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VECRO stands for a verifiable elliptic curve random oracle.

VECRO allows to produce unique, collision resistant and fully pseudorandom numbers based on client's data. These numbers can be easily verified as regular EdDSA signatures.


EdDSA signature consists of R and S values, where R represents a nonce and S represents a signature, the R, S pair proofs that a message is signed by a private key. This can be verified by a corresponding public key at any time.

EdDSA has a problem when used as a source for a random oracle, because it can generate an infinite number of valid signatures for one message, so an oracle on this method can easily manipulate a final result. R value must be unique every time and even if R is fixed and based on a message input, there is no garantees that the oracle does not manipulate the value of R, otherwise, his private key is compromised.

VECRO defines a mechanism in which R value fixates before a signature generation, so for one message and fixed R there is only one S value, which can then be used as verifiable random number, because there is no room for manipulations.


VECRO provides his public key and getR(), getRS() functions for clients.

getR() function:

  • gets rseed value from a client;
  • calculates R value based on rseed;
  • publishes R for the client.

getRS() function:

  • gets a message and rseed from a client;
  • calculates a signature as R, S pair based on the message and rseed;
  • publishes R, S for the client.

When a client wants a new random number, he:

  • chooses a VECRO he wants to work with;
  • gets the VECRO's public key;
  • generates unique rseed;
  • calls getR( rseed ) on the VECRO;
  • gets R value from the VECRO;
  • generates a message;
  • calls getRS( message, rseed ) on the VECRO;
  • gets R, S pair from the VECRO;
  • verifies R matches R from R, S;
  • stops if not;
  • verifies R, S is a signature of the message by the VECRO's public key;
  • stops if not;
  • uses S as a verified random value.

And there are a few important things here.

For a VECRO:

  • R must be unique;
  • R must be used only once.

For a client:

  • VECRO must be chosen prior a message generation;
  • rseed must be chosen prior a message generation;
  • R that corresponds rseed must appear prior a message generation.

This is done to ensure that when the message is ready, no one can manipulate S as the final result.

Cryptographic library implementation details

VECRO needs a few additional cryptographic library functions:

  • to produce R value based on rseed and the VECRO's private key;
  • to produce R, S pair based on a message, the VECRO's private key and rseed;
  • R values in both calls must be equal if rseed is equal;
  • R, S must be a message signature which is verifiable by VECRO's public key.

Beware of direct rseed usage, rseed which goes to R generation must include all available static identificators, such as addresses, keys and other fixed parameters.

Reference implementation @ deemru / curve25519-php:

Blockchain implementation details

VECRO is designed to function on blockchains which have smart contracts which allow:

  • to publish VECRO's public key once and for all;
  • to publish R value identified by client's rseed, public key and transaction id;
  • to overwrite R value by R, S pair only if there is a transaction with the same client's public key, with the same rseed, with a message for which R, S is a signature verified by VECRO's public key.


Verifiable Elliptic Curve Random Oracle








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