- Users can play at least 2 Exercises to practice words
- App easily available to the public on android, iOS, and web platforms (defer to MVP 2)
- Users can search for words
- Users can hear pronunciations for all words
- Word Count increased from approximately 35 to 100
- Admin panel on web application accessible through secure login
- Permission controls to limit what admin panel users can edit
- Admins can add or edit words in the application
- Admins can record pronunciations in the app
- Admins can add photographs in the app
- the audio files are inconsistent in terms of volume and clarity.
- grammar lessons
- https://paddle.com/blog/why-we-created-an-email-system-using-react/
- Export data as .csv file
- Refactor media queries into theme queries
- Add custom image url to edit/new word
- Consolidate batch-upload & word-upload APIs...should presuume an Array of length > 0
- handle multiple images and multiple recordings and multiple translations and multiple etc
- Sanitize data so that strings don't begin or end with ' '
- Get permission before recording
- Recording symbol is permanent
- add 30 more words (currently 112)
- Reintroduce way to see that data easily on admin panel
The /app/src
folder follows the Folder/File structure used in Sara Vieira's THE OPINIONATED GUIDE TO REACT
├── src
| ├── index.js
| ├── Components/
| ├──── Button/
| ├────── index.js
| ├── Pages/
| ├──── Homepage/
| ├──── Screens/
| ├────── Hero/
| ├────── index.js
| ├──── index.js
| ├── index.js
| ├── utils/
| ├──── hooks/
| ├────── useLocalStorage.js
| ├──── date.js
| ├── assets/
| ├──── icons/
| └──── images/
Every high-level Component or Page gets its own folder with an expressive name and inside that folder there will be in index.js
file which is the only way that exterior files should be accessing the contents of the folder. Other contents of the folder are flexible.
| ├──── Login/
| ├────── index.js
| ├────── Buttons/
| |--------index.js
| |--------RegisterButton.js
React understands these three import statements the same way, assuming the above file structure:
import Login from './Login/index.js'
import Login from './Login/index'
import Login from './Login
Although the app currently uses Material-ui design system/components for quick prototyping, which comes with its own 'styled' functionality, components should be styled using the styled-components pacakge. The syntax is much more intuitive for CSS users than re-learning CSS properties as JS Object properties (which is what Material UI requires). Examples:
// use . syntax for any native HTML elements
const RedCircle = styled.div`
background-color: red;
border-radius: 100%;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
// Declare styled component outside the body of the react component
const ColorfulComponent = () => {
// Declare styled components just like you would any other react component
return <RedCircle />
styled-components also make it easy to extend styles. For example (continuing earlier example):
// Use ( ) syntax for any non-native html components, such as custom made components and Material UI components
const BlueCircle = styled(RedCircle)`
background-color: #0000ff;
const ColorfulComponents = () => {
return (
<RedCircle />
<BlueCircle />
styled-components have a lot of other features including SASS style nesting & changing style properties based on props passed to the component. check it out at: (https://styled-components.com/docs/basics#adapting-based-on-props)
git clone https://github.com/delesslin/language-project.git
git pull origin master
git pull origin master
(To merge any changes to Master branch before adding your updates to ensure no conflicts)
git push origin master