8BitCats For The Metaverse.
To find out more please visit:
- Release Token [Developed | Online]
- NFT Staking [Developed | Online]
- New UI [Developed | Online]
- Token Staking [Online]
- Multiplayer [Developing | Testing]
- Chat [Developing | Testing]
- Item usage [Developing]
8-Bit Cats is a Metaverse build on Fantom, 8-Bit Cats does combine Gaming, NFT's and Metaverse. Users can integrate with the platform and use their favorite tokens directly from their wallet to contribute to the 8-bit Metaverse, by doing things such as staking, gaming and much more with our default token CATCOIN.
We do not storage any user data/contract data on a private server we only read/write directly from the contracts/user-wallet, this makes the platform an automated market marker and being decentralized. We want as many possible users to join the Metaverse by just connecting their wallet and use as many ERC721 tokens as possible.
If you are cloning the project then run this first, otherwise you can download the source code on the release page and skip this step.
Make sure you have node.js installed so you can use npm, then run:
git clone https://github.com/decenworld/8BitCats-Website.git
cd 8BitCats-Website/
npm run start
git clone https://github.com/decenworld/8BitCats-Website.git
cd 8BitCats-Website/
npm install
npm run start