This package can initiate, build, watch and run a static React project.
Please use Node V13.13 or higher
Go to the directory where you want to set up the project and run
npx alegrify-static-site init
When everything is set up, you can use these npm scripts:
script | purpose |
build | Build the static website |
watch | Watch for changes and build |
dev | Watch and open in browser |
Isomorphic components. Write your components inside components/src
and import them using components/lib
Each .js file created inside the pages folder (direct children under src) will be generated into a HTML file on your server root.
Each .less,.scss,.css file inside the pages folder (direct children under src) will generate a CSS bundle on your server root. Less will be compiled with lessc, Scss with sass (no autoprefixer yet) and css with PostCSS.