Program used for analyzing Quicksort, Merge sort, Selection sort, Insertion sort, Bubble sort in different scenarios:
- Arrays that contain random generated numbers
- Arrays that are reversed
- Arrays that are almost sorted
and in different sizes(from 10 - 100000000...and 1 billion just for fun and giggles, but I do not provide results for this one)
Recommended operating systems: Linux and Windows
The program ran on the next specs:
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz
RAM: 16 Gb 2400 mHz
Type of Memory (RAM): DDR4 SDRAM
Storage Type: SSD
In case you want to test the biggest size(1 billion numbers) you will need to have more than 8 gb of ram.If you don't have that many ram you can go inside the filegenerators folder and comment in each cpp file the lines that contain the size9 using "//".
For using the program you will need matplotlib module.You can find informations for installing the module here: .
Free storage needed: 32 gb, if you chose to generate the 1 billion elements files. Otherwise, it will be around 3 gb.
- Generate the files
- Build the executable for test.cpp(examples in compiling.txt)
- Run the exectuable
If you want to plot it you will need to have different files for each plotting option.Check which files are required for what you want to plot.