Releases: decentraland/marketplace
Releases · decentraland/marketplace
What's Changed
- feat: create bids trades by @meelrossi in #2265
- fix: Names search showing other assets by @LautaroPetaccio in #2266
Full Changelog: 6.43.0...6.43.1
What's Changed
- feat: remove match selector by @meelrossi in #2259
- fix: item id instead token id by @meelrossi in #2262
- fix location error by @meelrossi in #2263
- feat: update decentraland-dapps v23.1.0 by @braianj in #2264
Full Changelog: 6.42.0...6.43.0
What's Changed
- feat: Link profile from market by @braianj in #2253
- feat: New disconnection flow by @LautaroPetaccio in #2255
- feat: Deploy graph to sepolia and remove deprecateds by @cyaiox in #2250
- feat: move page tracking to hook by @meelrossi in #2256
- feat: remove connected react router from sagas by @meelrossi in #2257
- feat: remove push sagas by @meelrossi in #2258
- feat: bump decentraland-transactions by @juanmahidalgo in #2260
Full Changelog: 6.41.1...6.42.0
What's Changed
- fix: subtitle overlapping the creators name in the homepage table by @juanmahidalgo in #2252
Full Changelog: 6.41.0...6.41.1
What's Changed
- fix: Update the utility icon by @LautaroPetaccio in #2246
- fix: add mapper to getHomepage to it looks for nfts or items by @juanmahidalgo in #2247
- fix: Styles in the Wearables, Emotes and Items detail page by @LautaroPetaccio in #2248
Full Changelog: 6.40.0...6.40.1
What's Changed
- chore: remove repetitive words by @NinaLua in #2241
- feat: use PageLayout in all pages by @meelrossi in #2238
- feat: change my assets default order and section by @meelrossi in #2239
- feat: Add Asset Utility by @LautaroPetaccio in #2243
- feat: remove all favorite server references by @juanmahidalgo in #2244
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 6.39.0...6.40.0
What's Changed
- fix: Remove exotic rarity FF by @LautaroPetaccio in #2226
- feat: Generate Wert ENS image locally by @LautaroPetaccio in #2236
- fix: add timeout when MM active method hangs by @juanmahidalgo in #2240
Full Changelog: 6.38.2...6.38.3
What's Changed
- fix: fingerprint estates issue by @juanmahidalgo in #2222
Full Changelog: 6.38.1...6.38.2
What's Changed
- feat: add vrm block badge by @meelrossi in #2218
- fix: fix the debounce of the asset top bar text field by @juanmahidalgo in #2219
Full Changelog: 6.38.0...6.38.1