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  • Docker
  • Conda
  • Local flink client
  1. First create the conda environment with:
conda env create -f environment.yml
  1. Activate the environment with:
conda activate cascade_env
  1. Start the Kafka and Pyflink local clusters
docker compose up

This will launch:

By default the flink cluster will run with 16 task slots. This can be changed setting the TASK_SLOTS enviroment variable, for example:

TASK_SLOTS=32 docker compose up

You could also scale up the number of taskmanagers, each with the same defined number of task slots (untested):

docker compose up --scale taskmanager=3

Once everything has started (for example, you can see the web UIs running), you can upload the benchmark job to the cluster. Note that the Kafka topics must be emptied first, otherwise the job will immediately start consuming old events. You can use the Kafbat UI for this, for example by deleting topics or purging messages. To start the job, first navigate to the cascade repo directory e.g. cd /path/to/cascade. Then run the following command, where X is the default parallelism desired:

flink run --pyFiles /path/to/cascade/src,/path/to/cascade --pyModule deathstar_movie_review.demo -p X

This command runs FlinkRuntime.init, which requires the location of a flink-python jarfile. The location is currently hardcoded in src/cascade/runtime/flink_runtime and should be changed based on your environment. The jar file is included as part of the flink installation itself, at (1.20.1).

Once the job is submitted, you can start the benchmark. Open another terminal in the same directory (and conda environment) and run:

python -m deathstar_movie_review.start_benchmark

This will start the benchmark by sending events to Kafka. The first phase will initialise the state required for the benchmark, and is not measured. The second phase starts the actual becnhmark.


Currently trying to scale up higher than -p 16, however I ran into the following issue on -p 64 with TASK_SLOTS=128, more configuration might be required?

Caused by: Insufficient number of network buffers: required 65, but only 38 available. The total number of network buffers is currently set to 4096 of 32768 bytes each. You can increase this number by setting the configuration keys '', '', and ''.


Cascade should work with Python 3.10 / 3.11 although other versions could work. Dependencies should first be installed with:

pip install -r requirements.txt

(old) Testing

The pip install command should have installed a suitable version of pytest.

pytest --version

Depending on your python install you may have to run python -m pytest instead.

Unit Tests

For unit tests, you can run the following command:


Integration Tests

Integration tests require the Kafka service to be running. You can launch it with:

docker compose up -d

This will launch:

Before running integration tests, it's best to purge all existing messages. This can be done in the Kafbat UI (under the Topics tab) or by fully restarting the container:

docker compose down
docker compose up -d

You should then be able to run integration tests with the following command:

pytest -m integration

To view with debug logs:

pytest -m integration -s --log-level=DEBUG


Documentation can be generated using pdoc:

pdoc --mermaid src/cascade


Imperative Code to Stateful Dataflows






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