Without a doubt a portfolio website is a unique way to showcase your work and let others know about yourself. It’s like an evergreen platform for your projects, case studies, and information about you. However, Why why did i choose Next.js? Because it is a React framework with Server-Side Rendering, which is good for SEO (Good for us if we get found on Google, right?).
Also, Next.js helps us build a full back-end & blazing-fast websites along with benefits such as Image optimization.
Why tailwindcss? Because TailwindCSS is a framework which reduces a lot of styling efforts. It has low level CSS classes that you can directly embed into the HTML code.
Since I integrated some of my project into my website i'll i mention most of technologies & libraries that i used.
- Next.js
- TypeScript
- Tailwind CSS
Clone the repo CLI
git clone https://github.com/deepthings77/personal-portfolio
Install and use the correct version of Node or use npm
npm install yarn
Install dependencies
Start the development server
yarn dev
Special Thanks to Abdellatif Anaflous @hktitof for letting me use this repo..