A dynamic grpc client does not rely on the generated code, the input and output are all in JSON format, and the proto file is modified dynamically
- Do not rely on the generated code.
- Support dynamic registration and modification of clients.
- Support grpc client simple connection pool.
String name = "xxx-grpc";
File file = new File(Example.class.getClass().getResource("/example.proto").getPath());
String protoFileContent = Resources.toString(file.toURI().toURL(), Charsets.UTF_8);
// # address examples
// #
// # dns:/example.com
String address = "";
int connections = 5;
// registerClient
GrpcClientConfig clientCfg = GrpcClientConfig.custom().name(name).protoFileContent(protoFileContent).address(address).connections(connections).build();
String api = "ExampleServer/info";
String paramsJson = "{\"name\":\"abc\",\"title\":\"abcd\"}";
int timeout = 5000;
DynamicGrpcClients client = DynamicGrpcClients.custom().name(name).api(api).paramsJson(paramsJson).timeout(timeout).build();
GrpcResponse response = client.execute();