Clicker is a simple extension just for fun 😉. You can increase the number of your cookies (in a web game, not cheating), test security of certain sites or something else.
- Select one or two elements for clicker work
- Specify total time and clicks per second
- Look at the dynamic stopwatch and click counter
Clicker uses a number of famous projects to work properly:
- HTML, CSS, JS - basics of web
- SASS - preprocessor in SCSS syntax
- VS Code - awesome code editor
- ReactJS, JSX - best of the best
- NodeJS - great packeges
- Figma - fascinating design
Select click mode: one or two elements. Press Confirm and click to elements on your page (only needed).
Input nedded total time (in ms: 10000ms = 10s) and clicks per second (in clc/s: 12clc/s = 12 clicks per second). Click "Start"!
Happy code to you! 💛