Here is a brief overview of the architecture on the provider side before we dig into the function of each of the components.
The standard case is a vault on the provider chain enabling staking the native token locally, as well as staking "virtual tokens" on multiple external chains connected via IBC:
%%{init: {'theme': 'forest'}}%%
flowchart LR
subgraph Osmosis
A{{$OSMO}} -- User Deposit --> B(Vault);
B -- $OSMO --> C(Local Staker);
C -- Stake --> D[Native Staking]
B -- Lien --> E(External Staker Juno);
B -- Lien --> G(External Staker Stars);
E -. IBC .-> F{{Juno Consumer}};
G -. IBC .-> H{{Stars Consumer}};
After the Consumer side is instantiated(See Consumer Setup), we need to instantiate the contracts on the Provider side.
The Vault contract is instantiated with the code id of the Local Staking contract, and a initialization message for it which includes the code id of the Native Staking Proxy contract, and a max slashing setting for local staking. It also requires the local denom, which is the denom of the native staking token on the Provider chain.
After that, the External Staking contract can be instantiated. This also requires the local denom, the address of the Vault contract, the unbonding period of the remote chain, the rewards denom (which is the denom of the staking token on the remote chain), and a max slashing setting for external staking. It also requires remote contact information, which are the IBC connection and port ids for connecting to the remote (Consumer) chain over IBC.
After the contracts setup is done, IBC setup needs to be done, again starting from the Consumer side. See Consumer IBC.
This may involve some test setup, involving by example ibctesting or a similar framework, or a relayer configuration, which would require the External Staking contract address on the Provider and the Converter address on the Consumer. The exact setup of IBC is out of scope for this document.
The first action the user must undertake is depositing the native staking token into the vault. This must be liquid (unbonded and fully vested). This gives them a credit on the vault, which they can withdraw assuming there are no outstanding liens on that amount. Read more about the vault.
Each vault contains exactly one denom and has exactly one local staking module. This local staker can stake the vault token with the native staking module. It actually accepts the original token, which makes it different from external stakers, which accept liens. By depositing in the vault and staking in the local staker, I will have achieved the same effect (and get the same rewards) as directly staking... but I can now use my balance for more. Read more about local staking.
The external stakers allow us to cross-stake the native vault token on other chains (or other DAOs) that use a different native staking token, but have opted in to accepting a portion of their security from this vault in exchange for a portion of their rewards. In the basic model, these accept a lien from the vault and will communicate with a consumer interface to inform how much stake is locked to which validator, and to receive rewards. Read more about external staking.
The connection to the consumer is over IBC and the consumer is responsible for converting these "virtual tokens" into delegations in their native staking module. Note that the consumer must first opt in to accept the provider's tokens and can place multiple restrictions and limits on how much power can be granted to any external chain. Read more about consumers.
Both local stakers and external stakers allow the user to bond to the validator of their choice on the associated chain. The question arises as to what influence the cross-staked user can have on chain governance.
For MVP, all these delegations provide full governance power to the validator that was selected, but the cross-staker may not directly vote on any of these issues (they inherit the validator's vote).
For local staking (in the native token), the cross-staker has the same governance rights as if they had staked directly. They can vote on governance proposals to override the validator's voice if they desire. They may also restake with the same restrictions as normal (once per unbonding period), and naturally unstake when they want.
For external staking, the cross-staker will never be able to override the vote, as they are not expected to be very active in local governance on these external protocols. (If they want to participate, they can take the cross-staking rewards and delegate those tokens directly to get a voice).
Desired goal by v2:
There will be two supported configurations for external staking. Either the cross-staked tokens provides governance voting power to the validator in the same proportion that it provides Tendermint voting power. Or, the cross-staked tokens only provide Tendermint voting power (security) without granting more governance power to that validator. There are use cases for each configuration.
It is unclear if this is possible without forking the governance module, and design work is tracked in this issue.
These won't be included in MVP and require more modifications to the core Cosmos SDK modules, which makes them more risky and more difficult to port to other chains. But, could be considered as chain-specific extensions.
- Enable moving bonded tokens directly into the vault? (custom SDK change).
- Allow depositing vesting tokens to the vault? (deeper SDK change).