This script can be used to crack WEP.
- You need Python 3 or greater.
- You need Aircrack-ng (
- You also need a good WIFI adapter. That is: an adapter that supports packet injection (
- You need to install the Python package "csvsimple" (
Note that you can adapt the script in order to use another graphical environment (other than "Lxde"). Just edit the file "bin/", and change the function "launchTerminal(...)". You should adapt the following line:
command = ['lxterminal', '--working-directory=%s' % WORKING_DIR, '-e', " ".join(in_command)]
- Move into the directory "bin".
- Edit the file "". You must set some variables.
- WI: The name of your WIFI interface (ex: wlan1).
- WI_REAL_MAC: The *real* MAC of your WIFI interface.
- WORKING_DIR: Path to the directory used to save working files.
- AIRODUMP_PREFIX: Prefix to used with "airodump-ng". You can leave "out".
- DUMP_DURATION: Duration (in seconds) for the initial scan.
- "Source" the file "ENV.SH" (. ENV.SH).
- Move into the directory "bin".
- Run "python".