit brings structured schema and validation layer on top of the great pymongo driver. Discuss with us on Google group : http://groups.google.com/group/mongokit or follow the news on Twitter: http://twitter.com/namlook
- czheo/syntax_sugar_python - A library adding some anti-Pythonic syntatic sugar to Python
- cdubz/babybuddy - A 👶 buddy to help caregivers track sleep, feedings, diaper changes, and tummy time to learn about and predict baby's needs without (as much) guess work.
- sweetsoftware/Ares - Python botnet and backdoor
- edx/configuration - A simple, but flexible, way for anyone to stand up an instance of the Open edX platform that is fully configured and ready-to-go
- reddit/reddit - historical code from reddit.com
- SerpentAI/SerpentAI - Game Agent Framework. Helping you create AIs / Bots to play any game you own! BETA
- cloudera/hue - Hue is an open source Analytics Workbench for browsing, querying and visualizing data.
- JonnyWong16/plexpy - A Python based monitoring and tracking tool for Plex Media Server.
- rochacbruno/quokka - CMS (Content Management System) - Python, Flask and MongoDB
- DonJayamanne/pythonVSCode - This extension is now maintained in the Microsoft fork.
- django-push-notifications/django-push-notifications - Send push notifications to mobile devices through GCM or APNS in Django.
- mbi/django-rosetta - Rosetta is a Django application that eases the translation process of your Django projects
- echen/restricted-boltzmann-machines - Restricted Boltzmann Machines in Python.
- zatosource/zato - ESB, SOA, REST, APIs and Cloud Integrations in Python
- JazzCore/python-pdfkit - Wkhtmltopdf python wrapper to convert html to pdf
- ronf/asyncssh - AsyncSSH is a Python package which provides an asynchronous client and server implementation of the SSHv2 protocol on top of the Python asyncio framework. It requires Python 3.4 or later and the Python cryptography library for some cryptographic functions.
- spotify/snakebite - A pure python HDFS client
- nvie/rq - Simple job queues for Python
- rhiever/tpot - A Python Automated Machine Learning tool that optimizes machine learning pipelines using genetic programming.
- uber/pyro - Deep universal probabilistic programming with Python and PyTorch
- quokkaproject/quokka - CMS (Content Management System) - Python, Flask and MongoDB
- utahta/pythonbrew - Python Environment manager
- REMitchell/python-scraping - Code samples from the book Web Scraping with Python http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920034391.do
- jelmer/dulwich - Pure-Python Git implementation
- mementum/backtrader - Python Backtesting library for trading strategies
- hustcc/JS-Sorting-Algorithm - 一本关于排序算法的 GitBook 在线书籍 《十大经典排序算法》,使用 JavaScript & Python & Go 实现。
- JosPolfliet/pandas-profiling - Create HTML profiling reports from pandas DataFrame objects
- lepture/python-livereload - livereload server in python
- google/oauth2client - This is a Python library for accessing resources protected by OAuth 2.0.
- swaroopch/byte-of-python - A Byte of Python book
- bookieio/Bookie - Python based delicious.com replacement
- zedshaw/lamson - Pythonic SMTP Application Server
- buffer/thug - Python low-interaction honeyclient
- dodger487/dplython - dplyr for python
- seomoz/shovel - Rake, for Python
- mitsuhiko/pluginbase - A simple but flexible plugin system for Python.
- EmpireProject/EmPyre - A post-exploitation OS X/Linux agent written in Python 2.7
- machinalis/iepy - Information Extraction in Python
- arteria/django-hijack - With Django Hijack, admins can log in and work on behalf of other users without having to know their credentials.
- GeekTrainer/Introduction-Programming-Python - All of the slides, answer files and other solutions used during the Introduction to Programming
- fchollet/keras - Deep Learning library for Python. Runs on TensorFlow, Theano, or CNTK.
- borgbackup/borg - Deduplicating archiver with compression and authenticated encryption.
- zsdonghao/tensorlayer - TensorLayer: Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning Library for Researcher and Engineer.
- chenjiandongx/pyecharts - Python Echarts Plotting Library
- zoofIO/flexx - Write desktop and web apps in pure Python
- SublimeLinter/SublimeLinter3 - The code linting framework for Sublime Text 3
- vbuterin/pybitcointools - SImple, common-sense Bitcoin-themed Python ECC library
- stackimpact/stackimpact-python - StackImpact Python Agent - Production Profiler: CPU, memory allocations, blocking calls, exceptions, metrics, and more
- alehander42/pseudo - transpile a subset of Python to idiomatic JS, Go, C#, Ruby 👽
- makinacorpus/spynner - Programmatic web browsing module with AJAX support for Python
- Pythonity/font-awesome-to-png - Exports Font Awesome icons as PNG images
- hynek/structlog - Structured Logging for Python
- koalalorenzo/python-digitalocean - 🐍🐳 Python module to manage Digital Ocean droplets
- echonest/pyechonest - Python client for the Echo Nest API
- phodal/iot - IoT, 这是一个最小Internet of Things ,一个Internet of Things相关的毕业设计产生的一个简化的物联网系统。 。
- jodal/pykka - Pykka is a Python implementation of the actor model, which makes it easier to build concurrent applications
- jiffyclub/snakeviz - An in-browser Python profile viewer
- studioimaginaire/phue - A Python library for the Philips Hue system
- eventlet/eventlet - Concurrent networking library for Python
- aparo/pyes - Python connector for ElasticSearch - the pythonic way to use ElasticSearch
- coleifer/flask-peewee - flask integration for peewee, including admin, authentication, rest api and more
- seemethere/nba_py - Python client for NBA statistics located at stats.nba.com
- lukaszbanasiak/yahoo-finance - Python module to get stock data from Yahoo! Finance
- heroku/heroku-django-template - A Django 1.11 base template featuring all recommended best practices for deployment on Heroku and local development.
- kennethreitz/pipenv - Python Development Workflow for Humans.
- banga/powerline-shell - A beautiful and useful prompt for your shell
- jleclanche/django-push-notifications - Send push notifications to mobile devices through GCM or APNS in Django.
- dvf/blockchain - A simple Blockchain in Python
- psycopg/psycopg2 - PostgreSQL database adapter for the Python programming language
- alexprengere/FormalSystems - A Python implementation of Douglas Hofstadter formal systems, from his book "Gödel, Escher, Bach"
- praetorian-inc/pentestly - Python and Powershell internal penetration testing framework
- twisted/klein - werkzeug + twisted.web
- technige/py2neo - Py2neo is a comprehensive toolkit for working with Neo4j from within Python applications or from the command line.
- webrecorder/webrecorder - Web Archiving For All!
- uqfoundation/dill - serialize all of python
- hgrecco/pint - Operate and manipulate physical quantities in Python
- walac/pyusb - USB access on python
- karandesai-96/digit-classifier - A single handwritten digit classifier, using the MNIST dataset. Implemented through Artificial Neural Networks in Python.
- toxinu/Sublimall - Synchronize your SublimeText configuration
- khamidou/lptrace - Trace any Python program, anywhere!
- leviathan-framework/leviathan - wide range mass audit toolkit
- kurtmckee/feedparser - Parse feeds in Python
- kivy/buildozer - Generic Python packager for Android and iOS
- fengli/alipay_python - 支付宝 alipay python接口,支持担保交易,即时到帐和自动发货接口
- pybee/voc - A transpiler that converts Python code into Java bytecode
- liftoff/pyminifier - Pyminifier is a Python code minifier, obfuscator, and compressor.
- Katee/quietnet - Simple chat program using the speaker/microphone on a laptop and inaudible sounds
- openstack/nova - OpenStack Compute (Nova)
- hickford/MechanicalSoup - A Python library for automating interaction with websites.
- fabianp/memory_profiler - Monitor Memory usage of Python code
- QQuick/Transcrypt - Python 3.6 to JavaScript compiler - Lean, fast, open! -
- donnemartin/viz - Visualize GitHub's most popular repos. http://www.donnemartin.com/viz
- MisterBianco/BoopSuite - A Suite of Tools written in Python for wireless auditing and security testing.
- kislyuk/argcomplete - Python and tab completion, better together.
- billpmurphy/hask - Haskell language features and standard libraries in pure Python.
- django-notifications/django-notifications - GitHub notifications alike app for Django
- tabatkins/railroad-diagrams - 🚂 A small JS+SVG library for drawing railroad syntax diagrams. Now with a Python port!
- richrd/suplemon - 🍋 Console (CLI) text editor with multi cursor support. Suplemon replicates Sublime Text like functionality in the terminal. Try it out, give feedback, fork it!
- jdunck/python-unicodecsv - Python2's stdlib csv module is nice, but it doesn't support unicode. This module is a drop-in replacement which does. If you prefer python 3's semantics but need support in py2, you probably want https://github.com/ryanhiebert/backports.csv
- azazel75/metapensiero.pj - Javascript for refined palates: a Python 3 to ES6 Javascript translator
- GeoNode/geonode - GeoNode is an open source platform that facilitates the creation, sharing, and collaborative use of geospatial data.
- facebookincubator/prophet - Tool for producing high quality forecasts for time series data that has multiple seasonality with linear or non-linear growth.
- kovidgoyal/kitty - A modern, hackable, featureful, OpenGL based terminal emulator
- Cisco-Talos/pyrebox - Python scriptable Reverse Engineering Sandbox, a Virtual Machine instrumentation and inspection framework based on QEMU
- django-fiber/django-fiber - Django Fiber - a simple, user-friendly CMS for all your Django projects
- google/clif - Wrapper generator foundation to wrap C++ for Python and other languages using LLVM.
- dieseldev/diesel - Greenlet-based event I/O Framework for Python
- mschwager/dhcpwn - All your IPs are belong to us.
- mrjoes/tornadio2 - Python socket.io server implementation on top of Tornado framework
- zedshaw/python-lust - Python Little Unix Server Toolkit
- facebookarchive/react-python - Python bridge to JSX & the React JavaScript library.
- areski/python-nvd3 - Python Wrapper for NVD3 - It's time for beautiful charts
- python-beaver/python-beaver - Needs Maintainer: python daemon that munches on logs and sends their contents to logstash
- nucleic/enaml - Declarative User Interfaces for Python
- snoack/python-goto - A function decorator, that rewrites the bytecode, to enable goto in Python
- jsonpickle/jsonpickle - Python library for serializing any arbitrary object graph into JSON. It can take almost any Python object and turn the object into JSON. Additionally, it can reconstitute the object back into Python.
- tomchristie/apistar - A smart Web API framework, designed for Python 3. 🌟
- waylan/Python-Markdown - A Python implementation of John Gruber’s Markdown.
- pyparallel/pyparallel - Experimental multicore fork of Python 3
- deschler/django-modeltranslation - Translates Django models using a registration approach.
- gautamkrishnar/socli - Stack overflow command line client. Search and browse stack overflow without leaving the terminal 💻
- securestate/king-phisher - Phishing Campaign Toolkit
- Hawstein/snake-ai - a snake AI written in python
- andrea-cuttone/geoplotlib - python toolbox for visualizing geographical data and making maps
- kevthehermit/RATDecoders - Python Decoders for Common Remote Access Trojans
- QuantEcon/QuantEcon.py - A community based Python library for quantitative economics
- openstates/openstates - source for Open States' scrapers
- evennia/evennia - Python MUD/MUX/MUSH/MU* development system
- ufora/ufora - Compiled, automatically parallel Python for data science
- agschwender/pilbox - An image resize application server
- awslabs/chalice - Python Serverless Microframework for AWS
- hunkim/DeepLearningZeroToAll - TensorFlow Basic Tutorial Labs
- Rydgel/Fake-images-please - Fakeimg.pl is a little tool that generates images with an URL. Choose the size, the colors, even the text. Oh… and it’s free.
- pycassa/pycassa - Python Thrift driver for Apache Cassandra
- eliben/pyelftools - Pure-python library for parsing ELF and DWARF
- datamade/parserator - 🔖 A toolkit for making domain-specific probabilistic parsers
- hhatto/nude.py - Nudity detection with Python
- evernote/evernote-sdk-python - Evernote SDK for Python
- python-needle/needle - Automated tests for your CSS.
- sirfz/tesserocr - A Python wrapper for the tesseract-ocr API
- rapidsms/rapidsms - Build SMS applications with Python
- Orpine/py-R-FCN - R-FCN with joint training and python support
- shiyanhui/Young - A full-featured forum software built on Tornado and MongoDB.
- python-bonobo/bonobo - ALPHA - Extract Transform Load for Python 3.5+
- manojmj92/subtitle-downloader - Python script to automatically download subtitles for any movie/tv series episode.
- joaoricardo000/whatsapp-bot-seed - A small python framework to create a whatsapp bot, with regex-callback message routing.
- getsentry/sentry - Sentry is a cross-platform crash reporting and aggregation platform.
- lk-geimfari/elizabeth - Elizabeth is a Python library, which helps generate mock data for various purposes. This data can be particularly useful during software development and testing.
- IronLanguages/main - Implementations of Python programming language for .NET Framework that are built on top of the Dynamic Language Runtime.
- kmike/django-widget-tweaks - Tweak the form field rendering in templates, not in python-level form definitions. CSS classes and HTML attributes can be altered.
- farcepest/MySQLdb1 - MySQL database connector for Python (legacy version)
- vicalloy/LBForum - LBForum is a forum engine written in Python using Django
- tsileo/bakthat - Bakthat is a MIT licensed backup framework written in Python, it's both a command line tool and a Python module that helps you manage backups on Amazon S3/Glacier and OpenStack Swift. It automatically compress, encrypt (symmetric encryption) and upload your files.
- dasmith/stanford-corenlp-python - Python wrapper for Stanford CoreNLP tools v3.4.1
- toolswatch/vFeed - The Correlated Vulnerability And Threat Intelligence Database API
- nccgroup/featherduster - An automated, modular cryptanalysis tool
- gi0baro/weppy - The web framework for humans
- nedbat/byterun - A Python implementation of a Python bytecode runner
- sarumont/py-trello - Python API wrapper around Trello's API
- JulienPalard/Pipe - A Python library to use infix notation in Python
- Frozen-Flask/Frozen-Flask - Freezes a Flask application into a set of static files.
- vgel/summarize.py - A python script for summarizing articles using nltk
- sinacloud/sae-python-dev-guide - SAE Python开发者手册
- fanpei91/simDHT - A very simple DHT crawler, written in Python.
- lk-geimfari/awesomo - An extensive list of interesting open source projects written in С, C++, Clojure, Lisp (Common/Emacs), Elixir, Erlang, Elm, Golang, Haskell, JavaScript, Lua, OCaml, Python, R, Ruby, Rust, Scala etc.
- tyarkoni/transitions - A lightweight, object-oriented finite state machine implementation in Python
- macropin/django-registration - django-registration (redux) now with Django 1.8/1.9/1.10 & Python 3 support
- LindseyB/starwars-dot-gif - Python script to generate gifs from star wars
- ankitaggarwal011/PyCNN - Image Processing with Cellular Neural Networks in Python
- iKevinY/EulerPy - Python-based Project Euler command line tool.
- syncthing/syncthing-gtk - GTK3 & python based GUI for Syncthing
- Leviathan1995/Pylsy - Pylsy is a simple python library draw tables in the Terminal.Just two lines of code .
- poise/python - THIS COOKBOOK IS DEPRECATED – Chef cookbook to install Python and related tools
- BertrandBordage/django-cachalot - No effort, no worry, maximum performance.
- mitsuhiko/python-modernize - Modernizes Python code for eventual Python 3 migration. Build on top of 2to3
- django-money/django-money - Money fields for django forms and models.
- facebookresearch/pysparnn - Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search for Sparse Data in Python!
- kushaldas/pym - Python for you and me book
- kronenthaler/mod-pbxproj - A python module to manipulate XCode projects
- Vector35/deprecated-binaryninja-python - Deprecated Binary Ninja prototype written in Python
- kennethreitz/requests - Python HTTP Requests for Humans™
- pfnet/chainer - A flexible framework of neural networks for deep learning
- DTVD/rainbowstream - A smart and nice Twitter client on terminal written in Python.
- cloudera/ibis - Productivity-centric Python data analysis framework for SQL systems and the Hadoop platform. Co-founded by the creator of pandas
- peterhudec/authomatic - Simple yet powerful authorization / authentication client library for Python web applications.
- dontcontactme/simDHT - A very simple DHT crawler, written in Python.
- Tivix/django-cron - Write cron business logic as a Python class and let this app do the rest! It enables Django projects to schedule cron tasks, tracks their success / failures, manages contention (via a cache) etc. Basically takes care of all the boring work for you :-)
- pytries/marisa-trie - Static memory-efficient Trie-like structures for Python (2.x and 3.x) based on marisa-trie C++ library.
- appliedsec/pygeoip - Pure Python API for Maxmind's binary GeoIP databases
- teachthenet/TeachCraft-Challenges - Learn programming in python by giving yourself superpowers in a minecraft world!
- miguelgrinberg/REST-tutorial - Files for my REST API tutorials featuring a server written in Python and a web client written in Javascript.
- timbertson/python-readability - [abandoned] python port of arc90's readability bookmarklet
- mbachry/exxo - Build portable Python binaries
- sloria/webargs - A friendly library for parsing HTTP request arguments, with built-in support for popular web frameworks, including Flask, Django, Bottle, Tornado, Pyramid, webapp2, Falcon, and aiohttp.
- rasbt/pyprind - PyPrind - Python Progress Indicator Utility
- yoavaviram/python-amazon-simple-product-api - A simple Python wrapper for the Amazon.com Product Advertising API
- alephdata/aleph - Sift through large sets of structured and unstructured data, and find the people and companies you look for.
- konlpy/konlpy - Python package for Korean natural language processing.
- knipknap/SpiffWorkflow - A powerful workflow engine implemented in pure Python
- geeknam/python-gcm - Python client for Google Cloud Messaging for Android (GCM)
- ryanoasis/nerd-fonts - 🔡 Collection of 35+ patched fonts (over 74.5k possible variations) with a FontForge font patcher Python script for Powerline, Font Awesome, Octicons, Devicons, and other icon fonts. Includes fonts: SourceCodePro, Hack, Droid Sans, Meslo, AnonymousPro, ProFont, Inconsolata, and more
- datamade/dedupe - 🆔 A python library for accurate and scaleable fuzzy matching, record deduplication and entity-resolution.
- foxmask/django-th - Trigger Happy - take the control of your data with this bridge between your internet services
- bfirsh/needle - Automated tests for your CSS.
- klen/muffin - Muffin is a fast, simple and asyncronous web-framework for Python 3
- graphite-project/carbonate - Utilities for managing graphite clusters
- CleanCut/green - Green is a clean, colorful, fast python test runner.
- mher/tornado-celery - Non-blocking Celery client for Tornado
- pystruct/pystruct - Simple structured learning framework for python
- ozgur/python-linkedin - Python interface to the LinkedIn API
- fffonion/Xunlei-Fastdick - 迅雷快鸟
- milesrichardson/ParsePy - A Python wrapper for the Parse.com API. Supports self hosted parse-server. (the only up-to-date fork)
- lxneng/xpinyin - translate chinese hanzi to pinyin by python
- mopidy/pyspotify - Python bindings for libspotify
- luispedro/mahotas - Computer Vision in Python
- kivy/plyer - Plyer is a platform-independent Python wrapper for platform-dependent APIs
- diefenbach/django-lfs - An online-shop based on Django
- limodou/uliweb - Simple and easy use python web framework
- dmlc/mxnet - Lightweight, Portable, Flexible Distributed/Mobile Deep Learning with Dynamic, Mutation-aware Dataflow Dep Scheduler; for Python, R, Julia, Scala, Go, Javascript and more
- lunixbochs/actualvim - Sublime Text 3 input mode using Neovim
- LevPasha/instabot.py - Instagram bot. It works without instagram api, need only login and password. Write on python.
- juliangaal/python-cheat-sheet - Python for Data Science - NumPy, Pandas, SciKit Learn ...
- rasbt/deep-learning-book - Repository for "Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning: A Practical Guide with Applications in Python"
- jflesch/pyocr - A Python wrapper for Tesseract and Cuneiform
- SohuTech/essay - Python项目自动化多服务器部署的工具
- pypa/python-packaging-user-guide - Python Packaging User Guide
- korcankaraokcu/PINCE - A reverse engineering tool that'll (hopefully) supply the place of Cheat Engine for linux
- dib-lab/khmer - In-memory nucleotide sequence k-mer counting, filtering, graph traversal and more
- sdispater/orator - The Orator ORM provides a simple yet beautiful ActiveRecord implementation.
- mikeorr/Unipath - An object-oriented approach to Python file/directory operations.
- jonashaag/klaus - pip install klaus -- the first Git web viewer that Just Works™.
- rouseguy/intro2stats - Introduction to Statistics using Python
- quora/asynq - Python library for asynchronous programming
- lamerman/shellpy - A tool for convenient shell scripting in python
- GoogleCloudPlatform/appengine-flask-skeleton - A skeleton for creating Python applications using the Flask framework on App Engine
- damnever/pigar - ☕ A fantastic tool to generate requirements file for your Python project, and more than that.
- winpython/winpython - A free Python-distribution for Windows platform, including prebuilt packages for Scientific Python.
- tumblr/pytumblr - A Python Tumblr API v2 Client
- n1nj4sec/memorpy - Python library using ctypes to search/edit windows/linux programs memory
- worstcase/blockade - Docker-based utility for testing network failures and partitions in distributed applications
- jwkvam/bowtie -
Create a dashboard with python!
- alixander/PyScribe - DEPCRECATED/UNMAINTAINED - A Python library to make debugging with print statements simpler and more effective.
- jkbrzt/httpie - Modern command line HTTP client – user-friendly curl alternative with intuitive UI, JSON support, syntax highlighting, wget-like downloads, extensions, etc. Follow https://twitter.com/clihttp for tips and updates.
- Runscope/httpbin - HTTP Request & Response Service, written in Python + Flask.
- nicolaiarocci/eve - Simple REST APIs
- KeepSafe/aiohttp - http client/server for asyncio (PEP-3156)
- Show-Me-the-Code/python - Show Me the Code Python version.
- nicolaiarocci/cerberus - Lightweight, extensible data validation library for Python
- python/asyncio - This project is the asyncio module for Python 3.3. Since Python 3.4, asyncio is part of the standard library.
- jjlee/mechanize - Stateful programmatic web browsing in Python, after Andy Lester's Perl module WWW::Mechanize .
- jkbrzt/cointrol - Bitcoin trading bot with a real-time dashboard for Bitstamp.
- ceteri/pytextrank - A pure Python impl of TextRank for document summarization
- pudo/aleph - Sift through large sets of structured and unstructured data, and find the people and companies you look for.
- soundcloud/soundcloud-python - A Python wrapper around the Soundcloud API
- collective/icalendar - icalendar parser library for Python
- nvie/times - Times and time zones in Python with a focus on best practices.
- MeetMe/newrelic-plugin-agent - Multi-Plugin python-based Agent for NewRelic's Platform
- michaelfairley/mincemeatpy - Lightweight MapReduce in python
- googledrive/PyDrive - Google Drive API Python wrapper library
- autotest/autotest - Autotest - Fully automated tests on Linux
- joowani/kq - Kafka-based Job Queue for Python
- dpallot/simple-websocket-server - A python based websocket server that is simple and easy to use.
- AdamLaurie/RFIDIOt - python RFID / NFC library & tools
- Zulko/easyAI - Python artificial intelligence framework for games
- Scifabric/pybossa - PYBOSSA is the ultimate crowdsourcing framework (aka microtasking) to analyze or enrich data that can't be processed by machines alone.
- pyca/pyopenssl - A Python wrapper around the OpenSSL library
- gae-init/gae-init - Google App Engine based on Python, Flask, RESTful, Bootstrap and tons of other cool features
- ExPHAT/twitter-sort - Sort numbers using the Twitter API
- dropbox/pyxl - A Python extension for writing structured and reusable inline HTML.
- klen/mixer - Mixer -- Is a fixtures replacement. Supported Django, Flask, SqlAlchemy and custom python objects.
- cgoldberg/multi-mechanize - Performance Test Framework in Python
- yahoo/redislite - Redis in a python module
- iancmcc/ouimeaux - Python API to Belkin WeMo devices
- benoitc/restkit - an HTTP resource kit for Python
- Azure/azure-sdk-for-python - Microsoft Azure SDK for Python
- YelpArchive/pyleus - Pyleus is a Python framework for developing and launching Storm topologies.
- toastdriven/itty - The itty-bitty Python web framework.
- Skype4Py/Skype4Py - Platform independent Python wrapper for the Skype Desktop API
- tomerfiliba/rpyc - RPyC (Remote Python Call) - A transparent and symmetric RPC library for python
- google/python-adb - Python ADB + Fastboot implementation
- ultrabug/py3status - py3status is an extensible i3status wrapper written in python
- sbp/phenny - Python IRC bot
- paypal/PayPal-Python-SDK - Python SDK for PayPal RESTful APIs
- nvie/pip-tools - A set of tools to keep your pinned Python dependencies fresh.
- MagicStack/MagicPython - Cutting edge Python syntax highlighter for Sublime Text, Atom and Visual Studio Code. Used by github.com to highlight your Python code!
- hynek/attrs - Python Attributes Without Boilerplate
- gabrielfalcao/sure - utility belt for automated testing in python (inspired by @visionmedia's should.js)
- adaptivethreat/EmPyre - A post-exploitation OS X/Linux agent written in Python 2.7
- mrjoes/tornadio - Python socket.io 0.6 server implementation on top of Tornado framework
- rlisagor/freshen - Clone of the Cucumber BDD framework for Python
- riccardoscalco/Pykov - Pykov is a Python module on finite regular Markov chains.
- YosaiProject/yosai - A Security Framework for Python applications featuring Authorization (rbac permissions and roles), Authentication (2fa totp), Session Management and an extensive Audit Trail
- Stiivi/bubbles - Bubbles – Python ETL framework
- stripe/stripe-python - Stripe Python bindings
- rgalanakis/goless - Go-like semantics built on top of Stackless Python.
- jleclanche/fireplace - A Hearthstone simulator in Python
- gnemoug/sina_reptile - 获取新浪微博1000w用户的基本信息和每个爬取用户最近发表的50条微博,使用python编写,多进程爬取,将数据存储在了mongodb中
- cosmo-ethz/hope - HOPE: A Python Just-In-Time compiler for astrophysical computations
- bslatkin/effectivepython - Effective Python: Source Code and Errata for the Book
- trigger/trigger - Trigger is a robust network automation toolkit written in Python that was designed for interfacing with network devices.
- PyCQA/pyflakes - A simple program which checks Python source files for errors.
- abidrahmank/OpenCV2-Python-Tutorials - This repo contains tutorials on OpenCV-Python library using new cv2 interface
- macostea/cage - Develop and run your Python applications in clean Docker environments
- earl/beanstalkc - A simple beanstalkd client library for Python
- bashwork/pymodbus - A full modbus protocol written in python
- guessit-io/guessit - GuessIt is a python library that extracts as much information as possible from a video filename.
- disqus/nydus - Nydus is a Python toolkit for managing database connections and routing operations, primarily for Redis
- inducer/pycuda - CUDA integration for Python, plus shiny features
- aneesha/RAKE - A python implementation of the Rapid Automatic Keyword Extraction
- 7sDream/pyqart - QArt Python Implementation.
- Mashape/unirest-python - Unirest in Python: Simplified, lightweight HTTP client library.
- alimanfoo/petl - Python Extract Transform and Load Tables of Data
- niklasb/dryscrape - A lightweight Python library that uses Webkit to enable easy scraping of dynamic, Javascript-heavy web pages
- skariel/webalchemy - Modern web development with Python
- zachwill/moment - Dealing with dates in Python shouldn't have to suck.
- scoder/lupa - Lua in Python
- heynemann/r3 - r³ is a map-reduce engine written in python using redis as a backend
- gennad/Design-Patterns-in-Python - A collection of popular design patterns implemented in Python programming language
- NahimNasser/django-unchained - Introduction to Python and Django
- openid/python-openid - OpenID library for Python
- dhellmann/smiley - Python Application Tracer
- closeio/tasktiger - Python task queue. Because celery is gross.
- itdxer/neupy - NeuPy is a Python library for Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning.
- henriquebastos/python-decouple - Strict separation of config from code.
- ldx/python-iptables - Python bindings for iptables
- googleglass/mirror-quickstart-python - Google Mirror API's Quickstart for Python
- rubenvereecken/pokemongo-api - Pokemon Go API for Python
- alecthomas/pawk - PAWK - A Python line processor (like AWK)
- r1chardj0n3s/parse - Parse strings using a specification based on the Python format() syntax.
- openstack/python-novaclient - Client library for OpenStack Compute API
- sendgrid/sendgrid-python - SendGrid Python Library
- mattmakai/underwear - Dead simple LAMP-stack deployments for Python-powered web applications.
- python/typeshed - Collection of library stubs for Python, with static types
- pydata/patsy - Describing statistical models in Python using symbolic formulas
- prodicus/vocabulary - Python Module to get Meanings, Synonyms and what not for a given word
- paver/paver - Python-based project scripting.
- justdark/dml - D's Machine Learning is a machine learning toolkit for python,focus on rightness but efficiency
- EnigmaCurry/blogofile - A static website compiler and blog engine written in Python.
- takluyver/pynsist - Build Windows installers for Python applications
- pyupio/safety-db - A curated database of insecure Python packages
- Dinnerbone/mcstatus - A Python class for checking the status of an enabled Minecraft server
- stefanfoulis/django-phonenumber-field - A django model and form field for normalised phone numbers using python-phonenumbers
- scanny/python-pptx - Create Open XML PowerPoint documents in Python
- randomchars/pushbullet.py - A python client for http://pushbullet.com
- python-rope/rope - a python refactoring library
- fgrimme/Matroschka - Python steganography tool to hide images or text in images
- ducksboard/libsaas - Python library to take the pain out of using SaaS APIs. It's like an ORM for SaaS!
- timofurrer/try - 📦 Awesome cli tool to try python packages - It's never been easier!
- pagekite/PyPagekite - Python implementation of the PageKite remote front-end protocols.
- chapmanb/bcbb - Incubator for useful bioinformatics code, primarily in Python and R
- william-os4y/fapws3 - Fast Asynchronous Python Web Server (based on libev)
- takluyver/flit - Simplified packaging of Python modules
- appnexus/pyrobuf - A Cython alternative to Google's Python Protobuf library
- karan/HackerNewsAPI - 📰 Unofficial Python API for Hacker News. RESTful API at https://github.com/karan/HNify
- haypo/pysandbox - WARNING: pysandbox is BROKEN BY DESIGN, please move to a new sandboxing solution (run python in a sandbox, not the opposite!)
- ProgVal/Limnoria - A modified version of Supybot (an IRC bot) with Python 3 and IRCv3 support including SASL, translations (fr/fi/it/hu/de), GPG authentication, and many other enhancements and bug fixes
- los-cocos/cocos - graphic library for games and multimedia, for python language on PC-like hardware
- Imgur/imgurpython - The official Imgur python client library
- diyan/pywinrm - Python library for Windows Remote Management (WinRM)
- zeruniverse/QQRobot - QQBot, QQ机器人(群聊小黄鸡) LINUX挂机版, SmartQQ协议。Python版本及windows 32位EXE
- rspivak/slimit - SlimIt - a JavaScript minifier/parser in Python
- sivy/pystatsd - Python implementation of the Statsd client/server
- progrium/ginkgo - Python service microframework
- lionheart/bottlenose - A stable, up-to-date Python wrapper for the Amazon Product Advertising API.
- cudamat/cudamat - Python module for performing basic dense linear algebra computations on the GPU using CUDA.
- cobrateam/django-htmlmin - HTML minifier for Python frameworks (not only Django, despite the name).
- ganglia/gmond_python_modules - Repository of user-contributed Gmond Python DSO metric modules
- EiNSTeiN-/decompiler - A decompiler with multiple backend support, written in Python. Works with IDA and Capstone.
- jlafon/PynamoDB - A pythonic interface to Amazon's DynamoDB
- un33k/python-slugify - Returns unicode slugs
- pycurl/pycurl - PycURL - Python interface to libcurl
- jaberg/skdata - Data sets for machine learning in Python
- erocarrera/pefile - pefile is a Python module to read and work with PE (Portable Executable) files
- dropbox/PyHive - Python interface to Hive and Presto.
- djmelik/archey - Archey is a system information tool written in Python.
- nficano/python-lambda - A toolkit for developing and deploying serverless Python code in AWS Lambda
- jvns/teeceepee - mini-TCP stack in Python, for fun
- Grokzen/redis-py-cluster - Python cluster client for the official redis cluster. Redis 3.0+.
- cloudmatrix/esky - an auto-update framework for frozen python apps
- twisted/treq - Python requests like API built on top of Twisted's HTTP client.
- logpy/logpy - Logic Programming in Python
- dimka665/awesome-slugify - Python flexible slugify function
- OpenRCE/paimei - A reverse engineering framework written in Python.
- astraw/stdeb - produce Debian packages from Python packages
- dan/hivelogic-flickrtouchr - A Python script to grab all your photos from flickr and dump them into a directory, organized into folders by set name.
- cocagne/paxos - Plain Paxos Implementations in Python & Java
- agermanidis/SnapchatBot - [deprecated] Python library for building bots that live on Snapchat
- x1ddos/simpleauth - Simple authentication for Python on Google App Engine supporting OAuth 2.0, OAuth 1.0(a) and OpenID
- amol-mandhane/htmlPy - htmlPy is a wrapper around PySide's QtWebKit library. It helps with creating beautiful GUIs using HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript for standalone Python applications.
- achillean/shodan-python - The official Python library for Shodan
- pyelasticsearch/pyelasticsearch - python elasticsearch client
- terrible-ideas/butterdb - butterdb is a Python object mapper for Google Drive Spreadsheets. Still in development, but usable.
- phracker/HopperScripts - Python Scripts for use with Hopper Disassembler
- jonathanslenders/asyncio-redis - Redis client for Python asyncio (PEP 3156)
- geduldig/TwitterAPI - Minimal python wrapper for Twitter's REST and Streaming APIs
- basho/riak-python-client - The Riak client for Python.
- pixelogik/NearPy - Python framework for fast (approximated) nearest neighbour search in large, high-dimensional data sets using different locality-sensitive hashes.
- drkjam/netaddr - A network address manipulation library for Python
- coleifer/walrus - Lightweight Python utilities for working with Redis
- Blizzard/s2protocol - Python library to decode StarCraft II replay protocols
- josauder/procedural_city_generation - Procedural City Generation program implemented in Python and Visualized with Blender.
- GraylinKim/sc2reader - A python library that extracts data from various Starcraft II resources to power tools and services for the SC2 community. Who doesn't want to hack on the games they play?
- numba/llvmlite - A lightweight LLVM python binding for writing JIT compilers
- NathanEpstein/Dora - Tools for exploratory data analysis in Python
- fengsp/color-thief-py - Grabs the dominant color or a representative color palette from an image. Uses Python and Pillow.
- dateutil/dateutil - Useful extensions to the standard Python datetime features
- pyopencl/pyopencl - OpenCL integration for Python, plus shiny features
- lmjohns3/theanets - Neural network toolkit for Python
- deepgram/sidomo - Simple Docker Python Module
- buckyroberts/Spider - Python website crawler.
- pascalw/Airplayer - Python script to make media playing software Apple Airplay compatbible. Currently supports XBMC, Plex and Boxee.
- Kotti/Kotti - Kotti is a high-level, Pythonic web application framework based on Pyramid and SQLAlchemy. It includes an extensible Content Management System called the Kotti CMS.
- trevorstephens/gplearn - Genetic Programming in Python, with a scikit-learn inspired API
- posativ/acrylamid - (unmaintained) static blog generator in python with incremental rendering
- KimiNewt/pyshark - Python wrapper for tshark, allowing python packet parsing using wireshark dissectors
- bayespy/bayespy - Bayesian Python: Bayesian inference tools for Python
- ntasfi/PyGame-Learning-Environment - PyGame Learning Environment (PLE) -- Reinforcement Learning Environment in Python.
- toxinu/requirements - Python requirements made easy
- jplana/python-etcd - A python client for etcd
- gpoore/pythontex - A LaTeX package that allows Python code entered within a TeX document to be executed, and the output to be included in the original document.
- danielgtaylor/qtfaststart - Quicktime atom positioning in Python for fast streaming
- avelino/liquidluck - Felix Felicis (aka liquidluck) is a static blog generator in python
- neovim/python-client - Python client for Neovim
- misja/python-boilerpipe - Python interface to Boilerpipe, Boilerplate Removal and Fulltext Extraction from HTML pages
- lebedov/scikit-cuda - Python interface to GPU-powered libraries
- icgood/continuous-docs - Tutorial and example package for continuous documentation generation in Python.
- coreylynch/pyFM - Factorization machines in python
- alvations/pywsd - Python Implementations of Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) Technologies.
- nineties/py-videocore - Python library for GPGPU on Raspberry Pi
- joshmarshall/jsonrpclib - A Python JSON-RPC over HTTP that mirrors xmlrpclib syntax.
- wbolster/happybase - A developer-friendly Python library to interact with Apache HBase
- nuxeo/FunkLoad - Functional and load testing framework for web applications, written in Python
- gwik/geventhttpclient - A high performance, concurrent http client library for python with gevent
- simple-salesforce/simple-salesforce - A very simple Salesforce.com REST API client for Python
- sigmavirus24/requests-toolbelt - A toolbelt of useful classes and functions to be used with python-requests
- hay/xml2json - Python script converts XML to JSON or the other way around
- gstarnberger/uncompyle - Python decompiler
- pycontribs/jira - Python JIRA Library is the easiest way to automate JIRA.
- wimleers/fileconveyor - File Conveyor is a daemon written in Python to detect, process and sync files. In particular, it's designed to sync files to CDNs. Amazon S3 and Rackspace Cloud Files, as well as any Origin Pull or (S)FTP Push CDN, are supported. Originally written for my bachelor thesis at Hasselt University in Belgium.
- kroger/pyknon - Simple Python library to generate music in a hacker friendly way.
- Juniper/py-junos-eznc - Python library for Junos automation
- isagalaev/ijson - Iterative JSON parser with Pythonic interface
- cyberdelia/metrology - A library to easily measure what's going on in your python.
- enthought/mayavi - 3D visualization of scientific data in Python
- dahlia/libsass-python - A straightforward binding of libsass for Python. Compile Sass/SCSS in Python with no Ruby stack at all!
- black-perl/ptop - An awesome task manager written in python. 💻
- Zulko/gizeh - Simple Vector Graphics for Python
- cherrypy/cherrypy - CherryPy is a pythonic, object-oriented HTTP framework.
- torque59/Nosql-Exploitation-Framework - A Python Framework For NoSQL Scanning and Exploitation
- morepath/morepath - Python web microframework with superpowers
- jsocol/pystatsd - A Python client for statsd
- rahims/SoCo - SoCo (Sonos Controller) is a simple Python class that allows you to programmatically control Sonos speakers.
- irmen/Pyro4 - Pyro 4.x - Python remote objects
- ZeevG/python-forecast.io - A thin Python Wrapper for the Dark Sky (formerly forecast.io) weather API
- slacy/minimongo - A lightweight, Pythonic, Object Oriented Interface to MongoDB.
- pinard/Pymacs - Emacs to Python interface
- facebook/pyaib - An easy to use Python Framework (that uses gevent) for writing IRC Bots.
- dontcontactme/doubanspiders - 豆瓣电影、书籍、小组、相册、东西等爬虫集 writen in Python
- BD2KGenomics/toil - A scalable, efficient, cross-platform and easy-to-use workflow engine in pure Python
- dsc/bunch - A Bunch is a Python dictionary that provides attribute-style access (a la JavaScript objects).
- tkrajina/gpxpy - gpx-py is a python GPX parser. GPX (GPS eXchange Format) is an XML based file format for GPS tracks.
- recipy/recipy - Effortless method to record provenance in Python
- timotheus/ebaysdk-python - eBay API SDK for Python
- lukecyca/pyzabbix - Python Zabbix API
- jarrekk/imgkit - 🎆 Wkhtmltoimage python wrapper to convert html to image
- facebook/facebook-python-ads-sdk - An SDK built to facilitate application development for Facebook Ads API.
- paulgb/simplediff - Simple Diff Function implemented in Python, PHP, CoffeeScript, and JavaScript
- vinhkhuc/MemN2N-babi-python - End-To-End Memory Networks for bAbI question-answering tasks
- samuel/python-munin - Python framework for building Munin plugins (also includes some plugins prebuilt).
- mLewisLogic/foursquare - The Foursquare API client for Python
- ironman5366/W.I.L.L - A python written personal assistant
- twisted/txmongo - asynchronous python driver for mongo
- codelucas/flask_reddit - Reddit clone in flask + python. Deployed w/ nginx + gunicorn. View site:
- coagulant/coveralls-python - Show coverage stats online via coveralls.io
- SamyPesse/glass.py - Create python web applications for Google Glass
- hughperkins/pytorch - Python wrappers for torch and lua
- sloria/konch - Configures your Python shell.
- pysimplesoap/pysimplesoap - Python Simple SOAP Library
- baruchel/lambdascript - A new pure functional language built on the top of Python
- appium/python-client - Python language bindings for Appium
- jacebrowning/template-python - A template for new Python projects.
- iamteem/redisco - A Python Library for Simple Models and Containers Persisted in Redis
- warner/python-versioneer - version-string management for VCS-controlled trees
- biocore/scikit-bio - scikit-bio is an open-source, BSD-licensed, Python package providing data structures, algorithms, and educational resources for bioinformatics.
- alejandroautalan/pygubu - A simple GUI designer for the python tkinter module
- PhilipGarnero/django-rest-framework-social-oauth2 - python-social-auth and oauth2 support for django-rest-framework
- clarete/forbiddenfruit - Patch built-in python objects
- tow/sunburnt - Python interface to Solr
- ianare/exif-py - Easy to use Python module to extract Exif metadata from tiff and jpeg files.
- gouthambs/Flask-Blogging - A Markdown Based Python Blog Engine as a Flask Extension.
- getsentry/rb - Routing and connection management for Redis in Python
- BurntSushi/pdoc - A simple command line tool and library to auto generate API documentation for Python libraries.
- pmbarrett314/curses-menu - A simple console menu system in python using the curses library
- qiniu/python-sdk - Qiniu Resource (Cloud) Storage SDK for Python
- klen/py-frameworks-bench - Another benchmark for some python frameworks
- yhat/ggplot - ggplot for python
- NervanaSystems/neon - Fast, scalable, easy-to-use Python based Deep Learning Framework by Nervana™
- stitchfix/pyxley - Python helpers for building dashboards using Flask and React
- liris/websocket-client - websocket client for python
- biosustain/potion - Flask-Potion is a RESTful API framework for Flask and various Python ORMs
- sublee/trueskill - An implementation of the TrueSkill rating system for Python
- orf/cyborg - Python web scraping framework
- perone/stallion - Stallion - A Python Package Manager
- epsy/clize - Clize: Command-line argument parsing for Python, without the effort
- jw2013/Leetcode-Py - And they say Python is slow...
- JulianEberius/SublimeRope - ST2 only, use SublimePythonIDE with ST3: Adds Python completions and some IDE-like functions to Sublime Text 2, through the use of the Rope library
- ella/ella - Ella is a CMS based on Python web framework Django with a main focus on high-traffic news websites and Internet magazines.
- translate/translate - Useful localization tools with Python API for building localization & translation systems
- paylogic/pip-accel - pip-accel: Accelerator for pip, the Python package manager
- lzyy/chat - a live chat built with python(flask + gevent + apscheduler) + redis
- autocracy/python-ipy - IPy are a Python class and tools for handling of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and networks. It is similar to Net::IP Perl module.
- Yelp/Testify - A more pythonic testing framework.
- nigelsmall/py2neo - Py2neo is a comprehensive toolkit for working with Neo4j from within Python applications or from the command line.
- richardasaurus/imdb-pie - Python IMDB client using the IMDB json web service made available for their iOS app.
- reubano/meza - A Python toolkit for processing tabular data
- kirang89/bootstrapy - A bootstrap Python application, so that you can focus on writing code
- sethoscope/heatmap - Python script for generating high quality heatmaps based on any coordinate data (GPS tracks, eye tracking, etc).
- prashnts/hues - Colored terminal text made easy for Python and happiness.
- orestis/pysmell - PySmell is an attempt to create an IDE completion helper for python.
- JulianEberius/SublimePythonIDE - ST3 only: A rewrite of SublimeRope for ST3, uses the Rope library to add python completions and refactoring to ST3
- klen/python-mode - Vim python-mode. PyLint, Rope, Pydoc, breakpoints from box.
- kanaka/websockify - Websockify is a WebSocket to TCP proxy/bridge. This allows a browser to connect to any application/server/service. Implementations in Python, C, Node.js and Ruby.
- dbr/tvdb_api - Simple to use TVDB (thetvdb.com) API in Python. The automatic TV episode namer "tvnamer" is now in a separate repository http://github.com/dbr/tvnamer
- clarete/curdling - Concurrent package manager for Python
- jaredly/vim-debug - A plugin for VIM that creates an Integrated Debugging Environment :) Currently works with PHP and Python
- GeospatialPython/pyshp - This library reads and writes ESRI Shapefiles in pure Python.
- benoitc/couchdbkit - CouchDB python framework
- brettcannon/caniusepython3 - Can I Use Python 3?
- Blizzard/heroprotocol - Python library to decode Heroes of the Storm replay protocols
- vnpy/vnpy - 基于python的开源交易平台开发框架
- onefinestay/nameko - Python framework for building microservices
- benhoyt/scandir - Better directory iterator and faster os.walk(), now in the Python 3.5 stdlib
- timothycrosley/frosted - A simple program which checks Python source files for errors.
- syrusakbary/interpy - Ruby like string interpolation #{} in Python
- jjyr/zerotest - Lazy guy's testing tool. Capture HTTP traffic and generate python integration test for your API server.
- mozilla/elasticutils - [deprecated] A friendly chainable ElasticSearch interface for python
- breily/juno - a lightweight and simple python web framework
- regebro/supporting-python-3 - Supporting Python 3
- frida/frida-python - Frida python bindings
- pydata/pandas - Flexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more
- JdeH/Transcrypt - Lean and mean Python to JavaScript compiler with multiple inheritance, sourcemaps and selective operator overloading.
- mfenniak/pyPdf - Pure-Python PDF Library; this repository is no longer maintained, please see https://github.com/knowah/PyPDF2/ insead.
- Zulko/picnic.py - Easy Python packages creation.
- duplys/git-issues - A distributed issue tracking system based on Git repositories, written in Python
- AnimeshShaw/Hash-Algorithm-Identifier - A python tool to identify different Hash Function Algorithms
- reclosedev/requests-cache - Transparent persistent cache for http://python-requests.org/ library
- rackspace/pyrax - The Python SDK for the Rackspace Cloud
- QuantumFractal/Data-Structure-Zoo - An educational repo for students looking to learn about data structures in Python
- ojii/pymaging - Pure Python imaging library with Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.1+ support
- hmason/botomatic - easily create twitter bots in python
- drzoidberg33/plexpy - A Python based monitoring and tracking tool for Plex Media Server.
- cgoldberg/ystockquote - retrieve stock quote data from Yahoo Finance (Python module)
- msiemens/PyGitUp - A python implementation of git up
- Mila432/Pokemon_Go_API - Pokémon GO API in Python
- GoogleCloudPlatform/gcloud-python - Google Cloud Client Library for Python
- Damnever/pigar - ☕ A fantastic tool to generate requirements file for your Python project, and more than that.
- makaimc/underwear - Dead simple LAMP-stack deployments for Python-powered web applications.
- crhym3/simpleauth - Simple authentication for Python on Google App Engine supporting OAuth 2.0, OAuth 1.0(a) and OpenID
- walkr/oi - python library for writing long running processes with a cli interface
- nathancahill/mimicdb - Python implementation of MimicDB
- vaidik/sherlock - Easy distributed locks for Python with a choice of backends.
- eyeseast/python-tablefu - A Python version (almost a port) of ProPublica's TableFu
- AirSage/Petrel - Tools for writing, submitting, debugging, and monitoring Storm topologies in pure Python
- Cue/fast-python-pb - Fast Protocol Buffers in python (by using the C++ API)
- plotdevice/plotdevice - Create 2D graphics on the Mac with Python code
- josiahcarlson/rom - Redis object mapper for Python
- facebook/sparts - Prototype python services with as little code as possible
- knipknap/exscript - A Python module making Telnet and SSH easy
- Janhouse/tespeed - Terminal network speed test that uses servers from Speedtest.net. It uses nearest test server but can also use one manually specified by the user. It should work on Linux/OSX/Windows and anything else that runs Python 2 with Python 2 lxml module.
- skoczen/will - Will is a simple, beautiful-to-code python hipchat bot.
- heynemann/pyccuracy - Pyccuracy is a BDD-style Web Acceptance Testing framework in Python.
- adewes/blitzdb - Blitz is a document-oriented database for Python that is backend-agnostic. It comes with a flat-file database for JSON documents and provides MongoDB-like querying capabilities.
- wireservice/leather - Python charting for 80% of humans.
- sunpy/sunpy - SunPy - Python for Solar Physics
- binaryage/firelogger.py - Python library for FireLogger - a logger console integrated into Firebug
- kennethreitz/procs - Python, Processes, and Prana.
- ikkebr/PyBozoCrack - A silly & effective MD5 cracker in Python
- danilobellini/audiolazy - Expressive Digital Signal Processing (DSP) package for Python
- ylovern/GGTinypng - 批量压缩png和jpg图片python脚本
- thearn/Python-Arduino-Command-API - A Python library for communicating with Arduino microcontroller boards
- mirkonasato/pyodconverter - Python script to automate document conversions using LibreOffice/OpenOffice.org
- jamesturk/validictory - general purpose python data validator
- jmcarp/nplusone - Auto-detecting the n+1 queries problem in Python
- graycatlabs/PyBBIO - A Python library for Arduino-style hardware IO support on the Beaglebone
- discogs/discogs_client - Official Python Client for the Discogs API
- vladris/tinkerer - Python blogging engine
- sigmavirus24/betamax - A VCR imitation designed only for python-requests.
- obspy/obspy - ObsPy: A Python Toolbox for seismology/seismological observatories.
- GetStream/stream-django - Build activity feeds, newsfeeds and activity streams. Stream-Django is a high level client based on Stream-Python.
- OpenRCE/pydbg - A pure-python win32 debugger interface.
- rupa/j2 - python version of z, for experimentation
- bigmlcom/python - Simple Python bindings for BigML.io
- koenbok/Cactus - Static site generator for designers. Uses Python and Django templates.
- xhtml2pdf/xhtml2pdf - HTML/CSS to PDF converter based on Python
- wechat-python-sdk/wechat-python-sdk - 微信公众平台 Python 开发包 (wechat-python-sdk)
- scopatz/xonsh - xonsh is a Python-ish, BASHwards-facing shell.
- compjour/search-script-scrape - 101 real world web scraping exercises in Python 3 for data journalists
- hit9/PyZh - 一起写Python文章,一起看Python文章 - 利用readthedocs的Python技术文章的收集和翻译。
- bmcfee/librosa - Python library for audio and music analysis
- Toblerity/Shapely - Python package for manipulation and analysis of geometric objects in the Cartesian plane
- EliotBerriot/lifter - A lightweight query engine for Python iterables, inspired by Django ORM
- Vector35/binaryninja-python - Binary Ninja prototype written in Python
- Fuck-You-GFW/simDHT - A very simple DHT crawler, was written in Python.
- Yelp/pyleus - Pyleus is a Python framework for developing and launching Storm topologies.
- pybee/batavia - A Javascript implementation of the Python virtual machine.
- Widdershin/butterdb - butterdb is a Python object mapper for Google Drive Spreadsheets. Still in development, but usable.
- socketubs/requirements - Python requirements made easy
- pyflakes/pyflakes - A simple program which checks Python source files for errors.
- aloctavodia/Doing_bayesian_data_analysis - Python/PyMC3 versions of the programs described in Doing bayesian data analysis by John K. Kruschke
- ccampbell/chromelogger-python - Python library for logging variables to Google Chrome console
- benoitc/flower - collection of modules to build distributed and reliable concurrent systems in Python.
- veegee/guv - A fast event loop like gevent for Python 3, built on greenlets and libuv
- lobocv/pyperform - An easy and convienent way to performance test python code.
- iskandr/parakeet - Runtime compiler for numerical Python
- heroku/simple-salesforce - A very simple Salesforce.com REST API client for Python
- YelpArchive/python-gearman - Gearman API - Client, worker, and admin client interfaces
- kz26/PyExcelerate - Accelerated Excel XLSX Writing Library for Python 2/3
- exaviorn/RasPiWrite - A Python Script that prepairs and installs a Raspberry Pi compatiable distro to an SD Card
- andrewromanenco/pyjvm - Java Virtual Machine implemented in pure python
- thomasweng15/E.V.E. - a talking Jarvis program written in Python.
- KoffeinFlummi/Chronyk - A Python 3 library for parsing human-written times and dates
- twitter/pycascading - A Python wrapper for Cascading
- michaeljoseph/changes - changes automates python library release tasks.
- clintecker/python-googleanalytics - A python client for accessing the Google Analytics API
- serkanyersen/underscore.py - Python port of underscore.js
- mkeeter/kokopelli - Script-based CAD/CAM in Python
- mcedit/pymclevel - Minecraft Levels for Python
- alehander42/hermetic - 👂 a python-like language with hindley-milner-like type system, which is compiled to c
- Yipit/pyeqs - Python Elasticsearch Querysets
- versae/neo4j-rest-client - Object-oriented Python library to interact with Neo4j standalone REST server
- nprapps/copytext - A library for accessing a spreadsheet as a native Python object suitable for templating.
- abidrahmank/OpenCV2-Python - Contains some Python Samples with new cv2 interface of OpenCV
- rspivak/csdesign - Simple examples of concurrent server design in Python
- cypreess/python-rex - Python Regular Expressions for Humans™.
- araile/see - dir for humans. A library for Python 2 and 3.
- CamDavidsonPilon/Probabilistic-Programming-and-Bayesian-Methods-for-Hackers - aka "Bayesian Methods for Hackers": An introduction to Bayesian methods + probabilistic programming with a computation/understanding-first, mathematics-second point of view. All in pure Python ;)
- mitsuhiko/click - Python composable command line utility
- pythonforfacebook/facebook-sdk - Facebook Platform Python SDK
- PyCQA/pep8 - Simple Python style checker in one Python file
- pydata/pydata-book - Materials and IPython notebooks for "Python for Data Analysis" by Wes McKinney, published by O'Reilly Media
- Instagram/python-instagram - Python Client for Instagram API
- rlabbe/Kalman-and-Bayesian-Filters-in-Python - Kalman Filter book using Ipython Notebook. Focuses on building intuition and experience, not formal proofs. Includes Kalman filters,extended Kalman filters, unscented Kalman filters, particle filters, and more. All exercises include solutions.
- DRMacIver/hypothesis - Hypothesis is an advanced Quickcheck style testing library for Python
- adafruit/Adafruit-Raspberry-Pi-Python-Code - Adafruit library code for Raspberry Pi
- tmbdev/ocropy - Python-based tools for document analysis and OCR
- JukkaL/mypy - Optional static typing for Python
- mumrah/kafka-python - Python client for Apache Kafka
- rasbt/python-machine-learning-book - The "Python Machine Learning" book code repository and info resource
- coodict/python3-in-one-pic - Learn python3 in one picture.
- wardi/urwid - Console user interface library for Python (official repo)
- conda/conda - Cross-platform, Python-agnostic binary package manager
- Doist/bitmapist - Implements a powerful analytics library using Redis bitmaps (for Python).
- avelino/mining - Business Intelligence (BI) in Python, OLAP
- josegonzalez/python-beaver - python daemon that munches on logs and sends their contents to logstash
- adamhajari/spyre - a web application framework for python
- danielfrg/word2vec - Python interface to Google word2vec
- onyxfish/agate - A Python data analysis library that is optimized for humans instead of machines.
- reactjs/react-python - Python bridge to JSX & the React JavaScript library.
- gfxmonk/python-readability - python port of arc90's readability bookmarklet
- quantopian/pyfolio - Portfolio and risk analytics in Python
- unpingco/Python-for-Signal-Processing - Notebooks for "Python for Signal Processing" book
- DarkFenX/Pyfa - Python fitting assistant, cross-platform fitting tool for EVE Online
- jmschrei/pomegranate - Graphical models for Python, implemented in Cython for speed.
- awahlig/skype4py - Platform indepeneant Python wrapper for the Skype API.
- avehtari/BDA_py_demos - Bayesian Data Analysis demos for Python
- xray/xray - N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python
- old-woman/simDHT - A very simple DHT crawler, was written in Python.
- hendrix/hendrix - Twisted + Django = hendrix, get it? A python web server focused on async and offbeat network traffic. (And it arguably works even better with Pyramid and Flask).
- leandrotoledo/python-telegram-bot - A Python wrapper around the Telegram Bot API.
- motet/baldr - An open source flight simulator for aerial drones written entirely in Python.
- swaroopch/byte_of_python - A Byte of Python book
- wackou/guessit - GuessIt is a python library that tries to extract as much information as possible from a filename.
- influxdb/influxdb-python - Python client for InfluxDB
- Yelp/python-gearman - Gearman API - Client, worker, and admin client interfaces
- mblondel/lightning - Large-scale linear classification, regression and ranking in Python
- richardhenry/hotqueue - HotQueue is a Python library that allows you to use Redis as a message queue within your Python programs.
- ask/python-github2 - github client in python, with issues support.
- andreisavu/mongodb-log - MongoDB python logging handler. Python centralized logging made easy.
- programa-stic/snapchat-decrypt - Python script for decrypting stored images from Snapchat version 5.0.34.nn
- mk-fg/python-onedrive - Obsolete python/cli module for MS SkyDrive/OneDrive's old API, do not use for new projects
- mapbox/pyskel - Skeleton of a Python package
- igorgue/pjson - Like python -mjson.tool but with moar colors (and less conf)
- jtauber/dcpu16py - A Python implementation of Notch's DCPU-16 (complete with assembler, disassembler, debugger and video terminal implementations)
- duerrp/pyexperiment - Run experiments with Python - quick and clean.
- stefanoborini/vai - Vai editor. A text based IDE similar to vim, in python.
- jgarzik/pyminer - Python miner for bitcoin
- theanti9/PyCrawler - A python web crawler
- stochastic-technologies/goatfish - A small, schemaless Python ORM that is backed by SQLite.
- marcusbuffett/command-line-chess - A python program to play chess against an AI in the terminal.
- maraujop/requests-oauth - Python's Requests OAuth (Open Authentication) plugin
- fengsp/python-snippets - A basket of python snippets
- ehmatthes/intro_programming - A set of IPython notebooks and learning resources for an Introduction to Programming class, focusing on Python.
- iiSeymour/chromote - Simple wrapper to drive Google Chrome from Python
- quick2wire/quick2wire-python-api - Python API for controlling GPIO and I2C devices connected to the Raspberry Pi
- fengsp/easy-python - Libraries you didn't know you would need
- rmmh/skybot - Python IRC bot
- ask/carrot - AMQP Messaging Framework for Python (discontinued; Use Kombu instead)
- andrix/python-snappy - Python bindings for the snappy google library
- RaymiiOrg/NoPriv - NoPriv.py is a python script to backup any IMAP capable email account to a HTML archive, nicely browsable, instead of weird folders (Maildir), one huge file (mbox), only needing a web browser to view (thunderbird) and no propritary code, so you can make sure I don't steal your password.
- satanas/Turpial - Twitter client written in Python. Light, fast, fully functional and integrated to the user desktop
- abunsen/Paython - ActiveMerchant rip off in Python created by Auston Bunsen, with help from Igor Guerrero & a handful of others. Fork me & improve me!
- sandialabs/toyplot - Interactive plotting for Python.
- python-effect/effect - effect isolation in Python, to facilitate more purely functional code
- chriskiehl/pyrobot - A pure python windows automation library loosely modeled after Java's Robot Class.
- urbenlegend/netimpair - An easy-to-use network impairment script for Linux written in Python
- mengu/contact_importer - A Python library to import contacts from Gmail, Yahoo and Live accounts.
- jtushman/state_machine - Python State Machine for humans
- kfdm/gntp - GNTP Python Library
- jdan/Melopy - Python music library
- myano/jenni - jenni is a python IRC bot maintained and developed by Michael Yanovich. This project was created by Sean B. Palmer.
- justinmeister/The-Stolen-Crown-RPG - A fantasy mini-RPG built with Python and Pygame.
- waawal/undead - Dead Easy POSIX Daemons for Python (POC)
- mitsuhiko/python-unio - Unbreaks Unicode on Python
- Mic92/python-mpd2 - Python library which provides a client interface for the Music Player Daemon.
- tonysimpson/nanomsg-python - nanomsg wrapper for python with multiple backends (CPython and ctypes) should support 2/3 and Pypy
- gak/pygooglechart - pygooglechart is a complete Python wrapper for the Google Chart API.
- suryasev/unofficial-google-trends-api - Python-based API that uses the http site to download Google Trends data
- ptone/jiffylab - zero configuration Python/Unix web based teaching env
- mitsuhiko/python-geoip - GeoIP database access for Python under a BSD license.
- jgarzik/python-bitcoinrpc - Python interface to bitcoin's JSON-RPC API
- rohe/pyoidc - A complete OpenID Connect implementation in Python
- jquast/x84 - A python telnet/ssh server for modern UTF-8 and classic cp437 network virtual terminals. In spirit of classic software such as ami/x, teleguard, renegade, iniquity.
- frewsxcv/python-geojson - Python bindings and utilities for GeoJSON
- cqlengine/cqlengine - Cassandra CQL 3 Object Mapper for Python
- alonho/pql - A python expression to MongoDB query translator
- SeTeM/pync - Python wrapper for Mac OS 10.8 Notification Center
- pysal/pysal - PySAL is an open source cross-platform library of spatial analysis functions written in Python. It is intended to support the development of high level applications for spatial analysis.
- maxcutler/python-wordpress-xmlrpc - Python library for WordPress XML-RPC integration
- linsomniac/python-memcached - A python memcached client library.
- arokem/python-matlab-bridge - A simple Python => MATLAB(R) interface and a matlab_magic for ipython
- asciimoo/memspector - Inspect memory usage of python functions
- PySide/Examples - Python script examples adapted for PySide.
- IQAndreas/github-issues-import - Python script to import issues from one repository into another, either one at a time or all of them at once.
- brechtm/rinohtype - The Python document processor
- richardasaurus/mega.py - Python library for the Mega.co.nz API.
- readevalprintlove/lithp - McCarthy's Lisp in Python with macros. A celebration of 50+ years of symbolic processing.
- jsvine/spectra - Easy color scales and color conversion for Python.
- fqrouter/fqsocks - Python version of redsocks tailored for anti-GFW
- splunk/splunk-sdk-python - Splunk Software Development Kit for Python
- phyllisstein/alp - A Python module for Alfred v2 workflows
- lizherui/spider_python - 爬爬爬
- BinPy/BinPy - An electronic simulation library written in pure Python
- rossant/galry - High-performance interactive visualization in Python
- shuge/Qt-Python-Binding-Examples - Lots of simple and Pythonic PySide demos
- kingwkb/readability - a python readability
- ecdavis/pants - A lightweight framework for writing asynchronous network applications in Python.
- trevp/tlslite - TLS Library in python
- balloob/home-assistant - Open-source home automation platform running on Python 3
- soimort/you-get - ⏬ A YouTube/Youku/Niconico video downloader written in Python 3
- mitsuhiko/logbook - A cool logging replacement for Python. Under construction
- gbin/err - Err is a chatbot designed to be simple to extend with plugins written in Python.
- csvoss/oneliner - Convert any Python file into a single line of code.
- ggaughan/pipe2py - A project to compile Yahoo! Pipes into Python (see it hosted on Google App Engine: http://pipes-engine.appspot.com)
- GoogleCloudPlatform/appengine-python-flask-skeleton - A skeleton for creating Python applications using the Flask framework on App Engine
- boydgreenfield/query - Interactive SQL database exploration in Python
- danielfm/pyruby - Some Ruby for your Python!
- CodeReclaimers/btce-api - Python wrapper around the public and trading APIs of BTC-e.com
- leah/python-oauth - Python OAuth library from Google code.
- CFSworks/nimue - Nimue is a simple Python script for jailbreaking Sony Bravia TVs.
- csvoss/retroactive - Fun with time travel: Implementing retroactive data structures in Python
- colour-science/colour - Colour Science for Python
- paylogic/py2deb - Python to Debian package converter
- gtaylor/python-colormath - A python module that abstracts common color math operations. For example, converting from CIE Lab to XYZ, or from RGB to CMYK
- senko/python-video-converter - Python Video Converter (ffmpeg wrapper)
- kivy/kivy-ios - Toolchain for compiling Python / Kivy / other libraries for iOS
- inueni/birdy - A super awesome Twitter API client for Python.
- asweigart/codebreaker - "Hacking Secret Ciphers with Python" programs
- lisa-lab/pylearn2 - A Machine Learning library based on Theano
- samuraisam/pyapns - An APNS provider with multi-app support.
- DanMcInerney/LANs.py - Inject code, jam wifi, and spy on wifi users
- jiaaro/pydub - Manipulate audio with a simple and easy high level interface
- seb-m/pyinotify - Monitoring filesystems events with inotify on Linux.
- yhat/db.py - db.py is an easier way to interact with your databases
- tavendo/AutobahnPython - WebSocket & WAMP for Python on Twisted and asyncio
- xiaoxu193/PyTeaser - Summarizes news articles
- pyjs/pyjs - Pyjs canonical sources. Start here!
- clowwindy/ChinaDNS-Python - Protect yourself against DNS poisoning in China.
- sciyoshi/pyfacebook - PyFacebook
- jaraco/path.py - "Path" object conveniently wrapping assorted file/path-related functionality
- syrusakbary/pyjade - Jade syntax adapter for Django, Jinja2 and Mako templates
- fitzgen/pycco - Literate-style documentation generator.
- mher/chartkick.py - Create beautiful Javascript charts with minimal code
- jessemiller/HamlPy - A converter of HAML like templates into Django templates.
- saffsd/langid.py - Stand-alone language identification system
- renpy/renpy - The Ren'Py Visual Novel Engine
- Rotten194/summarize.py - A python script for summarizing articles using nltk
- andyet/thoonk.py - Persistent (and fast!) push feeds, queues, and jobs leveraging Redis.
- ethereum/pyethereum - Next generation cryptocurrency network
- laoqiu/pypress - flask team blog
- toastdriven/pysolr - Pysolr 3.2.0. The official source.
- socketubs/pyhn - Hacker news command line client
- bidord/pykek - Kerberos Exploitation Kit
- PyCodersCN/PyCodersCN - PyCoder's Weekly Chinese Translate Sources Repo
- PyBossa/pybossa - Open-source crowdsourcing (microtasking) platform with a focus on volunteer contribution and making it super-easy to create a crowd-sourcing app.
- tomchristie/django-pdb - Gives you
manage.py runserver --pdb
andmanage.py test --pdb
- atizo/PyTagCloud - Create beautiful tag clouds as images or HTML
- pytest-dev/pytest - The pytest testing tool makes it easy to write small tests, yet scales to support complex functional testing
- pyqtgraph/pyqtgraph - pyqtgraph main development repository
- philipsoutham/py-mysql2pgsql - Tool for migrating/converting from mysql to postgresql.
- krisfields/django-baker - Adds a management command that generates views, forms, urls, admin, and templates based off the contents of models.py
- kmike/pymorphy2 - Morphological analyzer / inflection engine for Russian language.
- quantifiedcode/python-anti-patterns - An open collection of Python anti-patterns and "worst practices", many of which can be checked automatically on QuantifiedCode
- Hawstein/PyMinecraft - Minecraft源码阅读与分析
- jakevdp/sklearn_pycon2015 - Materials for my Pycon 2015 scikit-learn tutorial.
- plotly/python-api - Python-API for beautiful, interactive, & shareable graphs
- fbessho/PyPoi - "Py"thon program for "Poi"sson Image Editing
- lincolnloop/django-layout - Django 1.4+ project template layout. Run: django-admin.py startproject --template=https://github.com/lincolnloop/django-layout/zipball/master --extension=py,rst project_name
- j2a/pytils - Russian-specific string utils
- willyg302/clip.py - Embeddable, composable [c]ommand [l]ine [i]nterface [p]arsing
- psychomario/PyPXE - Pure Python2 PXE (DHCP-(Proxy)/TFTP/HTTP/NBD) Server
- jakevdp/sklearn_pycon2014 - Repository containing files for my PyCon 2014 scikit-learn tutorial.
- kevinw/pyflakes - a faster smurfier pyflakes fork using _ast instead of compiler
- dcrosta/flask-pymongo - PyMongo support for Flask applications
- pingo-io/pingo-py - Generic API for controlling boards with programmable IO pins
- pypiserver/pypiserver - minimal pypi server
- bjarneo/Pytify - Use this cli application as a Spotify remote. Including search for and start songs.
- Pylons/pylons - Pylons Framework, community maintained with guidance/assistance from the Pylons Project. Merged with repoze.bfg for Pyramid framework.
- pytest-dev/pytest-django - A Django plugin for pytest.
- feliam/pysymemu - An intel 64 symbolic emulator
- jakevdp/sklearn_pycon2013 - Files for my scikit-learn tutorial at PyCon 2013
- coderholic/PyWebShot - Command line webpage screenshot and thubnail generator
- nicolas-van/pygreen - A micro web framework/static web site generator.
- enkore/i3pystatus - A complete replacement for i3status
- amccloud/django-project-skel - To use run: django-admin.py startproject --template https://github.com/amccloud/django-project-skel/zipball/master --extension py,md,gitignore yourprojectname
- SirFroweey/PyDark - PyDark is a 2D and Online Multiplayer video game engine written on-top of Python and PyGame.
- selectel/pyte - Simple VTXXX-compatible linux terminal emulator
- bitly/bitly-api-python - python library to the bitly api
- coderanger/pychef - Python library to interact with the Chef server API
- ikotler/pythonect - A general-purpose dataflow programming language based on Python, written in Python
- ammaraskar/pyCraft - Python minecraft client library
- perone/Pyevolve - Pyevolve
- hovel/pybbm - Django forum solution. Tested, documented, shipped with example project.
- Pylons/pyramid_cookbook - Pyramid cookbook recipes (documentation)
- HashNuke/Python-Arduino-Prototyping-API - Helps you to quickly prototype Arduino programs, without having to repeatedly load the program to the Arduino board
- smbaker/pynest - python API for talking to nest thermostat
- Jajcus/pyxmpp2 - The new and shiny XMPP implementation for Python
- phunt/zk-smoketest - zk-smoketest.py provides a simple smoketest client for a ZooKeeper ensemble
- nyddle/pystash - Stash command line client
- mne-tools/mne-python - MNE : Magnetoencephalography (MEG) and Electroencephalography (EEG) in Python
- mattrobenolt/colors.py - Colors aren't that scary!
- martinp/pysnap - Python library for the Snapchat API
- DanMcInerney/creds.py - Harvest FTP/POP/IMAP/HTTP/IRC creds
- themartorana/python-postmark - Postmark library for Python 2.6 and greater
- LumaPictures/pymel - Python in Maya Done Right
- bitly/pynsq - official Python client library for NSQ
- bcambel/pythonhackers - http://pythonhackers.com
- sebp/PyGObject-Tutorial - Tutorial for using GTK+ 3 in Python
- jamesls/fakeredis - Fake implementation of redis API (redis-py) for testing purposes
- pusher/pusher-http-python - Python library for interacting with the Pusher HTTP API
- gratipay/aspen-python - Filesystem dispatch + Simplates + Python. The web framework behind Gratipay.
- dustin/py-github - Python interface for talking to the github API
- shotgunsoftware/python-api - A Python-based API for accessing Shotgun and integrating with other tools
- PredictionIO/PredictionIO-Python-SDK - PredictionIO Python SDK
- tancredi/python-console-snake - Lightweight snake game running in the console
- sangelone/python-hashes - Interesting (non-cryptographic) hashes implemented in pure Python.
- pierrrrrrre/PyGeoIpMap - Little Python script to show where IP addresses are coming from by plotting them on a World map
- jrfonseca/xdot.py - Interactive viewer for graphs written in Graphviz's dot language.
- orcasgit/python-fitbit - Fitbit API Python Client Implementation
- gtaylor/paypal-python - Implementation of PayPal APIs in Python
- baijum/selenium-python - Selenium Python Bindings Documentation
- rstacruz/js2coffee.py - JS to CoffeeScript compiler. [DEPRECATED]
- heroku/heroku.py - Heroku API wrapper for Python.
- dadadel/pyment - Format and convert Python docstrings and generates patches
- StartTheShift/pyoauth2 - OAuth 2.0 Library - WE ARE NO LONGER MAINTAINING THIS LIBRARY, PLEASE SEE this fork: https://github.com/NateFerrero/pyoauth2
- ziberna/i3-py - Python based tools for i3 users and developers
- roger-/pyrtlsdr - A Python wrapper for librtlsdr (a driver for Realtek RTL2832U based SDR's)
- lucjon/Py-StackExchange - A Python binding for the StackExchange API
- laurentluce/python-algorithms - Algorithms implemented in Python
- corelan/mona - Corelan Repository for mona.py
- atarola/pyjojo - Expose a directory of bash scripts as an API.
- parente/pyttsx - Cross-platform text-to-speech wrapper
- sloria/pypi-cli - A command-line interface to the Python Package Index (PyPI). Get package info, download statistics, and more.
- princehaku/pyrailgun - Simple And Easy Python Crawl Framework,支持抓取javascript渲染的页面的简单实用高效的python网页爬虫抓取模块
- hamcrest/PyHamcrest - Hamcrest matchers for Python
- doloopwhile/PyExecJS - Run JavaScript code from Python
- JosephSalisbury/python-bittorrent - A simple, clean, and efficient BitTorrent library, written entirely in Python.
- todddeluca/python-vagrant - Python bindings for interacting with Vagrant virtual machines.
- tjfontaine/linode-python - Linode API Python Bindings
- thebeansgroup/smush.py - A lossless image optimiser script for displaying images on the Web. It's a Python command-line tool which is an implementation of Yahoo's smush.it service that can be run over whole directories of images.
- dat/pyner - Python interface to the Stanford Named Entity Recognizer
- rolandshoemaker/CommonMark-py - Pure Python Markdown parser and renderer for the CommonMark spec
- alexis-mignon/python-flickr-api - A python implementation of the Flickr API
- ssut/py-googletrans - Free Unofficial Google Translate API for Python. Translates totally free of charge.
- mjhea0/python-ruby - Should I Learn Python or Ruby?
- chrisclark/PythonForDataScience - PythonForDataScience
- biermeester/Pylinter - A pylint plugin for Sublime Text 2 and 3
- paulnasca/paulstretch_python - Paulstretch python version
- natural/java2python - Simple but effective library to translate Java source code to Python.
- heynemann/pyvows - Python implementation of Vows.js
- dirn/When.py - Friendly Python Dates
- bartdag/pymining - A few data mining algorithms in pure python
- VisualOps/pysa - Pysa scans your system and reverse engineers its configurations for easy replication.
- Murodese/pynab - Newznab-compliant Usenet Indexer written in Python, using PostgreSQL/MySQL-like.
- venthur/python-ardrone - Python library for the AR.Drone
- savon-noir/python-libnmap - libnmap is a python library to run nmap scans, parse and diff scan results. It supports python 2.6 up to 3.4. It's wonderful.
- braiden/python-ant-downloader - Python Ant Downloader - tools for download from garmin wireless (ANT) devices
- ant4g0nist/lisa.py - -An Exploit Dev Swiss Army Knife.
- vincenting/weChat-python-sdk - 微信公共平台非官方SDK,主要实现主动的消息推送和获取。
- drj11/pypng - Pure Python library for PNG image encoding/decoding
- 7sDream/zhihu-py3 - Zhihu UNOFFICIAL API library in python3, with help of bs4, lxml, requests and html2text.
- warner/python-ecdsa - pure-python ECDSA signature/verification
- shannonturner/python-lessons - Lessons and code snippets to share with my students
- python-otr/pure-python-otr - Off-The-Record Protocol Implementation in Python
- ikreymer/pywb - Python WayBack for web archive replay and url-rewriting HTTP/S web proxy
- enthought/pyql - Cython QuantLib wrappers
- Itxaka/pyapi-gitlab - pyapi-gitlab is a python wrapper for the Gitlab API.
- wordnik/wordnik-python - Wordnik Python public library
- stefankoegl/python-json-patch - Applying JSON Patches in Python 2.6+ and 3.x
- proycon/pynlpl - Python Natural Language Processing Library -- (Note: pynlpl is pronounced as: pineapple). In addition to generic algorithms and data structures for NLP, PyNLPl also contains modules for a wide variety of NLP tasks, such as parsers for various file formats common in Dutch Computational Linguistics, such as FoLiA, D-Coi, SoNaR, Tadpole/Frog, Timbl.
- chrivers/pyjaco - Python to JavaScript translator
- pymssql/pymssql - The official home for the pymssql source code.
- Azelphur/pyPushBullet - Python library to interface with PushBullet
- viveksjain/pypush - Continuously push local changes to a remote server
- astrand/pyobfuscate - pyobfuscate
- arc90/python-readability-api - Python wrapper for the Readability API.
- pytest-dev/pytest-bdd - BDD library for the py.test runner
- justquick/python-varnish - Simple Python interface for the Varnish management port
- alex/pyvcs - A pure python abstraction layer of multiple VCS, very lightweight.
- rkulla/pydiction - Python Tab-completion for Vim
- issackelly/python-hue - Python client for Philips Hue -- determined via API reverse engineering
- brettviren/python-keepass - Python interface to KeePass file format v3 (used in KeePass V1.x and KeePassX)
- mitsuhiko/python-pbkdf2 - Because pbkdf2 is awesome and bcrypt is overkill
- edsu/pymarc - process MARC records from Python
- sloria/PythonORMSleepy - Python ORM/ODM Examples, For The Sleepy
- jmespath/jmespath.py - JMESPath is a query language for JSON.
- tav/pylibs - A collection of Python packages for use in other projects
- pyatom/pyatom - Python Automated Testing on Mac
- openleap/PyLeapMouse - A Leap Motion based mouse in Python
- kennethreitz/pyandoc - Python wrapper for Pandoc—the universal document converter.
- digitalbazaar/pyld - JSON-LD processor written in Python
- PyMVPA/PyMVPA - MultiVariate Pattern Analysis in Python
- BurntSushi/pytyle3 - An updated (and much faster) version of pytyle that uses xpybutil and is compatible with Openbox Multihead.
- wallix/pylogsparser - Library for Log parsing in Python - get the documentation at http://wallix.github.com/pylogsparser/
- pynag/pynag - Python modules and utilities for Nagios plugins and configuration
- ozgur/python-firebase - Python interface to the Firebase's REST API
- SolidCode/SolidPython - A python frontend for solid modelling that compiles to OpenSCAD
- simplegeo/python-simplegeo - A client interface for SimpleGeo's API.
- kanzure/pyphantomjs - Headless WebKit with JavaScript API .. but reimplemented in python
- eigenhombre/PyClojure - Clojure implemented on top of Python
- dclambert/Python-ELM - Extreme Learning Machine implementation in Python
- skyfielders/python-skyfield - Elegant astronomy for Python
- pwaller/pyfiglet - An implementation of figlet written in python
- onelogin/python-saml - Python SAML Toolkit
- mikeboers/PyAV - Pythonic bindings for FFmpeg.
- gregneagle/Xcode4CocoaPythonTemplates - Templates for Cocoa-Python development with Xcode 4
- skyline75489/pyfm - 使用Python编写的豆瓣FM(douban.fm)命令行播放器
- peterh/pyobd - Fixes to pyobd for modern hardware interfaces
- openstack/python-neutronclient - Python API Library for Quantum
- coderholic/pyradio - Curses based internet radio player
- allfro/pymiproxy - A small and sweet man-in-the-middle proxy capable of doing HTTP and HTTP over SSL.
- Unidata/netcdf4-python - netcdf4-python: python/numpy interface to the netCDF C library
- unitedstates/python-us - US state metadata and other incredible fun stuff
- pinterest/pymemcache - A comprehensive, fast, pure-Python memcached client.
- ionelmc/python-manhole - Debugging manhole for python applications
- disqus/disqus-python - Disqus API bindings for Python
- michaelliao/learn-python - 小白的Python入门教程:部分章节源码
- maxtepkeev/python-redmine - Python Redmine is a library for communicating with a Redmine project management application
- kgaughan/memoize.py - Bill McCloskey's memoize.py, grabbed with archive.org from http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~billm/memoize.html
- itissid/pypgTAP - Making Postgres coding and testing fun!
- alastair/python-musicbrainzngs - Python bindings for Musicbrainz' NGS webservice
- tino/pyFirmata - Python interface for the Firmata (http://firmata.org/) protocol. It is compliant with Firmata 2.1. Any help with updating to 2.2 is welcome. The Capability Query is implemented, but the Pin State Query feature not yet.
- stan-dev/pystan - PyStan: Python interface to Stan
- saghul/python-fibers - Lightweight cooperative microthreads for Python
- vmware/pyvmomi-community-samples - A place for community contributed samples for the pyVmomi library.
- unixy/varnishtuner.py - Varnish Cache Tuner
- jamescasbon/pypackage - Ship virtualenvs as deb or rpm
- hydralabs/pyamf - AMF for Python
- evernote/evernote-sdk-python3 - Testing the Evernote Cloud API for Python 3
- datadesk/python-elections - A Python wrapper for the Associated Press' U.S. election data service.
- eguven/python3-memcached - Python3 port of the pure python memcache client implementation
- aouyar/PyMunin - Python Module for developing Munin Multigraph Monitoring Plugins. Multigraph Plugins for Apache Web Server, Apache Tomcat, APC PHP Cache, PHP FPM (Fast Process Manager), Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, Lighttpd, Memcached, MySQL Database, Nginx, NTP, PostgreSQL Database, CPU Utilization, Memory Utilization, Disk Usage, Disk I/O, Network Interfaces, Network Connections, Processes and Threads, etc.
- klen/pylama - Code audit tool for python.
- jgarzik/python-bitcoinlib - Bitcoin library
- frenetic-lang/pyretic - The Pyretic language and runtime system
- brendano/tweetmotif - Topical search for Twitter. See twokenize.py, emoticons.py for tokenization.
- bitcraze/crazyflie-clients-python - Host applications and library for Crazyflie written in Python.
- abromberg/sentiment_analysis_python - Working with sentiment analysis in Python.
- vklochan/python-logstash - Python logging handler for Logstash.
- phuslu/pybuild - some python build script
- linkerlin/BlackHolePy - BlackHolePy是一个迷你型的DNS(代理)服务器。它的主要特色:支持TCP DNS并支持白名单,从而在防止DNS污染的同时支持了内部私有域名解析。
- ionelmc/cookiecutter-pylibrary - Enhanced cookiecutter template for Python libraries.
- limist/py-moneyed - Provides Currency and Money classes for use in your Python code.
- fluent/fluent-logger-python - A structured logger for Fluentd (Python)
- eskerda/pybikes - Some python class wrappers to parse info from bike sharing networks across the world. This project is related to CityBikes, as to provide info for the application, thus allowing others to access the same data. It provides the information for the API used by CityBikes
- Shopify/shopify_python_api - ShopifyAPI library allows Python developers to programmatically access the admin section of stores
- z4r/python-coveralls - Python API for http://coveralls.io
- winkidney/weixin2py - weixin2py-腾讯微信公众平台自动消息处理程序+SDK(python+django)
- ponty/PyVirtualDisplay - Python wrapper for Xvfb, Xephyr and Xvnc
- gpocentek/python-gitlab - Python wrapper for the GitLab API
- dropbox/python-zxcvbn - A realistic password strength estimator.
- bjonnh/PyOrgMode - A python class for reading and writing orgmode files
- bitcraft/PyTMX - Python library to read Tiled Map Editor's TMX maps.
- andelf/PyAIML - PyAIML is an interpreter for AIML (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language). cloned from sf.net.
- nikipore/alfred-python - simple Python access to the Alfred workflow API
- mozillazg/baidu-pcs-python-sdk - 百度个人云存储(PCS)Python SDK. 推荐改用百度网盘 API: https://github.com/ly0/baidupcsapi
- manns/pyspread - Pyspread is a spreadsheet application that is based on and written in the programming language Python.
- kcunning/Katie-s-Rougish-PyGame - A learning project!
- ideoforms/python-twitter-examples - Examples of using Python for Twitter social data mining, using the python-twitter-tools framework.
- borntyping/python-colorlog - A colored formatter for the python logging module
- maxmind/GeoIP2-python - Python code for GeoIP2 webservice client and database reader
- locationlabs/mockredis - mock for redis-py
- strawlab/python-pcl - Python bindings to the pointcloud library (pcl)
- slimkrazy/python-google-places - Simple wrapper around the new 'experimental' Google Places API
- rohe/pysaml2 - Python implementation of SAML2
- lmacken/pyrasite-gui - A graphical interface for monitoring and interacting with running Python processes
- hgrecco/pyvisa - A Python package with bindings to the "Virtual Instrument Software Architecture" VISA library, in order to control measurement devices and test equipment via GPIB, RS232, or USB.
- derek73/python-nameparser - A simple Python module for parsing human names into their individual components
- akloster/python-mindwave - Python scripts to interface with the Neurosky Mindwave EEG Headset
- Frozenball/pytest-sugar - a plugin for py.test that changes the default look and feel of py.test (e.g. progressbar, show tests that fail instantly)
- FelikZ/ctrlp-py-matcher - Fast vim CtrlP matcher based on python
- pmarti/python-messaging - Pure python SMS/MMS encoder/decoder
- lsbardel/python-stdnet - Object-data mapper and advanced query manager for non relational databases
- jim-easterbrook/pywws - Python software for USB Wireless WeatherStations
- jbardin/scp.py - scp module for paramiko
- ianozsvald/EuroPython2011_HighPerformanceComputing - Code for High Performance Computing tutorial for EuroPython 2011
- staale/py-xlsx - Tiny python code for parsing data from an Office Open XML Spreadsheet - xlsx
- neo1691/scorer.py - A simple python script to fetch cricket scores and send notifications.
- liluo/py-oauth2 - A Python wrapper for the OAuth 2.0 specification
- joepie91/python-whois - A python module for retrieving and parsing WHOIS data
- jncraton/PythonDropboxUploader - Uploads a file to Dropbox
- ilius/pyglossary - PyGlossary
- horstjens/ThePythonGameBook - code examples for ThePythonGameBook.com
- softlayer/softlayer-python - A set of Python libraries that assist in calling the SoftLayer API.
- shazow/unstdlib.py - Unstandard Python library of useful and highly-reusable functions.
- scraperwiki/scraperwiki-python - ScraperWiki Python library for scraping and saving data
- miguelgrinberg/flask-pycon2014 - Code for my PyCon 2014 tutorial "Flask By Example"
- lethain/Redis-Python-Datastructures - simple python datastructure wrappings for redis
- keenlabs/KeenClient-Python - Official Python client for the Keen IO API. Build analytics features directly into your Python apps.
- BonsaiDen/twitter-text-python - Twitter text processing library (auto linking and extraction of usernames, lists and hashtags). Based on the Java implementation by Matt Sanford
- pykalman/pykalman - Kalman Filter, Smoother, and EM Algorithm for Python
- luckydonald/pytg - Python package that wraps around Telegram messenger CLI
- ivankorobkov/python-inject - Dependency injection the python way, the good way
- faucamp/python-gsmmodem - Python module to control a GSM modem attached to the system: send/receive SMS messages, handle calls, etc
- kra3/py-ga-mob - PYGA: Python Google Analytics - Data Collection API
- dtcooper/python-fitparse - Python library to parse ANT/Garmin .FIT files
- brandon-rhodes/pycon-pandas-tutorial - PyCon 2015 Pandas tutorial materials
- vorushin/sublimetext_python_checker - Integration of pep8 and pyflakes checkers for python files in SublimeText 2 editor (Linux/MacOSX only)
- topikachu/python-ev3 - a project to run lego ev3 in python
- lmfit/lmfit-py - Non-Linear Least Squares Minimization, with flexible Parameter settings, based on scipy.optimize.leastsq, and with many additional classes and methods for curve fitting
- ralsina/pyqt-by-example - A tutorial for PyQt focused on showing by doing
- pympler/pympler - Development tool to measure, monitor and analyze the memory behavior of Python objects in a running Python application.
- pycollada/pycollada - A python COLLADA library. Can be used to create, edit and load COLLADA documents.
- metalshark/lesscss-python - lessCSS Python Compiler
- kasun/python-tail - Unix tail follow implementation in python
- jfhbrook/pyee - A port of node.js's EventEmitter to python
- collective/buildout.python - Buildout all the Pythons
- braintree/braintree_python - braintree python client library
- wyplay/pytracemalloc - This project is no longer maintained here, instead, for Python < 3.4, please see 'https://github.com/haypo/pytracemalloc', maintained by Victor Stinner.
- svinota/pyroute2 - Python netlink library — Linux network / netns / wireless / ipset configuration
- poppy-project/pypot - Python library for controlling dynamixel motors. Documentation available here:
- perseas/Pyrseas - Provides a framework and utilities to upgrade and maintain a relational database.
- isislovecruft/python-gnupg - A modified version of python-gnupg, including security patches, extensive documentation, and extra features.
- geier/pycarddav - cli carddav client (for use with mutt etc.)
- dylanninin/blog - blog developed with web.py, posted with raw markdown files
- zonyl/pytomation - Pytomation is an extensible device communication and automation system written in Python. It's uses include home automation and lighting control but is certainly not limited to that. It is supported on any platform that support Python ( Windows, Mac OS-X, Linux, etc )
- urschrei/pyzotero - A Python wrapper for the Zotero API
- relekang/python-thumbnails - Thumbnails for Django, Flask and other Python projects.
- heynemann/pynq - Python implementation of Microsoft's .Net Language Integrated Query (LINQ)
- wikimedia/pywikibot-core - Github mirror of "pywikibot/core" - our actual code is hosted with Gerrit (please see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Developer_access for contributing
- twinsant/pyweixin - Python Weixin Library
- pydanny/pydanny-event-notes - My notes for the various conferences I attend.
- ponty/pyscreenshot - python screenshot
- mysql/mysql-connector-python - MySQL Connector/Python is implementing the MySQL Client/Server protocol completely in Python. No MySQL libraries are needed, and no compilation is necessary to run this Python DB API v2.0 compliant driver. Documentation & Download: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/connector-python/en
- lord63/pyhipku - Encode any IP address as a haiku, funny and lovely. TRY IT NOW: http://pyhipku.lord63.com
- looly/python-basic - 老齐(qiwsir)的Python基础教程Gitbook版
- loisaidasam/pyslack - A Python wrapper for Slack's API
- lionheart/pinboard.py - A full-featured Python wrapper (and command-line utility) for the Pinboard API. Built by the makers of Pushpin for Pinboard.
- jaysonsantos/python-binary-memcached - A pure python module (thread safe) to access memcached via it's binary protocol with SASL auth support.
- couchbase/couchbase-python-client - Couchbase Python client library (official)
- victorlin/bugbuzz-python - Fall in love with debugging
- HallaZzang/pykakao - simple kakaotalk loco/http protocol wrapper for python
- williballenthin/python-registry - Read access to Windows Registry files.
- sysdream/pysqli - Python SQL injection framework
- seveas/python-hpilo - Accessing the HP iLO XML interface from python
- pepijndevos/PyMouse - Cross-platform Python mouse module
- liato/android-market-api-py - A Python port of the java Android Market API.
- kennknowles/python-jsonpath-rw - A robust and significantly extended implementation of JSONPath for Python, with a clear AST for metaprogramming.
- jparise/python-reloader - Dependency-based Python Module Reloader
- tito/pymt - A multitouch python framework
- shnode/PyTime - PyTime is a easy-use Python module which aims to operate date/time/datetime by string.
- shichao-an/leetcode-python - LeetCode problems in Python
- pydata/pyrallel - Experimental parallel data analysis toolkit.
- jgeralnik/Pytroj - A tool for infected .pyc files with arbitrary code that spreads out to infect all other .pyc files
- huzhifeng/py12306 - 12306.cn Python 订票程序
- ept/uploadr.py - Command-line Python script to upload photos to Flickr
- django-pylibmc/django-pylibmc - A cache backend for Django using pylibmc
- certifi/python-certifi - (Python Distribution) A carefully curated collection of Root Certificates for validating the trustworthiness of SSL certificates while verifying the identity of TLS hosts.
- acini/autowikibot-py - Reddit bot that replies to comments with excerpt from linked wikipedia article or section.
- pistolero/python-scss - Python bindings for libsass
- pims/retwis-py - Retwis clone in python
- miguelgrinberg/api-pycon2014 - Code for my PyCon talk "Writing RESTful Web Services with Flask"
- kennethreitz-archive/python-github3 - [In Progress] Python wrapper for the new GitHub API.
- ionelmc/python-fields - A totally different take on container boilerplate.
- csawyerYumaed/pyOwnCloud - ownCloud CLI client written in python, more info on owncloud: www.owncloud.org
- PaulMakepeace/refine-client-py - The OpenRefine Python Client Library provides an interface to communicating with an OpenRefine server.
- vascop/Python-Arduino-Proto-API-v2 - A Python-Arduino-Prototyping-API fork gone wild
- renxing/quora-python - Quora clone write in Python + Tornado + MongoDB
- mwilliamson/spur.py - Run commands and manipulate files locally or over SSH using the same interface
- mikeboers/PyHAML - Pythonic implementation of HAML, cross compiling to Mako template syntax.
- marinho/PyNFe - Projeto de biblioteca para fazer interface com o webservice de Nota Fiscal eletrônica para Python, disponível sob LGPL.
- mansam/validator.py - A library for validating that dictionary values meet certain sets of parameters. Much like form validators, but for dicts.
- colinhowe/pyFaceGraph - Python client lib for Facebook's new Graph API
- samth/pycket - A rudimentary Racket implementation using RPython
- rfk/pyenchant - spellchecking library for python
- michaelhelmick/python-tumblpy - A Python Library to interface with Tumblr v2 REST API & OAuth
- madzak/python-json-logger - Json Formatter for the standard python logger
- lukerosiak/pysec - Parse XBRL filings from the SEC's EDGAR in Python
- landscapeio/pylint-django - Pylint plugin for improving code analysis for when using Django
- kencochrane/pypi-mirrors - pypi mirror status
- jonathanslenders/python-deployer - Library for automation of deployments through SSH.
- dsc/pyquery - A jQuery-like library for Python (fork of https://bitbucket.org/olauzanne/pyquery/)
- ask/redish - Pythonic interface to redis-py
- aht/stream.py - Lazily-evaluated, parallelizable Python pipeline.
- Pylons/pyramid_tutorials - Tutorials for Pyramid
- textmate/python.tmbundle - TextMate support for Python
- python-quantities/python-quantities - Quantities package for the python programming language
- ocelma/python-itunes - A simple python wrapper to access iTunes Store API http://www.apple.com/itunes/affiliates/resources/documentation/itunes-store-web-service-search-api.html
- mogui/pyorient - Orientdb driver for python that uses the binary protocol.
- lupeke/python-firmata - Python bindings for the Firmata protocol
- lionheart/django-pyodbc - An ODBC-powered MS SQL Server DB backend for Django 1.4+
- kurttheviking/python-simple-hipchat - A python module fo the v1 HipChat API
- googleads/googleads-python-lib - The Python client library for Google's Ads APIs
- ematvey/pybacktest - Vectorized backtesting framework in Python / pandas, designed to make your backtesting easier — compact, simple and fast
- awslabs/amazon-kinesis-client-python - Amazon Kinesis Client Library for Python
- web2py/pydal - A pure Python Database Abstraction Layer
- virantha/pypdfocr - Python script to do PDF OCR conversion using Tesseract
- stackforge/pyghmi - A Pure python IPMI library
- pylast/pylast - A Python interface to Last.fm and Libre.fm
- meetup/python-api-client - Python interfaces to the Meetup Web API
- lkiesow/python-feedgen - Python module to generate ATOM feeds, RSS feeds and Podcasts.
- kastnerkyle/PyCon2015 - Material for talk "Machine Learning 101" https://speakerdeck.com/kastnerkyle/pycon2015 https://us.pycon.org/2015/schedule/presentation/367/
- ellisonleao/pyshorteners - 🔌 A Python lib to consume the most used shorteners APIs (WIP)
- bebraw/pypandoc - Thin wrapper for "pandoc" (MIT)
- andelf/pyqqweibo - 腾讯微博 API 的python绑定
- GoogleCloudPlatform/appengine-guestbook-python - Guestbook is an example application showing basic usage of Google App Engine
- terryyin/google-translate-python - Online translation as a Python module & command line tool. No key, no authentication needed.
- saymedia/python-simpledb - Open Source Python library for accessing Amazon SimpleDB API
- pktck/ParsePy - A Python wrapper for the Parse.com API
- jeffbryner/pyioc - Python tools for IOC (Indicator of Compromise) handling
- eduardocereto/pyboleto - A Python module to create Brazilian "Boletos de Cobrança" for multiple banks
- dryan/twitter-text-py - a python port of https://github.com/twitter/twitter-text-rb also available via
pip install twitter_text
- djc/couchdb-python - Python library for working with CouchDB
- cablehead/python-consul - Python client for Consul (http://www.consul.io/)
- blockstack/pybitcoin - Bitcoin python library (private + public keys, addresses, transactions, RPC, etc.)
- akesterson/dpath-python - A python library for accessing and searching dictionaries via /slashed/paths ala xpath
- WoLpH/python-statsd - Python Client for the Etsy NodeJS Statsd Server
- stackforge/python-openstacksdk - Unified SDK for OpenStack. See: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/UnifiedSDK
- albertz/PyCParser - C parser and interpreter written in Python with automatic ctypes interface generation
- MicBrain/Python-algo-Module - A cohesive Python Module for Algorithms.
- JetBrains/python-skeletons - Collection of Python files that contain API definitions of third-party libraries extended for Python static analysis tools
- seomoz/simhash-py - Simhash and near-duplicate detection
- samuel/python-gearman - (maintenance transfered to http://github.com/Yelp/python-gearman) Gearman library for Python.
- mdipierro/web2py-book - web2py-book
- juanriaza/python-mega - Wrapper around the Mega API
- dronekit/dronekit-python - The python language bindings and mavproxy module for DroneKit
- dlrust/python-memcached-stats - Python class to gather stats and slab keys from memcached via the memcached telnet interface
- dgorissen/pycel - A library for compiling excel spreadsheets to python code & visualizing them as a graph
- daler/pybedtools - Python wrapper -- and more -- for Aaron Quinlan's BEDTools (bioinformatics tools)
- byroot/pysrt - Python parser for SubRip (srt) files
- bdauvergne/python-oath - Python implementation of HOTP, TOTP and OCRA algorithms from OATH
- yannicklm/pycp - cp and mv with a progress bar
- rdio/rdio-python - A Python library for the Rdio Web Service API
- mynameisfiber/high_performance_python - Code for the book "High Performance Python" by Micha Gorelick and Ian Ozsvald with OReilly
- jasonrbriggs/stomp.py - “stomp.py” is a Python client library for accessing messaging servers (such as Apollo or RabbitMQ) using the STOMP protocol (versions 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2). It can also be run as a standalone, command-line client for testing.
- hymloth/pyredise - A simple and fast search engine
- evanhempel/python-flamegraph - Statistical profiler which outputs in format suitable for FlameGraph (http://www.brendangregg.com/flamegraphs.html)
- ebranca/owasp-pysec - OWASP Python Security Project
- duoshuo/duoshuo-python-sdk - A Python library for using the duoshuo API
- doloopwhile/Python-CoffeeScript - A bridge to the JS CoffeeScript compiler.
- diogobaeder/pycket - Redis/Memcached sessions for Tornado
- datadesk/python-googlegeocoder - A simple Python wrapper for version three of Google's geocoder API
- cvandeplas/pystemon - Monitoring tool for PasteBin-alike sites written in Python. Inspired by pastemon http://github.com/xme/pastemon
- bamos/python-scripts - Short and fun Python scripts.
- badges/pypipins - Badges for your site to display download totals, latest version using PyPI
- scottwoodall/python-pgextras - Unofficial Python port of Heroku's pgextras that provides various statistics for a Postgres instance.
- pradyunsg/Py2C - Py2C — a Python to C++ converter
- liamks/pyitunes - Python Itunes Library parser
- jtriley/pystun - A Python STUN client for getting NAT type and external IP
- jmg/pyfb - A Python Interface for the Facebook Graph API
- jbornschein/mpi4py-examples - mpi4py examples
- hoffmann/PyCharm-Python-Templates - Python Templates for the PyCharm IDE
- hgomersall/pyFFTW - A pythonic python wrapper around FFTW
- fbkarsdorp/python-course - Tutorial and introduction into programming with Python for the humanities
- coderanger/pyzen - A continuous test runner for Python
- tylertreat/BigQuery-Python - Simple Python client for interacting with Google BigQuery.
- tropo/tropo-webapi-python - A set of Python classes for working with the Tropo WebAPI
- protomouse/python-websocket - a simple Python/asyncore WebSocket client library (primarily maintaining compatibility with the Tornado implementation)
- pbs/pycaption - Python module to read/write popular video caption formats
- mmerickel/pyramid_auth_demo - Demo of Pyramid's authorization capabilities using URL Dispatch.
- mbedmicro/pyOCD - Open source python library for programming and debugging ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers using CMSIS-DAP
- kroo/mobi-python - A library for reading (unencrypted) mobi-reader files in Python
- klen/python-scss - Python scss parser.
- ghewgill/pyqver - Identify the minimum Python version required for a given script
- dfm/triangle.py - Make a corner plot of samples.
- beanstalkd/pybeanstalk - A python client library for the beanstalkd queue server.
- asweigart/pyperclip - Python module for cross-platform clipboard functions.
- STIXProject/python-stix - A Python library for parsing, manipulating, and generating STIX content.
- LightTable/Python - Python language plugin for Light Table
- sarguido/hands-on-analysis-python - PyCon 2015
- mxgxw/MFRC522-python - A small class to interface with the NFC reader Module MFRC522
- mhaller/pyffmpeg - PyFFmpeg - Python FFmpeg wrapper
- jgarzik/pynode - Bitcoin P2P router, in python
- embedly/embedly-python - Python lib for Embedly
- balanced/balanced-python - Balanced API library in python.
- Yubico/python-yubico - Python code to talk to YubiKeys
- whtsky/PyWapFetion - A simple Fetion lib for Python.
- tpaviot/pythonocc-core - A python wrapper for the OCE library
- stamen/modestmaps-py - Modest Maps python port
- segmentio/analytics-python - The hassle-free way to integrate analytics into any python application.
- mutantturkey/PyFeast - A Python interface to the Feature Selection Toolkit, contains JMI, BetaGamma, CMIM, CondMI, DISR, ICAP, and mRMR
- msgpack-rpc/msgpack-rpc-python - MessagePack RPC implementation for Python
- isislovecruft/pyrsync - A pure Python module which implements the rsync algorithm.
- dclambert/pyensemble - An implementation of Caruana et al's Ensemble Selection algorithm in Python, based on scikit-learn
- cjlee112/pygr - Python graph database framework for bioinformatics
- Rabbit52/post_bar - 使用 web.py 开发的仿 V2EX 社区程序
- urbanairship/python-library - A Python library for using the Urban Airship web service API for push notifications and rich app pages
- pwdyson/inflect.py - Correctly generate plurals, ordinals, indefinite articles; convert numbers to words
- perrygeo/python-rasterstats - Summary statistics of geospatial raster datasets values based on vector geometries.
- jhoward/Python-Neural-Network - A pure python implementation of a neural network.
- jedp/python-redis-log - A Python logging handler that publishes to redis pub/sub channels
- houqp/shell.py - shell power for python
- cool-shark/redimon - redis monitoring tool built with flask and redis-py
- Pylons/pylonsrtd - Pylons Project documentation on RTD
- Paradigm4/SciDB-Py - Python wrapper for SciDB queries
- vsergeev/u-msgpack-python - A portable, lightweight MessagePack serializer and deserializer written in pure Python, compatible with Python 2, Python 3, CPython, PyPy / msgpack.org[Python]
- un33k/python-emailahoy - Checks if an email address is real
- sontek/pyramid_celery - Pyramid configuration with celery integration. Allows you to use pyramid .ini files to configure celery and have your pyramid configuration inside celery tasks.
- rippleblue/Python - Python 3
- pingswept/pysolar - Pysolar is a collection of Python libraries for simulating the irradiation of any point on earth by the sun. It includes code for extremely precise ephemeris calculations.
- miguelgrinberg/api-pycon2015 - Code for my PyCon talk "Is Your REST API RESTful?"
- koehlma/pygrooveshark - PyGrooveshark is an implementation of the unofficial Grooveshark API as used by the official clients. It is written in Python and supports searching, stations as well as the popular songs list.
- hharnisc/python-meteor - A meteor client for python
- darcymason/pydicom - Read, modify and write DICOM files with python code
- blaa/PyGene - PyGene project pretty much main repository
- abidrahmank/OpenCV-Python - OpenCV examples in Python
- PacketPerception/pychievements - The Python Achievements Framework!
- MacSysadmin/pymacadmin - Python tools for Mac system administration
- uri-templates/uritemplate-py - Python implementation of URI Template
- timknip/pyswf - A Python library to read and write SWF files
- redneckbeard/python-faker - Generate placeholder data. Port of Ruby port of Perl module.
- portante/pycscope - Cscope database generator for Python source code
- pnegre/python-whiteboard - Linux whiteboard in python
- gtaylor/python-fedex - A light wrapper around FedEx's SOAP API.
- bkjones/pyrabbit - A Python module to communicate w/ the RabbitMQ HTTP Management API
- asweigart/pygcurse - Curses library emulation for Python & Pygame
- JakeWharton/py-videodownloader - [DEPRECATED] Python module and script for downloading video source files from the major online streaming sites (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.)
- DNSPod/dnspod-python - DNSPod for python
- williamh/pybugz - Python interface to Bugzilla.
- wichert/pyrad - Python RADIUS implementation
- trevorturk/pygments - Pygments code highlighting via Google App Engine
- thalesians/pythalesians - Open Source Financial Library
- sibblegp/coinbase_python - Unofficial Coinbase Python Library
- samuel/python-bert - BERT serialization library for Python
- roopeshvaddepally/python-ebay - Python wrapper for eBay API
- reingart/pyfpdf - Simple PDF generation for Python (FPDF PHP port)
- paulsm/pyzeroconf - A pure python implementation of multicast DNS service discovery
- openstack/python-cinderclient - Client library for the Cinder API
- mdoege/PySynth - A simple music synthesizer in Python
- jesperborgstrup/Py-IBLT - A Python implementation of Invertible Bloom Lookup Tables
- jcrudy/py-earth - A Python implementation of Jerome Friedman's Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines
- crs4/pydoop - A Python MapReduce and HDFS API for Hadoop
- bvanheu/pytoutv - TOU.TV client library and user interfaces written in Python 3
- bastienleonard/pysfml-cython - A Python 2/3 binding for SFML 2, written with Cython.
- wiseman/foursquare-python - Python module to interface with the foursquare API.
- peterbe/python-gorun - Using (py)inotify to run commands when files change
- openlabs/Microsoft-Translator-Python-API - The Microsoft Translator services can be used in web or client applications to perform language translation operations.
- niklasf/python-chess - A pure Python chess library with move generation and validation, Polyglot opening book probing, PGN reading and writing, Syzygy tablebase probing and UCI engine communication
- mvillalba/python-ant - Python implementation of the ANT, ANT+, and ANT-FS protocols (http://www.thisisant.com/).
- mverteuil/pytest-ipdb - Provides ipdb on failures for py.test.
- mozilla/pytest-mozwebqa - Mozilla Web QA plugin for py.test.
- mattikus/pygist - python command line client for gist
- kivy/pyobjus - Access Objective-C classes from Python
- digitalreasoning/PyStratus - Python-based utility for managing various distributed services on cloud providers
- cburroughs/pep8.py - Look here: http://github.com/jcrocholl/pep8
- baoboa/pyqt5 - PyQt 5.4 from riverbank
- ChangeMyUsername/algorithms-sedgewick-python - Algorithms(4th edition) by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne exercises in python
- pcjericks/py-gdalogr-cookbook - A cookbook full of recipes for using the Python GDAL/OGR bindings.
- openzoom/deepzoom.py - Python Deep Zoom Tools
- kvh/Python-Suffix-Tree - Suffix tree for string searching
- iCHAIT/Python-Scripts - My Python scripts.
- exoscale/python-logstash-formatter - python JSON log formatter with a logstash compatible schema
- ewa/python-webcrawler - Simple web crawler written in Python
- davidcorne/Design-Patterns-In-Python - This is no longer maintained. https://bitbucket.org/davidcorne/design-patterns-in-python is it's new home.
- alexcepoi/pyscale - General purpose Python framework for writing highly scalable applications
- ajinabraham/Xenotix-Python-Keylogger - Xenotix Python Keylogger for Windows.
- adammck/pygsm - Send and receive SMS via a GSM modem in Python
- Psycojoker/pyfmt - automatic code formatter for python following pep8 using baron FST, like gofmt
- viticci/pythonista-scripts - Python scripts to use in Pythonista for iOS. Mostly Markdown-related.
- uber/vertica-python - vertica-python is a native Python adapter for the Vertica (http://www.vertica.com) database.
- rackerlabs/python-clouddns - Python API binding to Rackspace Cloud DNS
- paxan/python-dateutil - Useful extensions to the standard Python datetime features. This repo tracks the upstream and also contains fixes/patches from https://github.com/cozi/python-dateutil
- pankratiev/python-amazon-ses-api - Python API for Amazon Simple Email Service
- jedie/PyLucid - PyLucid is a Open Source web content management system written in Python using the Django Framework.
- enaeseth/python-fp-growth - An implementation of the FP-growth algorithm in pure Python.
- cool-RR/python_toolbox - A collection of useful Python tools
- btbytes/pyofc2 - Python Open Flash Chart Library
- EiNSTeiN-/hexrays-python - Python bindings for the Hexrays Decompiler
- yahoo/yos-social-python - Python SDK
- sciunto-org/python-bibtexparser - Bibtex parser in Python 2.7 and 3.x
- ryanpetrello/python-zombie - A Python driver for Zombie.js (http://zombie.labnotes.org/), a headless browser powered by node.js.
- rbarrois/python-semanticversion - Semantic version comparison for Python (see http://semver.org/)
- paulgirard/pygexf - a python library to generate gexf file format
- nesaro/pydsl - Python Domain Specific Language Tools
- johnpaulett/python-hl7 - A simple library for parsing messages of Health Level 7 (HL7) version 2.x into Python objects.
- fabioz/PyDev.Debugger - Sources for the debugger used in PyDev & PyCharm
- ekampf/pymaybe - A Python implementation of the Maybe pattern
- cenkalti/pypi-notifier - A web service that monitors your requirements.txt files
- bradbeattie/python-vote-core - Python libraries for various electoral methods
- bintoro/overloading.py - Function overloading for Python 3
- alex-sherman/python-jrpc - A Python remote procedure call framework that uses JSON RPC v2.0
- albertz/pydbattach - attach to running Python process
- Element-34/py.saunter - sample framework for using selenium with python and page objects
- shuge/zbox_wiki - A lightweight wiki system implement in web.py
- linkedin/pyexchange - Python wrapper for Microsoft Exchange
- baudm/mplayer.py - Lightweight Python wrapper for MPlayer