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A containerized WARP client with gost proxy. (ubuntu:22.04 + warp-svc + gost) for use Zero Trust and private network inside container project and k8s.


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A containerized WARP client with gost proxy. (ubuntu:22.04 + warp-svc + gost) for use Zero Trust and private network inside container project and k8s.

Working with free or warp+ and zero Trust network.


Only start warp use proxy mode at 41080 in the contrainer (for rootless, no iptables, no systemctl, no networkManager, no dbus service)

Use gost to open socks5:1080 http:1081 https:1082 and all forward-chain to warp-svc at 41080.

It can running with docker or podman or k8s on linux platform.

You can use PORXY_AUTH to set a proxy's authentication if need.

Environment Variables

  • WARP_ORG_ID - WARP MDM organization ID. (E.g. deepwn)
  • WARP_AUTH_CLIENT_ID - WARP MDM client ID. (E.g. [a-z0-9]{32} with subfix .access)
  • WARP_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET - WARP MDM client secret. (E.g. [a-z0-9]{64})
  • WARP_UNIQUE_CLIENT_ID - WARP MDM unique client ID.
  • WARP_LICENSE - WARP MDM license key.
  • WARP_LISTEN_PORT - warp-svc listen port. (default: 41080)
  • WARP_LISTEN_ADDR - warp-svc listen address. (service not support yet, hardcode to localhost)
  • SOCK_PORT - local socks5 listen port. (default: 1080)
  • HTTP_PORT - local http listen port. (default: 1081)
  • HTTPS_PORT - local https listen port. (default: 1082)
  • PROXY_AUTH - local proxy's authentication. (default None, E.g. user:password)

Registration auto switch

  • free mode is default if no ID or LICENSE be set. it will register new account (free network)

  • mdm mode auto be using when WARP_ORG_ID WARP_AUTH_CLIENT_ID WARP_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET set. (zero Trust network)

  • warp+ mode auto be using when WARP_LICENSE set. (warp+ network)

For some reason, highly recommend you use mdm mode with WARP_ORG_ID WARP_AUTH_CLIENT_ID WARP_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET set.

And do set a policy of proxy from cloudflare Zero Trust dashboard, or use warp+ mode with WARP_LICENSE set.

if you need add other organization in mdm mode, or write more custom settings, you can modify this example file add a <dict> part.

cloudflare MDM document here. cloudflare MDM parameters document here.

but for not break the flow. plase do NOT change this part:

  # don't modify this part
    <false />
  # add your custom part down here

Setting MDM in dashboard

  1. go cloudflare Zero Trust dashboard.
  2. create your org team in words range: [a-zA-Z0-9-] and remember your ORGANIZATION (set org name to ./secrets).
  3. create a Access -> Service Authentication -> Service Token and get AUTH_CLIENT_ID and AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET from dashboard. (set to ./secrets)
  4. goto Settings -> Warp Client -> Device settings and add a new policy (E.g.: named "mdmPolicy").
  5. into the policy config page, add a rule to let email - is - non_identity@[your_org_name] in expression. (Or filter by device uuid)
  6. go down and find Service mode to set proxy mode and port 41080. why must set proxy mode in policy?
  7. modify other settings if your want.
  8. then save it.

Run with

docker pull

then follow the Environment Variables to run it.

docker run -d --name warpod --hostname warpod --network warpod \
  -p 1080-1082:1080-1082 \

to testing to set WARP_ORG_ID WARP_AUTH_CLIENT_ID WARP_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET in your environment.

but you'd better use docker secret create to set it in production.

Build image locally

script: required curl wget jq commands, and container runtime docker or podman.

full auto build image with docker or podman just need you run:

./ -q (quite mode, only build image)

or you can download gost.tar.gz from other source at first. but carefully, you need choose the right linux_amd64 platform for Dockerfile's base image ubuntu:22.04

and you can use -h to see more help. and you can use -r to run container after build.

./ -h
Usage: ./ [options]
  -h, --help      Print this help message
  -c, --command   Set container runtime command (default: auto select from docker or podman)
  -t, --tag       Set image tag for warp image (default: warpod:latest)
  -g, --gost      Download gost binary from specified url (default: from github)
  -r, --run       Run warpod container after build. it will force renew network and container (default: false)
  -q, --quiet     Quiet mode (only build image, no input required, and force skip -r option)

  (If need run after build. you can add more options)
  -n, --hostname  Set hostname and container name (it will register to Zero Trust's Device ID)
  -p, --ports     Set ports expose (e.g.: -p 1080-1082:1080-1082, to expose to host server)
  -e, --envs      Set ENV for container (e.g.: -e WARP_LISTEN_PORT=41080 SOME_ENV=VALUE ...)

Example (run after build):
  ./ -t beta-1 -c podman -r -n warpod-beta -p 2080-2082:1080-1082 -e WARP_LISTEN_PORT=21080 --secret WARP_LICENSE=LICENSE

Example and tips

test run with podman on rockylinux 8.9:

# build a test image
./ -q >/dev/null 2>&1

# Or download from
# podman pull

# check image
podman image ls 
REPOSITORY                       TAG         IMAGE ID      CREATED       SIZE
localhost/warpod                 latest      91f2fb3774ab  1 second ago  642 MB

# use env just for test, you can set it in ./secrets
export WARP_ORG_ID=deepwn
export WARP_AUTH_CLIENT_ID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.access
export WARP_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

podman run -d --name warpod --hostname warpod --network warpod \
  -p 1080-1082:1080-1082 \
# test in container for warp
podman exec -it warpod curl -x socks5://

# test out container for gost
curl -x socks5://

and you can see the output like this:

[+] Starting dbus...
[+] Bypassing warp's TOS...
[+] Starting warp-svc...
[+] Registering mdm save to: /var/lib/cloudflare-warp/mdm.xml
[+] you should set policy from Zero Trust dashboard.
[!] Careful: New service modes such as Proxy only are not supported as a value and must be configured in Zero Trust.
[+] Set warp mode to proxy ... Success
[+] Set proxy listen to 41080 ... Success
[+] Turn ON warp ... Success
[+] Waiting for warp to connect...
[+] warp connected!
gost config generated: /var/lib/cloudflare-warp/gost.yaml
[+] All services started!
warp-svc config: /var/lib/cloudflare-warp/conf.json
gost config: /var/lib/cloudflare-warp/gost.yaml
[+] warp status: Status update: Connected

[+] You can check it with warp local proxy in container:
    Or use gost proxy at 1080, 1081, 1082 with auth if set
      curl -x socks5:// (inside container)
      curl -x http://<auth:pass>@<container_ip>:<gost_port> (outside container)


you can use ADD sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list from Dockerfile if you need a apt source mirror by *

and you can download another version of gost.tar.gz by yourself, and put it in the same directory with Dockerfile.

At last, you can modify the to add more gost listen port or args. for example, add a local dns server or local network proxy.




A containerized WARP client with gost proxy. (ubuntu:22.04 + warp-svc + gost) for use Zero Trust and private network inside container project and k8s.






