Releases: decentraland/marketplace
Releases · decentraland/marketplace
What's Changed
- feat: Update Marketplace mainnet graph with a new rarity by @LautaroPetaccio in #2215
- feat: add anon id and search uuid to catalog search request by @juanmahidalgo in #2214
- fix: Update build process to node 20 by @LautaroPetaccio in #2217
- feat: use amoy instead of mumbai by @meelrossi in #2216
Full Changelog: 6.37.0...6.38.0
What's Changed
- fix: No unsafe assignment (first PR) by @LautaroPetaccio in #2207
- feat: Add new rarity by @LautaroPetaccio in #2211
Full Changelog: 6.36.1...6.37.0
What's Changed
- fix: onBuyWithCrypto missing parameter by @juanmahidalgo in #2208
Full Changelog: 6.36.0...6.36.1
What's Changed
- feat: add buy with crypto button to ENS detail page by @juanmahidalgo in #2198
Full Changelog: 6.35.0...6.36.0
What's Changed
- fix: Linting rule (import/order) by @LautaroPetaccio in #2202
- feat: bump dcl ui by @meelrossi in #2203
- feat: bump dcl dapps by @meelrossi in #2206
Full Changelog: 6.34.4...6.35.0
What's Changed
- fix: Linting no-unsafe-member-access rule by @LautaroPetaccio in #2200
- fix: Remove download content check by @LautaroPetaccio in #2201
Full Changelog: 6.34.3...6.34.4
What's Changed
- fix: Linting rules (no-unsafe-argument) by @LautaroPetaccio in #2196
- feat: no unsafe return by @meelrossi in #2194
- fix: LANDs section race condition by @juanmahidalgo in #2197
- fix: Don't refetch required permissions by @LautaroPetaccio in #2199
Full Changelog: 6.34.2...6.34.3
What's Changed
- fix: naming convention rule accept PascalCase by @meelrossi in #2193
- fix: Minting URL by @LautaroPetaccio in #2195
Full Changelog: 6.34.1...6.34.2
What's Changed
- feat: update cross-chain wording by @juanmahidalgo in #2192
Full Changelog: 6.34.0...6.34.1
What's Changed
- fix: Linting rules (no-non-null-assertion and no-unsafe-enum-comparisson) by @LautaroPetaccio in #2186
- fix: Linting rules (no-floating-promises) by @LautaroPetaccio in #2187
- fix: names wording by @meelrossi in #2170
- feat: use squid new URLs by @juanmahidalgo in #2191
Full Changelog: 6.33.2...6.34.0