I am enthralled by helping people solve problems, whether that may be through consulting with restaurants helping to create veganized dishes, building web and mobile applications for local small businesses, and helping pet owners provide the best possible care for their fur babies.
- 🌴 Residing in Long Beach, California
- 🔭 Working on not being so hard on myself.
- 🌱 Continuously learning and improving my skills in Javascript, Python, VueJS, React & MongoDB.
- 👯 Open to work and collaborate on fun and silly projects.
- 💬 Building a web and mobile application for my Vegan Consultancy business.
- 📫 How to reach me: Twitter - @deesclouds
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him | They/Them
- ⚡ Fun fact: I love house music especially while coding. I also carried a mattress across town when I was a bike messenger in NYC.