A config to manage and query liquidity pools, tokens, and tickers on the Soroban network.
- Liquidity Pools: track pool addresses, staking contracts, and share tokens.
- Tokens: view and manage details for supported tokens, including their Soroban contract IDs and decimals.
- Tickers: currency pairs and associated pool contracts.
: contains details of liquidity pools with addresses, staking contracts, and share tokens.token_lists.json
: lists supported tokens with symbols, Soroban contract IDs, and decimals.ticker_lists.json
: includes ticker information for currency pairs and their associated pool contracts.
- Get the details
soroban contract invoke \ --rpc-url "https://mainnet.sorobanrpc.com" \ # can be any public one --network-passphrase "Public Global Stellar Network ; September 2015" \ # should be always this one (can change) --source <YOUR-PUBLIC-ADDRESS> \ --id "CB4SVAWJA6TSRNOJZ7W2AWFW46D5VR4ZMFZKDIKXEINZCZEGZCJZCKMI" \ # address of the factory contract -- \ query_pool_details \ --pool_address <ADDRESS-OF-POOL-TO-QUERY> | jq